Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station today (Fukushima)

Tepco now faces two walls: the release of water from the ocean, and fuel debris planned for the first time in 2022. Announcer Uchida interviewed the present of the nuclear power plant. Uchida: "on the campus of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant." Although it is the road to the important building of vibration isolation, no one has protective clothing. "it was once an indispensable part of the interior of protective clothing. Through decontamination and floor paving, radiation doses are reduced, and almost all areas can be spent without protective clothing. Mr. Tepco Gao "now occupies about 96% of the land area and can use such light work." this is a large rest area built in 2015. Uchida "large rest station, in addition to the canteen, there are convenience stores." about 1200 staff, can be used at one time. "Uchida" noodles with curry. What's more, set meals and so on offer five kinds of menus every day. The menu is also rich and colorful. "the working environment is steadily improving, but the road to the key waste furnace is difficult. The biggest topics are "water treatment countermeasures" and "removal of fuel debris". Neida: "in the area near the sea at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, a huge hole is being dug." Treated water mixed with sea water, once through this place, "dig a hole about 18 meters deep in the land. Most radioactive materials such as exposure to melted nuclear fuel, contaminated water and equipment known as "ALPS" are removed. This is treated water. However, due to the "plutonium" residue of the radioactive material, it is not possible to determine the disposal method and continues to be stored in more than 1000 tanks in the area. When discharging the ocean, the treated water is stored in a tank for measurement and confirmation at one time. Then, when it is determined to meet the standard, it is mixed with a large amount of sea water and sent to a huge water tank called the drainage shaft that is now under construction. Uchida: "from the bottom of the huge hole, this time it is expected that an undersea tunnel will be dug out towards the sea." The treated water is planned to be released from the front of the tunnel with a release destination of about 1 km. Along the undersea tunnel, it is discharged into the sea from a water depth of about 12m. Plutonium water that exists both in nature and in nuclear power plants around the world. Why does it need to be released at sea when it is called safe to treat water? Mr. Tepco Gao "is really the influence of all kinds of rumors. After listening to this, he consulted everyone and chose the most suitable place for us." the government included 30 billion yen in the fund for the temporary purchase of fish sold in the ocean release into the rumor countermeasure fund. However, as the rumored damage is still unknown and does not show a specific form of compensation, local opposition is still deep-rooted. Tepco promotes waste furnace company Ono President. "in order to let everyone seriously ask the concerns and concerns of the people concerned, it is very important to explain them seriously." the government and Tepco have been talking about waste furnaces within 40 years. One of the largest walls is the fuel debris dissolved in the reactor storage vessel. It is estimated that there are a total of 880 tons from Unit 1 to Unit 3. Tepco decided to start the experimental removal of debris from Unit 2. This removal is done remotely using a device called a robot arm. People can't work when they come in because of the high amount of radiation. "at first, the experimental removal of fuel debris began with the planned Unit 2. The structure of Unit 2 and the storage container is exactly the same as that of Unit 5 of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, which is located about 1 km in the north. "Unit 5, which is immune from heavy damage. In particular, we interviewed what kind of route to put the robot arm into the factory building. "is that covered with pink paper? "" this is the hole through the storage container. "" does it feel like putting a robot arm through this hole? "Yes." Unit 5, which was being regularly inspected at the time of the earthquake. Since the fuel in the storage container was transferred to the spent fuel pool in 2015, it was not included. However, from here on, there is still radioactive material left in the area where the nuclear fuel is put, so it needs to be replaced with protective clothing. Tepco Plateau said: "in front of the hole is the part called the pedestal." The fuel assembly is located in the reactor pressure vessel above the pedestal. "in the concrete structure pedestal that supports the pressure vessel. In other words, we will move directly below the nuclear fuel. The radiation dose will rise. "because you are here for a short time"then go early"because there is a nuclear reactor pressure vessel directly above this, in case, if you break through the pressure vessel, the possibility of coming down from it."such scaffolding is assembled, but the difference in melted nuclear fuel The scaffolding may also have melted. "about three meters below the scaffolding, a floor with machines is thought to have piled up fuel debris at the center of the floor. "the robot arm passes through this place from the previous hole and extends down to remove the melted nuclear fuel." the removal of fuel debris is expected to begin this year, but it is expected to be only about a cup of ears. Mr. Tepco Gao: "because there is no camera seen in the storage container, there is only the camera attached to the robot arm." I think it's hard to work in a place with only one view. "how long will it take to get it out? It is said that if the robot arm used for experimental extraction is modified, it can lift up to 10 kilograms. However, assuming that there is no trouble, do not rest for a day, take out 10 kilograms every day, has been 241 years. Even every 50 kilometers takes 48 years. In addition, some fragments are glued to the nuclear reactor and new equipment needs to be developed to remove it. The government and Tepco proposed that "there are still 29 years to go before the waste furnace is completed."... no, no, no. Chairman of the Atomic Energy Regulatory Commission, "I think it is technically impossible to determine, for example, the number of years committed by all parties." The old reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant blocked the too high wall.

