[Urgent] Chernobyl nuclear power plant, power cut off and cooling cannot be cooled * Added information on IAEA

Ukraine's state -owned nuclear power generation corporation (Energotic Tom) announced on Wednesday that it was completely blocked by a telegram message that power supply to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and its safety devices had been "completely" for battle.

The Corporation stated that the fuel stored in Chernobyl was "always cooled.""This is possible only if there is electricity. The pump will not cool down."The Buddha paper "Le Monde" reported.

The Corporation warned the risk of "release of radioactive materials to the environment" and stated that "the wind can transfer radioactive clouds to other areas in Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and Europe."Of course, not only in Europe.It is also related to Japan.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reported on Tuesday that a system that remotely monitor the nuclear material of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which caused the worst nuclear disaster in the private sector in 1986, had stopped sending data.In other words, IAEA does not understand the status of nuclear power plants.

The Chernobyl nuclear power plant was reported that after the Russian army occupied, regulatory authorities could only be contacted by email.

[Following] Full text of SOS message from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

Continuing article: Ukraine's Foreign Minister Creva SOS "Preliminary power is 48 hours" IAEA "No serious effects" Chernobyl power loss

* [Postscript] Contents announced yesterday by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) (before today's SOS)

The content requires the change of about 210 technical staff and security guards working at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.They have been working in a bad environment since the nuclear power plant was occupied by the Russian army about two weeks ago (it was reported in France).

Ukrainian authorities have asked IAEA to take international initiative so that they can work in an appropriate environment.

On March 2, a board of directors was held on IAEA for this issue.The regular shifts and rests of the staff are indispensable for the safety of nuclear power.Glossie said that he was prepared to go to Chernobyl and other facilities himself to make sure that it would be safe.

 【緊急】チェルノブイリ原発、電力断たれ冷却ができない事態に ※IAEAの情報を追加

Below is the full text.

Update 15 -Statement of IAEA Secretary -General on Ukraine

March 8, 2022

Austria Wien

Ukraine has been replacing about 210 technical staff and security guards, which has been working since the Russian army has been working on the site about two weeks ago on March 8th.For that, it was becoming increasingly urgent and important, said Rafael Mariano Glossie.

In contrast to the current situation where the Ukrainian nuclear power plant staff is regularly replaced, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which once occurred on April 26, 1986, has the same shift from the day before February 24, when the Russian army entered.Regulatory authorities have said that they are working for 13 days, in which they are working.

Ukrainian regulatory authorities added that the staff had been able to obtain food, water and pharmaceuticals in a limited range.However, the staff's situation was getting worse.Authorities have requested IAEA to lead the international support necessary to create a plan to replace the current staff in order to provide an effective rotation system for the facility.

Secretary Glossie repeatedly emphasizes that it is important for the safety of nuclear power to work on a regular shift while resting while resting.

On March 2, the IAEA Board was held to deal with the safety, security, and safety of the Ukraine situation, but Secretary -General Glossie made decisions without being unreasonable.Explained that it is one of the seven essential pillars of nuclear safety and security.

"I am deeply worried about the difficult and stressful situation facing the staff of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the potential risks for the nuclear power that this is brought.On the other hand, we will urgently ask for the safe rotation of the staff there. "

Regulatory authorities have added that the handling of nuclear material at the Chornobyl nuclear power plant has been suspended for the time being.The site, located in a prohibited area, has decommissioning and radioactive waste treatment facilities.According to regulators, contact with nuclear power is only possible by e -mail.

In order to protect the country's nuclear facilities, the Secretary -General has stated that it is ready to go to Chernobyl and other locations in order to promise the safety and security of all nuclear facilities in Ukraine from the party.

The Secretary -General also pointed out that remote data transmission from a security measure monitoring system installed at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant had been lost.The bureau is investigating the status of the security measure monitoring system installed elsewhere in Ukraine, and will soon provide further information.

Eight of the 15 of the 15 nuclear power plants in the country, including the Zapolija nuclear power plant, which have been dominated by the Russian army last week, have been operating for the regulatory authorities in Ukraine.It announced that the staff of the place is working on a turn.The radiation dose is also normal.

* If details are included, we will send it additionally.As far as I know, Le Monde's news was the fastest, and it was a bit late on the French public broadcasting site.