The trivia you can't ignore camping!

Your location: Yingkou know > Education / Science > Education / Science > Adventure > adventurous luck, then 10 tips will prepare you and ensure your personal safety in an off-site maze. Of course, I want to spend my vacation at home and have an adventure in the mountains, regardless of whether the camping experience is rich or not, the following one is worth mentioning.

Find someone to build a place before dark

One of the most important camping skills is: be sure to camp before dark. Whether it's a tent, a camper or a cabin, I hope you like your own ideas to determine the type of camp. A small number of adventurers sleep in simple hammocks directly covered by the sky. If this is not too painful for you, then you can bring a tent for camping adventures. This is the most basic address, but if properly prepared, it is also very appropriate. The salesperson of the best outdoor sports store asks for the most suitable tent, which determines the size, shape and weight of the tent. Remember: the bigger the tent, the better-after all, take it to the camp. Be sure to try the tent at home and check to see if there are any problems so that you won't have any trouble when camping. Equipped tents, just in case, the pillars are broken from time to time. Open the window or open two small openings at night to prevent the tent from getting too wet. Bring an old bathroom curtain (slightly smaller than the tent floor) so that if it rains, the shop can keep the floor dry.

Choose sleeping bags according to the times

The most important skill associated with sleeping bags is to choose a sleeping bag that is suitable for the season. A lightweight sleeping bag is available in warmer months, but a mortgaged sleeping bag is needed in winter. Choose the kind of sleeping bag that can be used within a certain temperature range and guarantee a warm and comfortable sleeping bag. The rated temperature should be less than the temperature in the camping plan to prevent cooling. If you spend the night in a tent, choose a sleeping bag in the shape of a mummy. This kind of sleeping bag can tightly wrap the feet, keep the body warm, and it is easy to carry. In terms of materials, man-made fiber sleeping bags have easier hairpins than down sleeping bags and do not cause allergies. It is a velvet sleeping bag that is easy to carry because it is very light.

In order to improve the sleep quality of the sleeping bag, you can put a doormat under the sleeping bag so that you can sleep more comfortably. There is no need to bring pillows, available plastic bags, inflated instead of pillows under the head.

Bring only the necessities

There is no complete camping technique involving food and water. Are there any dangers in the camper, such as hiking and kayaking rafting, some just rest in the camper, all need food. The experimental method is a necessary food for every meal. If your team is small, it's two cups of instant cereal instead of a whole can of oatmeal. Mix food in sealed plastic bags. If you camp next to a camper or train, use a cooler to store perishable foods such as meat so that they don't go bad.

Making sure all the water is one of the most basic skills of camping. Your location: Yingkou know > Education / Science > Life > can not self-obtain purified drinking water, or know that somewhere safe drinking spring water, it is best to follow bottled drinking water. This is a kind of unclean water disinfection, that is, disinfection with water. You can also filter the driest water you can find or boil it for at least a minute. Plus a layer of foil, you can use all the water to cool.

Useless traces

Because you are camping in the open, be sure to keep the next camping technique in mind: it will help protect and preserve the natural environment so that we and future generations can share the beauty of nature. Leaving no trace means that you should pick up clean land before leaving so that the ecological environment will not be violated and disturbed. Clean up thoroughly after meals and the food should be far away from the ground.

This is a kind of common sense, you can not do as mentioned above without leaving a trace. If planning and preparation is a team trip, make sure the range of activities is at least 60 meters away from rivers and lakes. Travel and camp according to pre-determined routes and camps. Bury solid waste 15 to 20 centimeters below the surface. Washing bathtubs or people washing dishes should also be 60 meters away from rivers and lakes. The used water should be filtered, put the filter into a suitable waste container, and then splash the water around. There is no need to destroy the relics and natural landscapes you find. The area of the camp should be as small as possible, using a built fire and a stove to make rice. Long-distance wildlife, do not feed animals casually.

Wear the right clothes

Your location: Yingkou know > Education / Science > Education / Science > Education / Finance > Fashion people, prepare for personal adventures and make their skills equally important. The clothes you want to wear should be neat. Of course, in cold months, you need to wear more of those clothes-such as hats, flower covers, jackets and warm underwear-than in warm seasons. The secret is to take off a few layers of clothes before sweating so that you can keep your body dry. If the sweat soaks the clothes, it will feel ugly.

Then, choose the shoes. You need to protect your feet when camping. A small piece of sweat can be used in the foil. Hiking shoes are ideal. One way to prevent time bubbles from walking is to put a layer of soap under your ankles and toes before hair. Bring soap with soap white, apply soap to areas where problems may occur, and wear out your legs quickly if you like.

Your location: know explosion store > life > life > against rain, do not want to rain; do not want to wear wet clothes, wear wet clothes, body temperature is too low.

 关于露营 你不可忽视的那些事儿!

Avoid bugs, animals and poisonous plants

This technique is due to bugs, bears and poisonous plants. Please note that there are no wasp hives, other insects and bugs. You'd better wear a long-sleeved shirt and trousers, and you'd better wear a long-sleeved shirt and trousers. Spray insecticides can also be protected from insects. Always check to see if you have been bitten by lice.

You should know how to avoid poison ivy and how to identify the other three leaf clusters. Poison ivy and lacquer trees-more numerous than plants without three leaves-should also be more timid. When you are close to plants, shrubs and woods, wrap them with clothes from head to toe, so as to reduce the chance of getting a small rash. It is best to bring calamine lotion and anticoagulants or anti-allergy agents tightly in case you encounter something irritating.

As we learned earlier, proper storage and handling of food can prevent animals from intruding into wild dinners. Put the food at a distance from the ground, such as hanging from a rope or from the branches of tall trees.

Avoid the maze.

经验丰富的露营爱好者都知道这个技巧,所以一定要把它牢记于心:Avoid the maze.。这是露营者主要会犯的错误,但是只要一直携带一些简单的工具就能避免离开营地太远而迷路。指南针、地图和GPS装置都能防止走失。当然,如果您不知道如何使用这些工具,那它们一点作用也没有。因此,在您的露营之旅开始之前,请学习一下如何读懂地图,使用指南针和GPS(此外,当您读完整篇文章,就能学会更多的露营技巧使您的旅行不会出现意外。

Carry a life-saving backpack

When I was camping, there was nothing like being ready. Your location: Yingkou know > Education / Science > Job seekers > Survival! So what's in this backpack? There should be water purifying drugs, water purifiers and a metal cup. After that, a life-saving knife can be used to hunt and protect yourself to send a distress signal. It uses more than ordinary blades and is well worth buying from camping and outdoor stores.

Another thing that must be put into the life-saving back is the waterproof match in the sealed container. Waterproof matches can be made from nail polish or paraffin wax on ordinary match cod. The packing boxes of plastic medicine bottles and 35mm film can be used to hold waterproof matches and are very convenient. A flashlight is also needed in the life-saving backpack, with a small battery in the back, in a waterproof match-like sealed container. It is also a bad choice to bring a flare gun and a LED glow.

Your location: Yingkou know > Education / Science > Life-saving backpack, you need to bring a first-aid bag with you. Wound cleaners, medical gloves and ice bags.

Pay attention to hygiene.

We mentioned the importance of cleanliness in the dress skills in the article. It's just as important to keep your body clean. Your location: know the Press House > Education / Science > Education / Science > Keep a bottle of hand sanitizer in your pocket and be sure to wash your hands before eating rice, drinking water or wiping your face with your hands. External alcohol used for cotton balls to wipe insensitive parts of the body. Collect birds to wash the bathtub, using sponge, a basin of water and soluble soap once or twice a day. Brush your teeth with pure water and toothpaste or baking soda, then floss. Your location: Yingkou know > Education / Science > Entertainment and Leisure > River Store > when in the river, in the process of camping, my feet will be very deadly. I go to my shoes and soak my feet in the water for a few minutes. Do not use cologne, spices and scented lotions, as they attract worms.

When picking up plums, separate sanitary utensils such as towels, toothbrushes and soap in foil so that they don't get wet in the backpack.

Precautions beyond value are needed when pets are camping.

Camping with pets can take a lot of energy, but it can also be a pleasant experience. As we know, a successful camping secret mortgage program. It determines whether or not to stick to the camping ability of furry friends with children. Be sure to bring appropriate clothes to protect your children, have sunshade hats in summer and hot days, and have the ability to wear long-sleeved clothes if the weather is warm. Then, just like a fire drill, help the child learn how to prevent getting lost and what to do if he or she runs through it. Each child brings a flash or fluorescent stick to remind him of the rules of camping several times a day to remind him what to do to keep him safe.

Does "camping trip" make you feel like you have a home? When wild animals or animal animals pass by, pets will want to control them. I hope you can help me get ready. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that the pet is vaccinated within the validity period of the permit evidence. Of course, you also need to wear a dog's leash, which can be used to restrain it anytime, anywhere. Prepare clean bowls for dogs to hold food, fresh, clean and heavy drinking water, and clean and dispose of pet droppings.


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