Tokyo Maritime University, Slamro Removal in Cairo -Water Purification Project in Tokyo | Science and Technology / University News | Daily Industry Newspaper Electronic Version

Associate Professor Tsuyoshi Sasaki of the Faculty of Marine Sciences, the University of Tokyo and Mikio Sugimoto, inventor, reusing disposable Cairo, breaking down organic sludge (sludge) and reducing the smell.We started using the community collaboration.Circulation -type environmental education, which includes the power generation function used for night lighting and the resurrection of the "Shiba shrimp" native to Shibaura, will be implemented at junior high schools in Minato -ku, Tokyo.A water purification project in the Meguro River in Meguro -ku, where the smell is a problem, has also started.

東京海洋大、使い捨てカイロでヘドロ除去−東京で水質浄化プロジェクト | 科学技術・大学 ニュース | 日刊工業新聞 電子版

The iron charcoal dumpling is a dumpling of an iron and charcoal, using a disposable cairo with expired, and has been a patent in 2013.When placed in water, iron ions are eluted by the difference in the ionization trend of iron and charcoal.In the sludge of low oxygen and harmful microorganisms, iron ions bind to hydrogen sulfide that causes odor, turn into sulfide, and settle and remove.

In addition, iron ions and dissolved oxygen become coroid hydroxide, oxidizing sludge.The type of microorganism is changed due to the oxygen supply effect at this time, and water purification progresses, and algae and aquatic plants grow.

In outdoor experiments, the hydrogen sulfide concentration increased from 10 ppm (1 /1 million) to 0 in three months, and the sludge was almost gone.In addition, the two have developed an "iron charcoal battery", which has the elutment of the iron ions, and has moved to carbon and demonstrates the function of the battery.Voltage 0.3 volts were realized.

These will be a comprehensive environmental education teaching material, and will work on projects for junior high schools in FY2016-18.Conducted creatures and water quality surveys that change in the installation of iron charcoal dumplings, devise ways of crimping iron and charcoal that increase power generation efficiency, and shiba -rip -h farming tests.