YouPorn, launch weekly pornographic video playlists customized for each user in machine learning | BRIDGE (bridging) technology and startup information

The adult portal "YouPorn" introduces the Spotify method into the weekly playlist. In this playlist, the "industry-leading machine learning system" is used to present recommended videos to users.

YouPorn is not only one of the most visited porn sites in the world, but also ranked 203rd in both Alexa and 203rd Alexa rankings, making it one of the most visited websites in the whole site. It is reported that the video is played more than 1 billion times a month.

Discover Weekly is a popular playlist for Spotify users based on big data and Deep Learning, while YouPorn promotes a new custom video collection for each user.

For your exclusive use.

The new YouPorn video collection called "For Your Weekly" is for logged-in users only. It is reported that the collection is customized according to each user's behavior and other preferences.

YouPorn is not the only adult entertainment company to sell in the field of artificial intelligence (AI).

YouPorn、機械学習で毎週ユーザごとにカスタマイズされるポルノビデオ再生リストをスタート | BRIDGE(ブリッジ)テクノロジー&スタートアップ情報

Last year, Pornhub said it made full use of computer-based image recognition systems to identify porn actresses and automate the tagging of content.

YouPorn also began to use AI to predict upcoming porn actresses and get their names.

Said Charlie Hughes, vice president of YouPorn.

As a company leading the way in the adult entertainment industry, I hope to provide customized recommended videos for every user every week. This saves users time and improves the experience.

YouPorn, a Los Angeles-based company called MindGeek, which has a wide range of Pornhub Network, will also start providing customer playlists produced by industry-renowned figures such as gender-related activists and adult digital artists. Starting today, some updates, such as tagging of new categories and videos, as well as filters to improve "the efficiency and overall accuracy of user search," can also be used, according to the announcement.

[via VentureBeat] @ VentureBeat


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