What is the most common accident risk of "toylization of furniture"? A stacked stroller... "create an environment where you can look away."

There are also many accidents caused by children climbing onto the sofa = "the photo is the impression of Getty Images."

 「家具の遊具化」事故リスク、一番多かったのは? たたんだベビーカーまで……「目を離せる環境作りを」

Coronal calamity, time at home is easy to increase. When children are bored playing at home, there is actually a hidden danger. It's "toylization of furniture". What kind of furniture is prone to accidents? I asked to pay attention to the main points of unexpected "dangerous furniture". (withnews editorial Department = Hashimoto Canai) [illustration] Baby door, is it installed correctly? The fear of falling down the stairs

The definition of "toylization of furniture"

In a word, what does "toyanization of furniture" mean? Mr. Nishida, a professor at Tokyo Institute of Technology who is familiar with the safety of rides, has become a coronal disaster, focusing on the dangers of furniture climbing and playing like rides as children spend more time indoors. Climbing furniture and other different methods of use, there will be falling caused by fractures and falls and other risks. Therefore, in order to determine what kind of furniture is easy to be "toyed", Nishida investigated the type and age of furniture according to the type and age of the accident based on the data of Tokyo Fire Department. The analysis was based on 121 climbing-related accidents at the age of 9 in the five years since 2016. We know that as you get older, your athletic ability will improve, your range of action will expand, and the types of furniture you can climb will increase. In any era, there are a lot of "chairs" and "sofas" that are easy to stand, accounting for about 1/3 of the total. On the other hand, there are examples of boarding furniture that adults can't imagine.

The storage place for the 1-year-old stroller, is everything all right?

Although it is not furniture, I am afraid it will climb onto the baby card that is stored indoors. Among the 40 cases between the ages of 0 and 1, 9 were on the sofa and 8 on the chair, followed by 5 with the most accidents. Cases of climbing up strollers and falling in hallways and corridors were reported. "the stroller has tires and is unstable," Nishida said. "when climbing up, the risk of slipping is very high. The height of the fall is also about 1 meter. If the floor is hard where it is placed, it will be more dangerous when you hit your head. " For the storage of strollers, it is necessary to choose places that are difficult for children to climb and not hard floors. [01-year-old climbing furniture (40 pieces)] sofa chair, baby lathe, table, mattress, stove cabinet, cardboard box, TV station, schoolbag fence, bookshelf, kennel

次ページは:2~3歳 安全柵、正しく付けないと危険

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