5G standard corresponds to more than 20 hours of action. Possible use of modern computers. Got it.

Hewlett-Packard's "HP Elite Folio" is a 13.5 2in1 notebook computer with Qualcomm Snapdragon8cx Gen2 5G Platform as the core of the system.


 Hewlett-Packard's HP Elite Folio is a 2in1 laptop with a 13.5 screen. Needless to say, the high-quality appearance of leather lining is also interesting that the core of the system is equipped with Arm-based SoC (Qualcomm Snapdragon8cx Gen2 5G Platform) that performs well on smartphones. Two models with different specifications have been launched, and this time we have got a basic model (3E5U0PA) evaluation machine with 8 GB memory and 256 GB storage. Let's review it. [photo] the attached activity pen can also be used for tablets.

Pose like high-end stationery like PC

 The body design of this product is also very individual. With a slim shape about 16.1 mm thick, the packaging is integrated with the coverage of Wigan leather (materials derived from animals that do not use the fiber structure of artificial leather). Wigan leather, specifically PVC, has both the hardness that can protect the body and the subtle softness that adapts to the hands, and has a high-grade sense of appearance. The body's rigid and sexy, hinges and other movable parts also have a high sense of stability, with a premium texture. The specific body size is about 298.6 (wide) × 229.6 (deep) × 16.1mm (thickness), and the weight is about 1.33kg. If you think that the inner shell is unnecessary, you can actually feel thinner than the number. In order to achieve such a free design, the use of Arm-based SoC (System On Chip), to a large extent, do not pay too much attention to heat dissipation.

Equipped with liquid crystal display with aspect ratio of 3:2

 液晶ディスプレイはアスペクト比3:2の13.5型で、画面解像度は1920×1280ピクセルに対応する。一般的な16:9のアスペクト比/1920×1080ピクセルの解像度よりも縦に多くの情報を表示できるため、一覧性がよく、スクロールの手間が省け、作業効率向上に貢献する。 視野角の広いIPS方式のパネルを採用しており、輝度も400ニトと明るい。表面は光沢仕上げゆえ発色が鮮やかな一方、照明などは画面に映り込みやすい。 液晶ディスプレイの上部にはWebカメラと、顔認証対応IRカメラを内蔵している。Web会議やオンライン授業/講義も追加機器なしでこなせる。Bang & Olufsenとのコラボレーションによる4基のスピーカーも備える。スピーカーの位置は、キーボード左右部分と左右側面にある。 キーボードは、アイソレーションタイプの6段配列だ。キーピッチは約18.4mmあり、クセの少ない素直な配列だ。キーストロークは約1.3mmと若干浅めなもののスイッチの感触は良好で、静音かつ防滴設計なのもありがたい。 続いて、ユニークなヒンジ機構を見ていこう。

次ページは:デュアルヒンジでスタイル可変 タスクに合わせて使える3モードを用意

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