Succeeded in scale -up of microbial power generation cells to realize drainage treatment using "microbial fuel cells"

Kurita Kogyo Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Nakano -ku, Tokyo; President: Michiya Kadota) has developed a microbial power generation cell that can convert organic matter in drainage into electric energy, and is used as a "microbial fuel cell".I succeeded in scale up.In order to practical use of drainage treatment devices incorporating this battery that can contribute to power consumption and CO2 emission reduction, we will start applying for applicants with actual drainage.

Factory drainage is treated in water quality that does not affect the surrounding environment and is released in sewers, rivers and sea areas. However, the active sludge method, which is widely used in drainage treatment, has a large CO2 emissions due to the processing and disposal of excess sludge (waste) generated in large quantities of power, and the reduction is an issue. It is. Under these circumstances, microbial fuel cells, which are the next generation of energy technology, are attracting attention. This battery can decompose organic matter in the drainage, and converts the conventional organic matter to electricity due to the function of microorganisms called a generic bacterium. Therefore, it is possible to drain the drainage using the created electricity, reducing the CO2 emission. This battery is being researched and developed by research institutions and companies around the world. Was not reached.

In response to these issues, we promote development based on a wide variety of knowledge in the water treatment field, select materials that are suitable for the composition of this battery, and optimize the equipment shape and structure that combines them.We succeeded in scale -up of microbial power generation cells for practical use jointly with the company.Achieved the world's highest level of performance of 20kg/m3/d, a power generation volume of 200 W/m3, which has no other COD CR removal speed in the actual size, and realizes drainage treatment with no CO2 emissions within several years.Aim for.

In addition, we have applied for more than 10 patents for the device structure, operation method, etc. centered on "microbial fuel cells", and have started applying evaluation to actual drainage so far.We will promote performance improvement.

The Kurita Group is focusing on the creation of common value with society, using CSR at the core of management in the MVP-22 (Maximize Value Proposition 2022) in the medium-term management plan.In the future, we will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by practical use of drainage treatment devices incorporated with microbial fuel cells and achieving carbon native * 2 of drainage treatment.

「微生物燃料電池」を用いた排水処理の実現に向け、 微生物発電セルのスケールアップに成功

* 1: The active sludge method is a method of treating the drainage that uses aerobic microorganisms to decompose organic matter under certain conditions of oxygen.

* 2: The carbon native is the concept of suppressing carbon dioxide emissions.The concept of making the emissions zero as a whole

Microbial fuel cell type drainage processing process

Scale -up device

If you are interested in this device, please contact us below.

■ Drainage treatment device using microbial fuel cells

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