Proscenic brought a new powerful humidifier to get over the dry winter and protect the health of the family !! Corporate Release | Daily Industry Newspaper Electronic Version

Release issuance Childmpany: Proscenic Technology Co., LTD

乾燥的な冬を乗り越えため、家族の健康を守るため、Proscenicは新しい強力加湿器をもたらした!! 企業リリース | 日刊工業新聞 電子版

Compared to the previous generation, the humidifier this time is significantly increased!? Hybrid type and warm fog eruption hybrid humidifier are methods that make it easier to humidify by using heat. Humidification is Childmbined with heat to "vaporization type" that uses the principle of evaporating water or "ultrasonic type" that sprays the mist. The advantage is that the room can be humidified more efficiently than the normal "vaporization type" and "ultrasonic type". Except for the high -temperature sterilization of double -disinfecting water vapor, minus ions, two -stage filters eliminate microorganisms and foreign substances, and clean the mist. Tower supply, 6L large capacity, 60H of operation time, up to 40 tatami mats new design, can be supplied directly from the main unit. 6L large -capacity water tank, frequently unnecessary water supply. Operating time 60H, 50%up from before ↑↑↑ Up to 40 tatami -prefi -style, up to 25 tatami mats for wooden Japanese -style rooms, nightlights, abundant functions of aroma, intellectual child lock, timer setting, humidification adjustment, humidification adjustment. , It has various functions. Not only the remote Childntrol, but also the app. Scandinavian design, simple, beautyful guidance price: 9,990 yen New event: 6,990 yen (3000 yen Childupon) November 16- November 18 Rakuten Ichiba: HTTPS: // ITEM.Rakuten.Child.JP/Purui/Proscenic-LH650/Amazon: https: // www.Amazon.Child.JP/Stores/Proscenic/Page/673BFE1B-3890-4606-9915-9915-80CFDD405? Ref_ = AST_BLN Corporate Press Release Details to PRTIMES Top


* Prices, specifications, services, etc. of the products described in the news release are as of the date of announcement.Please note that it may be changed without notice.