Handmade aquarium starts

Sakanano School From July 22nd

 A small handmade aquarium will open on the 22nd in the municipal fisheries experience learning center (nickname, Sakanano School) in Tarumi -ku, Kobe, where you can experience grinding and salt making.This spring, a former custody of the Municipal Suma Sea Beach Aquarium (Sumasui), who became the principal, was hurt by the decrease in the number of visitors due to corona, and plans to "be interested in the sea."The aim is "Japan's highest free aquarium".(Takanori Ito)

Principal of Oka "Interest in the Creative Creator"

 The principal is Tatsuya Okuka (49), who has served as the director of the breeding education department in Sumasui.At the time of arrival in April, there was only one circular aquarium (150 cm in diameter, 90 cm high) at the entrance, and it was frank.

 手作り水族館 はじめます

 "Fish of fish, but fish."

 There are some aspects that are not good.The purpose of the museum is to deepen the familiarity and understanding of the fishery through experience learning about fisheries.Although there is an aquarium at the entrance, the aquarium exhibition is not the main facility.

 However, due to the corona evil, the experience learning that was popular with children was canceled one after another, and the number of visitors has drastically reduced.The sense of crisis that "the children in the harbor town will fade their interest in the sea" has increased, and at the same time, he has lost his experience as a veteran keeper.

 "Exhibiting more sea creatures in front of you should be a great opportunity to be interested in local fisheries such as squid fishing and sardines."

 Nevertheless, there is a limit to expanding the aquarium exhibition that is not expected at the time of design.For this reason, we aimed for a small -turned creature, and prepared a small aquarium near 20.

 In addition to mako and scorpions that can be taken in the nearest waters, the popular cava cockers, chin eel, and sea bugs who eat the dead bodies on the waterside, and Akame called "phantom fish" for anglers.The company plans to collect 40 species and 200 points, relying on the personal connections of fishermen who are friendly, and will continue to increase the number of exhibits.

 The Sakana School is located in a corner of Mitsui Outlet Park Marine Pia Kobe, which is full of parents and children on holidays, and says, "I want you to feel close to the sea when shopping."

 "Some creatures say that they look uncomfortable, but they actually support the soil purification.

 free entrance.Closed on Wednesdays from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm (open in August).For inquiries, please contact the school (078.706.5550).