Ask the coaching god, what are the excellent management conditions (page 1/3)?

Marshall Goldsmith, a leading executive coaching, has more than 80 CEOs from General Electric (GE), former Jackwelch, and Ford Motor's president Alan Mullery.Known for coaching.

In his book, "The Law of the People of Coaching, the" Law of Can "(Nihon Keizai Shimbun Publisher), the work of executive coaching," Make them smarter or make them more rich. For example.The help of those who work together, such as not acknowledging others, are to help them find and remove their personal habits. "In other words, it is the basic operation of coaching to give a little hint instead of trying to change people dramatically.

For Gold Smith, who is in contact with many executives through coaching, where is the difference between an excellent manager and a business owner who is not?He talked to the "God of Coaching".


――Why did you start to work on coaching?

コーチングの神様に聞く、優れた経営者の条件とは(1/3 ページ)

The first encounter with Dr. Paul Hercy, an expert in Gold Smith Executive Education, began.I am at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) in the field of organizational behavior.D.When I got (doctor) and then taught at a university, I was engaged in him and learned a lot.One day at the age of 28, Dr. Hersie doubled his coaching job and asked for help over the phone, "Can you do my job?"

I was not confident, but I immediately answered that I would pay $ 1,000 per day as a reward (laughs).At that time, my salary was $ 15,000 a year.

What I was involved in was eight weeks for a company.The target was the top management layers, and I was resentful that some young people like me came out.However, when I started, it was a great success.Later, the company contacted Dr. Hercy, "Please dispatch Marshall again to our company."There was a doctor's recommendation, and then I started to work on coaching.

――Are there a turning point in the coaching career?

A few years ago, I coached one manager a few years ago.He has achieved the greatest results in a short period of time compared to other managers who have coached.This was a breakthrough event for me.

When asked by the manager, "What should I learn through coaching work?" He said, "I should always keep in mind that coaching is mainly for customers. Therefore, for the coaching business.The biggest challenge in engaging is to choose a customer. "If you choose the right customer, the coaching process will inevitably work and your business will always succeed.

"There is no difference between my job, which is a leader who leads 50,000 people, and Marshall's jobs. If you have an appropriate employee, my business will inevitably succeed. If your employees are inappropriate.He emphasizes that members are not successful. "
