The taste changes depending on how you tighten the fish, and the deliciousness explodes with the correct knowledge of how to tighten!

It's a delicious treatment, but it's also a good idea to let it die without suffering.

There are some treatments that are necessary to bring back delicious fish, but it has become scientifically clear that tightening the fish is very important. To tighten is simply to stop the breath of the fish. It's a bit of a noisy story, but that's what it is. [Image] Techniques for stopping the movement of violent fish There are two main tightening methods: brain tightening and nerve tightening.


The purpose of "brain tightening" is not to reduce the source of the umami of fish

"Brain tightening" is literally the act of inserting a knife or pick into the brain of a fish to cause brain death. This stops the biological activity of the fish. The reason why this is necessary work to bring back as a delicious fish is that it is necessary to keep the life energy of the fish high. The reason is that the life energy of fish is transformed into inosinic acid, which is the umami component of fish, immediately after the life activity is stopped.

"Nerve tightening" is aimed at preventing convulsions of fish

What is "nerve tightening"? However, if you tighten the brain, the nervous tissue will stop working over time. Naturally, it is natural because the activity of the brain that issues the command of life support stops. However, even if I tighten my brain, I am still alive for a while even though my nerves malfunction. It has been found that the malfunction causes the fish to cramp and stiffen the muscles. In other words, it means that fish are convulsing and consuming not a little vitality for muscle rigidity. Then, after the brain tightening, the role of "nerve tightening" is to stop the activity of the nervous tissue in order to further reduce the consumption of vitality.

What is the order of brain tightening and nerve tightening that is often discussed?

The correct answer is "brain tightening → nerve tightening". I don't admit any objection! What if my dentist sharpens my teeth without anesthesia? Would you like to be in agony and rampage with so much pain (although it is said that fish have no pain)? ?? The stress at that time will surely reduce your vitality. I dare to describe it as pain, but if you die in a state of brain death where you do not feel pain, you can stop nerve activity without feeling great stress. For fish, it is the best solution for a route that does not suffer.

The point is not to let the fish run wild

There is often talk of hitting the brain of a rampaging fish with a stick to stun it and then tightening it, but I think it makes sense because it can be said to be one of the optimal processes leading up to brain tightening. The bigger the fish, the more you can tighten your brain! What a little technique is needed. Mr. Tsumoto, who is famous for the "Tsumoto style", taught me the technique of bending a rampaging fish to stop it, but this is a little bit of a story.

Last updated: Ruamaga +