Sazae, octopus ... If you avoid "dense", you will be clamming in Okinawa where you have increased in poaching.

The 11th District Coast Guard announced on Tuesday that 235 marine crimes sent in 2021 were 235.The highest number of crimes was 39 % of the total of 92 fisheries -related laws and regulations.Under the influence of the new colon virus, the number of people who clam in the sea to avoid closeness has increased, and it is likely that those who do not have the right to fish industry have increased illegal catches such as octopus and octopus.[Video] Half -grained, no permission, such as "all -you -can -eat shops", tens of millions of yen in fisheries, and violations of the Fisheries Law that illegally captizes specific shellfish and octopus by non -fishermen workers, and the general public is underwater.There are violations of prefectural fisheries adjustment rules that take fish using guns.In 2001, 92 cases were the second largest since 1972, when 11 tubes were established.The highest number was 99 in 1976.Fisheries -related laws were on a decline until 2019, but increased to 70 in 20 years and 92 in 21 years.

 サザエ、タコ…「密」を避けたら密漁増えた コロナ禍の沖縄で潮干狩り盛んに 海保まとめ

Crime by crime sent in 2021

The 11th tube pointed out that the number of people who clamped in the sea may have increased in order to avoid the fact that the number of feeding on fisheries -related laws has increased.Many illegal collections were shellfish such as Sazae.Because there is no need for diving skills, even non -fishermen ordinary people can easily collect them.11 Mitsuru Shinya, the director of the criminal section, called out, "I want you to check the creatures that should not be collected online and enjoy the relationship with the sea safely."The breakdown of the number of sending cases is 81 (34 %) of maritime laws (34 %), such as the Fisheries -related laws and regulations, 23 negligence in business such as ship collisions, and oil leakage.It was 23 (10 %) of the Maritime Environmental Law.(Tomoyoro Kaiyo)