Eleven years after the Great East Japan Earthquake, the Reality of Waiting for the release of contaminated water

 It was 11 years since the Great East Japan Earthquake, when about 22,000 people were sacrificed.It has been 11 years since the serious accident of TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (F1) caused by the tsunami.The amount of "water", which has been used for cooling (melted nuclear fuel) or flowing into a nuclear building from the basement, has already been pooled nearly 1.3 million tons, and preparations for "marine release" are steadily progressing.But what exactly is that "real"?Mr. Joe Yokomizo (53) of Radio DJ (53), who had been interviewing local interviews for seven consecutive years, reports the current situation of Fukuichi.The tritium contaminated water (processed water) says, "I have to be forever dripping."

東日本大震災から11年たったフクイチ トリチウム汚染水放出へ待ったなしの現実

 A large amount of water is used to cool the debris in the nuclear accident, and about 150 tons of contaminated water is generated every day, including groundwater flowing into the building.

 After removing cesium and strontium from this contaminated water, it is a multi -nuclide removal equipment (commonly known as ALPS), which filter 62 types of radioactive materials other than tritium, which is difficult to remove with the current science and technology, and "tritium contaminated water.The method of building a huge tank on the premises is adopted.

 The amount is already 1.29 million tons (as of February).The tank with more than 1,000 units in the facility is almost full, and the situation is already "waiting".The country has decided on a policy of release of the ocean, and TEPCO is also preparing.In the plan, about 1 kilometer's "Umashin Tunnel" will be digged off the Pacific Ocean and released from there.

【次のページ】 ジョー氏は「東京ドーム75個分という敷地内の約3分の1が汚染水タンクで...編集部おすすめ

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