Effective use of the pumice of the troubled person, the coffee field is reborn!?[WBS]

AI automatically analyzes satellite images and displays pumice red.


A large amount of pumice that drifted to Okinawa and other places has caused significant damage to local fishing and sightseeing. In the future, it has been pointed out in the Kanto coast, and it has begun to discover pumice, which has become a "sea troublesome person" early, and to make effective use of it. Dumpling, which caused damage on the coast of the Okinawa and Amami regions, is expected to spread to Shikoku and Honshu in the future. The development of a system that quickly captures the movement of pumice is progressing. The IT company "Ridgia", which is an image analysis of AI, has developed a site called pumice. "It is an application that makes it easy to visualize how much pumice has increased and how much it has decreased." I can't confirm. On the other hand, if you look at satellite images on the 7th of this month, you can see many muscular pumice. Pumice viewers can overlap these two different satellite images and check the changes. AI automatically analyzes satellite images and has developed a system that displays pumice red in red. In the future, we are considering the development of a system that predicts when and where and where to drift. "We have requested monitoring with higher accuracy, so we want you to provide custom models and lead to the prediction of damage." (Mr. Hatakeyama) How far will pumice spread in the future? According to Associate Professor Kenzu Nagai of Tokai University, "The pumice that has recently been flowing northeast is expected to approach the Kanto Sea from the Izu Peninsula on the 20th to the 30th of this month (this month)." It is expected that when approaching the Kanto region, it will be about one -tenth of the amount that has flowed in the Okinawa region, but it is said that Associate Professor Nagai cannot be careless. "Country of chance overlaps and low pressure winds and high waves come from the south, and if a large amount drifts, fishing boats will not be able to navigate."

In some cases, pumice

In some cases, pumice that drifted as a soil improvement agent for coffee farms.

On the other hand, there are some movements to make effective use of the pumice of the troublesome. Hiroshi Miyade, who runs a coffee farm in Tokunoshima, Kagoshima Prefecture. The drifted pumice is packed in a bag, soaked in water, draining the salt and dried. What do you use for? "I use it as a soil improvement agent for coffee farms." (Mr. Miyade) Mix pumice with soil to improve drainage and grow into a healthy tree. This time, I heard that pumice had flowing into the sea, and came up with how to use it. "I didn't expect it to flow naturally because I purchased and used (originally)," (Mr. Miyade) also helps Miyade's work as part of the class. At present, pumice is used for about 100 of the 2000 grown on the farm. It is expected that the effects of improvement will be understood in one to two years. "If you throw it away, it will be industrial waste, but if you use it, it will be a local resource, so it is not a disturbing existence." Last month, the Kanagawa Prefectural Industrial Technology Research Institute and the Kagoshima Prefectural Industrial Technology Center jointly developed the pumice "Zeolite pumping" covered with substances called Zeolite. The appearance is not much different from a normal pumice, but when you look at it with an electron microscope, a round substance is tightly attached to the surface. This is Zeolite. The zeolite has a small hole of 1 in 1 / 200,000 of the hair, so it has a feature that can adsorb small substances at the molecular level. What can this zeolite pumice be used for? "I think that it can adsorb the ammonium ions, which are considered to be the cause of red tide. I think that it can be used for nuclear contaminated water treatment at the nuclear power plant because a zeolite pumice, which is said to adsorb the cesium ions." It is easy to make a director of Yosuke Ono of the Prefectural Industrial Technology Research Institute, and it is easy to put pumice in a sodium hydroxide aqueous solution and heat it at less than 100 degrees. We hope that the pumice that is drifting now can be used because there is not much manufacturing cost. "Because it is the same pumice stone, I think that it can be used while devising this technology. I would be grateful if this technology could be used in the sense of using natural resources." satellite