Traffic safety / disaster prevention Turn muddy water into drinking water. The portable water purification bottle "LIFE SAVER BOTTLE" adopted by the British Army is now available! Also for securing beverages in the event of a disaster. [Disaster Prevention Industry Exhibition 2019]


TRADEX Co., Ltd. exhibited the portable water purification bottle "LIFESAVER BOTTLE" at the "Disaster Prevention Industry Exhibition 2019" for 3 days from June 5th to 7th.

What is a portable water purifier "LIFE SAVER BOTTLE"?

The structure of "LIFE SAVER BOTTLE". Most of its interior is made of filtration filters.

"LIFE SAVER BOTTLE" is a portable water purifier with a "filtration filter" that turns dirty water into drinking water.

In a general portable water purifier, the size of the filter hole is 100 to 200 nanometers, and a virus smaller than the filter hole (minimum 20 nanometers) has passed through without being filtered (*). However, the filter hole of the bottle is as small as 15 nanometers, so it does not allow viruses to pass through.

Its water purification power is tremendous, and it is said that it can remove 99.99% of bacteria, viruses and microorganisms. It is also equipped with an activated carbon filter, which reduces pesticides, lead, copper, etc., and removes unpleasant tastes and odors from impurities. It is said that it has been adopted by the British Army because of its high performance.

* It is generally said that the smallest bacteria on the earth are 200 nanometers and the smallest virus is 20 nanometers.

Easy to use! Just add water and pump.

The bottle is very easy to use and has the following 3 steps.

You can easily purify the water of the river. When the cap on the spout side is opened, the water purified by the pressure of the pump pops out as shown in the above picture.

① Remove the lid on the bottom of the bottle and add water.

交通安全・防災 泥水を飲み水に変える。英国軍採用の携帯浄水ボトル「LIFESAVER BOTTLE」が登場!災害時の飲料確保にも。【防災産業展2019】

② Close the lid and pump several times.

③ Remove the cap on the spout side and drink.

Drinking water can be secured with just this.

It looks like the hose attached to "LIFE SAVER LIBERTY BOTTLE" is connected. Since it is sucked up using a pump, water can be purified directly from the water source.

In addition, the new "LIFESAVER LIBERTY BOTTLE" of the same bottle can be used to draw water directly from the water source and filter it by using the attached hose.

Fast filtration speed and long filter life

"LIFE SAVER BOTTLE" is also characterized by its fast filtration speed.

Disassembled "LIFE SAVER BOTTLE". From the left, the lid with the pump, the grill, the cap on the spout side, and the filter.

According to TRADEX, "The filtration flow rate of a general portable water purifier is 0.5 to 1.5 liters per minute, but the filtration flow rate of this bottle is as high as 2.0 liters per minute. Furthermore, the life of the filter is long, and up to 4000 liters of water can be used. It can be filtered. " Since this is an ideal usage situation, the amount of water that can be filtered is reduced with muddy water such as muddy water.

By the way, the amount of water supplied by the water truck at the disaster site is 2000-4000 liters. Given that the amount is the same, there is probably no shortage of drinking water.

Rest assured that you will know when to replace it

One of the concerns about water purifiers is when to replace the filter. It is common to set the date of installation with a dial and check it, but with this product, there is no such concern.

With the same bottle, water will not pass automatically when it is time to replace the filter. There is no danger of continuing to drink unfiltered water after the filter replacement period has passed.


"LIFE SAVER JERRY CAN" exhibited at the disaster prevention industry exhibition. It was about the size of a kerosene tank.

At the venue, a tank-type water purifier with a water storage capacity of 18.5 liters, "LIFESAVER JERRYCAN," was also exhibited. According to the company, there are no plans to market the tank type at the moment, but local governments are considering introducing it.

By the way, the tank type can filter up to 10,000 liters of water. Considering the water truck as before, a 4000 liter water truck can secure a considerable amount of drinking water for 2.5 cars.

If you carry the bottle with you or put it in an emergency carry-out bag, it will be useful in case of emergency. According to the company, the bottle-shaped "LIFESAVER BOTTLE" is on sale at the crowdfunding site "Makuake". The price is 25,300 yen (as of June 20, 2019). The new "LIFE SAVER LIBERTY BOTTLE" with a hose is scheduled to go on sale around September, and the price is undecided.