Invented after the Great East Japan Earthquake "Aquavarial", a radiation protection wall

Hiroshi Michiwaki, President and Inventor of Nejirou Co., Ltd., will appear on Nippon Broadcasting System "Asa Navi" (broadcast on November 4), where Hitomi Kuroki serves as a personality. He talked about the invention he came up with after the earthquake.


"Asa Navi" where Hitomi Kuroki asks "professionals" of various genres about the vitality of the morning. The guest from November 1st (Monday) to November 5th (Friday) will be Hiroshi Michiwaki, President and Inventor of Nejirou Co., Ltd. On the 4th day, about the "water wall that blocks radiation" that protects children-Kuroki) You came with Nejirou, who solves problems with inventions, but you also invented a soundproof wall that eliminates the noise of highways. Michiwaki) I invented a device that mutes the sound on the ceiling of the highway so that the noise running underneath does not reverberate, and I actually used it at the Metropolitan Expressway. I have you. Kuroki) It seems that there is also a water wall that blocks 90% of radiation. What is this? Michiwaki) Immediately after 3.11, I invented dozens of different inventions a week. I expected it to happen. By thinking about countermeasures in the short-term and long-term parts first, I first thought "let's make the radiation visible." The idea of ​​radiation protection. Since it cannot be seen and prevented and left as it is, various decontamination methodologies are invented, and finally, a final disposal method for the removed ones is invented. Broadly speaking, I made four types of inventions at that time. One of them, prevention, is a radiation protection wall, which is called "Aquavarial".

東日本大震災後に発明 放射線防護壁の「アクアバリアール」

Hiroshi Michiwaki / President and CEO of Nejirou Co., Ltd.

Kuroki) What is "Aqua Varial" like? Michiwaki) A transparent container that is a little taller than your height, and can hold water in it. It will fall down by itself, so it can be easily installed as a single wall by piercing and connecting iron pipes called single pipes, which are often used at construction sites. Kuroki) Connect and go. Michiwaki) I was thinking about making it transparent, and at that time I simply wanted to protect the children. I thought it would be good to divide the kindergarten and school roads into areas that are derailed by the walls and areas that are not, but if it is an iron wall or a concrete wall, it is like a prison. The sun is blocked. Kuroki) That's right. Michiwaki) From there, if you cover it with a high invisible wall, you won't be able to see it even if a motorcycle or car passes beyond the gate. If you do so, you will not be able to see it from both sides, so it is easy to get into an accident. Therefore, it is necessary to make it transparent. With water, we can block alpha rays, beta rays, gamma rays, X-rays, neutron rays, and all kinds of radiation, so we decided to create a wall based on water. Kuroki) Is that also in practical use now? Michiwaki) Unfortunately, this has not been put into practical use. We made a prototype, and with the cooperation of a certain company, we went through performance verification, and it turned out that performance would come out, but it stopped there. Kuroki) Someone may want to do that in the future.

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Last updated: Nippon Broadcasting System