You can drink the water in the river!Bottle -type water purifier, GRAYL "UL. Water Purifier Bottle" [Outdoor Inscription Picture Book]

You should buy water ...But water is heavy.It would be nice if the campsite was well -equipped, but it is quite difficult to carry water on trekking, fishing, and canoeing.Fortunately, there are many swamps in Japan, but it is dangerous to drink water.Even if it looks beautiful, it is highly possible that deer, wild boar, fox, fox, and gum, and algae are likely to be lost, and if you drink it as it is, there is a risk of infectious diseases.

To avoid the danger of infectious diseases, you can boil water, but taking out the burner and cooker is troublesome, and it takes time to cool the remaining water in a bottle.So you can rely on a small water purifier that you can carry.You can drink the cold river water cold because you only need to pass through the filter.

Water purifiers have a variety of methods.Water is filtered in various ways, such as pumps, straws, squeezing, and hanging type, and filtered.

Pump type and hanging type can filter a lot of water, but they are bulky, and the straw type boasts lightness, but the amount that can be filtered at once is small.The squeezing type can be light, but those with weak power are a little difficult.


The GRAYL "UL. Water Purifier Bottle" on the right side (6980 yen / excluding tax) is equipped with a breakthrough system that allows you to filter just by pushing in the inner -clad, so you can carry the filtered clear water and carry it as it is.increase.

The weight is 309g.It is a unique system that does not need to prepare a different bottle, and some people use not only domestic hikers, but also outdoor brand field testers.

Grayl was an American company in 2012 by Nancy and Travis, who have traveled around the world, and announced the UL.The idea of reducing the simple system and disposable bottles was uke, and in early March of the same year, the success of $ 250,000 (= about 26.8 million yen) from travelers and adventurers around the world.Since we were able to achieve our goals in a short period of just 36 days, we can see how easy the water purification system was waiting for.

In Japan, Montbell has been a hot topic since 2017.Of course, products purchased in Japan have a Japanese manual.It seems unnecessary because it is a water purifier that can be handled intuitively, but it is safe to be able to check the detailed precautionary statement in Japanese because it is a thing to say.

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