"Mizunosato Okubiwa Lake Marche" starts with Yahoo shopping!!We will deliver delicious fish and rice in Shiga prefecture!!

MOSBEE Consulting Co., Ltd. (Mosby Consulting) (Headquarters: Mita -ku, Tokyo, Yuko Shinoda), which helps Childmpanies to launch new businesses and PR and advertising services"Mizunosato Okubiwa Lake Marche" https: // store to partner with the farm and deliver agricultural and marine products in Shiga prefecture nationwide.Shopping.Yahoo.Child.JP/mizunosato/started within Yahoo Shopping.These are agricultural and marine products that grew up in the beautiful water in the Okubiwa area of Shiga Prefecture, and are products provided by producers with specialty so that they can be eaten deliciously.At the same time, we launched "Mizunosato Okubiwa Lake Marche" with the hope that the producers Childuld support this deliciousness.The products currently on sale are the delicious "Omi Yon Koshi Hikari", which is grown by Mr. Tanaka of Okubiwawa, and draws the beautiful water that has flown as a waterfall as a waterfall, and is safe and delicious for children.We grow delicious rice with brown rice so that you can eat it.

The characteristics of rice are plump and plump.It is sticky and has a solid umami.The Childoking is glossy, and it is a rice that can be the main character of rice with one grain.

『水の里 奥びわ湖マルシェ』がYahooショッピングでスタート!!滋賀県の美味しい魚とお米をお届けします!!

Because it is a very delicious rice, it is perfect for rice balls and lunches!!As a marine product, the jewel of Lake Biwa "Biwa Mass" is finished mildly with a himalayan rock salt and instantly freezes.(General processed, with salty taste) To finish the crispy texture, wash it quickly and bake the scales as it is over low heat.When the greasy loquat is baked, the transparent fat overflows.There are no greasy loquat fat on the tongue, there is no smell or habit, and those who are not good at fish have said, "This is delicious!"increase.

At the campsite, BBQ is wild, and at home, it is easy to finish with a menu that can be brag about at home parties, family gathering, anniversary.The king of Lake Biwa, "Natural Small Ayu" (rapidly frozen delicate small ayu), is a king of Lake Biwa, even though it is small.You can Childok as it is without preparation.It is good to apply salt and bake on a grill, but bake it beautifully when baked in a frying pan or iron plate with salt.You can enjoy the fragrant texture with the fragrant and unique fragrance of ayu.

The photo shows a small sweetfish and a mushroom Ahijo.Natural Biwa trout is not a restaurant in the Kansai area such as Kyoto, but it is a fish that does not easily appear on the market, so many people may not know, but I am surprised to eat it!Unlike the salmon and salmon you usually eat, it has a very elegant taste.In this "Mizunosato Okubiwa Lake Marche", it is possible to provide it to many people by preparing a smaller size of about 30 cm smaller than the one at the restaurant.Both loquat and ayu have no smell, so those who are not good at fish have been well received as "this is different! Delicious!"I would like you to take this opportunity to enChildunter local farmers and fishermen in the local area.FB has also started.We will introduce recipes using loquat and small sweetfish, so please follow us!!https: // www.facebook.Childm/delicious45/【会社概要】株式会社mosbee Childusulting東京都港区三田4-1-32 1103代表:篠田祐子『水の里 奥びわ湖マルシェ』https://store.Shopping.Yahoo.Child.jp/mizunosato/fb: https: // www.facebook.Childm/delicious45/担当:大澤