"Sorcerian" 34th Anniversary Story Summary: "Adventurers" starting from Pentawa [Falcom 40th Anniversary Special]

 On March 9, 2021, Nippon Falcom celebrated its 40th anniversary.To commemorate this, Dengeki Online will develop a project article on Nippon Falcom.

 And today, we will deliver a game playback article to commemorate the 34th anniversary of "Sosarian" released today in 1987 (Showa 62).


What is "Sorcerian"?

 "Sorcerian" released on December 20, 1987 is the fifth work of the "Dragon Slayer" series.There is also a system in the side -view action RPG that allows you to enjoy new content and scenarios with an expansion disk if you have a basic disk.

 "Sorcerian", where you can make character making and have a high degree of freedom, and play abundant scenarios, as a masterpiece, many adventurers did not go to each journey.

 Here, the story playback part that was published in "Falcom Chronicle" (published by KADOKAWA) will be reprinted.In this article, "Basic Scenario" will be introduced.

 This work where you can freely adventure with your favorite character.Follow the adventure of "Sorcerian", which is said to be a masterpiece that does not fade.

"Sorcerian" system check

Character making

 Classes can be selected from four fighters, wizards, dwarves, and elf, and gender and age can be selected arbitrarily.If you accumulate your experience, you will have the king raise the level, and then perform any training in the dojo to strengthen your status.


 Characters grow older during the game, and their appearance and abilities change.When it comes to the elderly (OLD), the ability value gradually decreases, and when the life comes, it dies.

Fight the dragon

 A hidden scenario that can be challenged by clearing all 15 basic scenarios.Defeat the King Dragon fighting here to see the staff roll.

Sorcerian system

 If you have a basic disk, you can enjoy new content and new scenarios by expansion disk.

"Sorcerian" game playback


 It's been a long time ago that no one has remembered it.Love and other things exist only among some people, and only magic and armed for dominating the world.

 In such an era, there were those who were on a number of dangerous adventures to test their power and courage.People called them:"Sorcerian".

 And now, in the city of Pentawa where many adventurers gather, a new traveler (player) has dreamed of becoming a sosarian.

Basic scenario disk 1

消えた王様の杖(『Basic scenario disk 1』に収録)

 A great king who controls peace in the city of Pentawa.The king's cane is stolen by a barbaric oak.The source of peace was deprived, and the city was devastating.In order to return the disturbed city to its original form, Sosarian decided to head to the cave where the robbed king's cane was.

 On the way, I encountered Goulan, an adventurer who was injured by infiltrating first.He's already unable to adventure, but speaking, he can hear advice on cave devices.Apparently, the jewel called a blue ball is the key to the door in this cave, and how to handle it is important.

 To the place where the king's cane was stored, it was necessary to pass through the acid lake.Furthermore, the passage is thin from the middle, and it is not a width of Sosarian.In order to remove the acid and open the aisle, it is necessary to fit the diamond -shaped jewelry of the genie statue in other genital statues.

 Release the device, defeat the hydra, and find a treasure chest before passing through the acid lake.When you try to open it, a large number of oaks attack all at once.After defeating all of these, I looked up the treasure chest again and found the king's cane.If you return to the city and give it to the king, you will be cleared.

失われたタリスマン①(『Basic scenario disk 1』に収録)

 Something unusual has occurred in the stone Talisman, which is manipulating nature, and abnormal weather has occurred one after another in the city of Pentawa.There are rumors that it may be according to the evil gods who lived in the Talisman forest, and Sosarian immediately went to the Talisman Forest.

 When Talisman went to the place where it was enshrined, it was already taken away by evil gods.At that time, you can hear the voice of heaven.The voice entrusts the gold pedestal, which is a container that puts the Talisman in order to restore the power of nature, so that the pedestal will be thrown away in the bottomless swamp.

 While searching for the Talisman, it is trapped in a fishing ceiling by evil gods.Then, a girl named Lia, who was hiding from evil gods, helps me.She is a clan who has been watching Talisman for generations, and asks Sosarian to regain the Talisman and rescue her uncle Genoban.

 The door of Lia's house is locked, so I check it several times before kicking it.Inside, Lia's uncle Geno -bang is being captured, but when he helps him, he jumps out to make the Talisman's power.By the way, he is immediately caught and caught in a dungeon.

失われたタリスマン②(『Basic scenario disk 1』に収録)

 If you go ahead, you will fight against the evil guru Dahitel.Dehiteru changes into a ball of light and attacks while moving.In this state, the damage is not done, but if you look at the pigeon movement flying at the top of the screen, you can see the place to return to the original form, so you can attack ahead.

 There is a barrier around the Talisman and cannot be released in Sorcerian.It was due to the power of a man meditation in the room.If you use the acupoints with sap near him, the man's concentration will be solved and the barrier will disappear.

 When the Talisman was enshrined, a monster Sand Maribo, which was sealed in the barrier with Talisman, attacks.She jumps over the Socialian overhead, exhales the sand down and attacks.Let's calm down at the edge of the screen.

 Defeat the Sand Maribo and put the Talisman on the gold pedestal, and as the heavens show, sinking the Talisman in the bottomless swamp will make a scenario clear.If you misunderstand here, if you return to the pen tower with a Talisman, you will not be cleared.

ルシフェルの水門(『Basic scenario disk 1』に収録)

 The Bloody River flowing to the pen was stopped by the monster's hand.If the only water source in the kingdom is exhausted, drinking water will run out in a few days and the worst will come.To regain moisture to the pen toawa, Sosarian heads to Lucifer's water gate.

 On the way, I encounter a fire pillar several times.This fire pillar can be erased by using the white powder item in the first room in the dungeon.However, white powder will be used once, so every time you encounter a fire pillar, you need to return to the first room.

 To open the closed door, you need three swords named an angel.Gabriel's sword, one of them, is protected by a giant monster Kraken.In addition to the appearance of two bodies at the same time, it is a strong enemy who throws a sword and attacks from afar.

 Finally, if you set up a silver sword and crystal sword found in the dungeon, the sluice will start to move and clear the scenario.By the way, after clearing, there is no problem to bring the sword back.In particular, the crystal sword is an excellent sword that can use recovery magic HEAL without consuming MP, so take it home.

呪われたオアシス(『Basic scenario disk 1』に収録)

 Oasis, the only water source of Valazi, where rare items and valuables from around the world gather, have been cursed by Rwan, who claims to be the king of the desert.For the Pentawa trade route and the people of the oasis, Sosarian headed to the desert castle.

 In the atrium of the castle, he meets a girl, a girl caught by a suspended prison.She seemed to have been captured because of her power, knowing whether the holy water that solves the curse on the oasis is fake or genuine.She helps her and puts her real holy water is the purpose of this scenario.

 In the basement of the castle, I encountered Olara, an old woman cooked rice.Helping with Sorarian, helping her to rescue Kiara and helping her, giving me a crystal glasses that can be seen inside the dark room, and helping to open the door of the hidden room.Willing to.

 On the top floor of the castle is Rwan who cursed oasis.He attacks with the two gold dragons created by the illusion, and moves while jumping on the two heads.Since the attack does not work on the gold dragon, it is necessary to aim for the main body Rwan.

盗賊たちの塔①(『Basic scenario disk 1』に収録)

 At the outskirts of Pentawa, no one has visited the old castle, a bandit group "Blue Wind", which makes the country a noise, has lived, and robbery and kidnaps are repeated in nearby towns.Sosarian invades the tower of the bandits to help the caught guilty people and to stop the bandits outrage.

 There were many captured people in the tower.One of them, Zoke, cooperates in the sorcerian in the tower and cooperates in searching for Sosarian in various ways.However, at this point it was not good at this point that there was a special speculation behind it.


 In the tower, there is a door that opens when you use either a red ball or a blue ball.The prison at the bottom of the tower opens with a red ball, and in the back is the Karoon Kingdom Baron.He dies on the spot if he wants to help Sosarian to help the princess.

 On the top floor of the tower, he meets Sena, the princess of the Caroon Kingdom, which Baron spoke.However, she is dropped into the basement from her pitfalls by the head of the thief of her bandit group.So Socarian discovered a white bone corpse written as Zoke.

盗賊たちの塔②(『Basic scenario disk 1』に収録)

 In order to return from the basement to the ground, you must solve the mystery of the switches on the passage guard.The hint is near the underground white bone corpse.Some switches also exist in the back of the room protected by Shadow Dragon, a strong enemy with high attack power.

 When you return from the basement and head to the church, Zoke appears.He was actually a major daemon, and he was manipulating Cameron skillfully and sponsored Sena.But he can't defeat a major daemon with the weapon he has now.He retreats once and gathers information.

 According to the old woman's Koo Core in the tower, Garatine is the only sword that can defeat a major daemon.Garatine seems to be underground, but the route has been blocked.So he heads underground from a hidden passage in a man's room called Tumo.

 Get galatine from a real Zoke corpse in the basement and confront the major daemon.He is flying around quickly, but if he fights carefully, he is not a strong opponent.If you defeat the major daemon and return the pendant to Princess Sena, it will be clear.

Basic scenario disk 2

暗き沼の魔法使い(『Basic scenario disk 2』に収録)

 In the dark swamp on the outskirts of Pentaw, there was an old dragon Fraziore, who was going to live in humans.A man named Gunda, who came to the survey, asked him to help her daughter, Liza, who was flagged by Fraziore.

 Liza, who was turned into an ugly gama, is unlikely to hear this.She asks her to open her heart to open her heart.At this time, if she takes the contents of the box in her house in Liza, she will be completely ignored, so don't take her until her instructions.

 Confront Fraziore in the back of the swamp.She apparently she doesn't intend to return Liza, and she changes from her wizard to a true figure to fight Sosarian.Fraziore is mainly magical attacks, so her long -range battle is disadvantageous.A close combat that jumps into her pocket is effective.

 After collecting all the ingredients, use the jack of the jack to boil the pot to mix black potions and put them on Liza.Then she converted her to her original beautiful girl from Gama and talks about her truth.After hearing the story, she returns to Gunda and clears the scenario.

ロマンシア①(『Basic scenario disk 2』に収録)

 In Romancia, the northern kingdom of the northern kingdom, a princess Princess Serina occurred.Sorcerian, who heard the rescue of King Romancia, Fanessa III, immediately rescued Princess Serina.In this scenario, the party member requires a fortune teller and a doctor.

 Before going to help the princess, first save people in Romancia Castle Town, which suffers from illness.The sick can be treated by taking the first time with the doctor's Sosarian.As a thank you for the treatment, the sage's cane from the inn's master, Dion, and Lorad, the priest of the eastern church, gets older medicine.

 Step on the switch on the Lake of Romancia in the middle, left, and right, the road to the basement opens and meets a fairy Lily.She is in trouble with the lake pollution, and when she purifies the lake with a fortune teller at the forefront, she gives a golden key.She talks with Dion with her, and she gets a hermit clothes.

 The neighboring kingdom of Azorba was destroyed by the evil dragon Wides.In the house in such a castle town, there is a fan -Freddie (the protagonist of Romancia), which was turned into a pig, so let's use it with an older medicine.Thank you for getting an ancient character scroll.

ロマンシア②(『Basic scenario disk 2』に収録)

 Next, we will head to the mountain next to the castle town.The entrance door is sealed, so when you open it with a sage's cane, there is a fairy pipi in the prison in the back.When he opened the prison with a golden key, he was told to come to Romancian fairy Lily.

 Return to Romancia and go to Lily again, and as a thank you for helping Pipi, it will magically apply to the hermit clothes.She can now solve the curse of Clift IV of Azorba Kingdom.She can further dive into the volcanic crater and go to the underground labyrinth in the back.

 When he rescues Princess Serina from the basement and returns to the castle, he is asked to defeat Wedes from Fanessa III.Dive deep into the crater with the power of a hermit's clothing and go to the underground labyrinth.He can go to Wedes as it is, but it is impossible to defeat it as it is.You need a dragon slayer to defeat.

 If you get a dragon slayer from Tigero, an old man deep in the volcano, will finally be the final battle with Vides.It is a very long -term battle because it is necessary to defeat all the tail to the face.If you defeat Wedes and report it to Fanessa III, it will be a scenario clear.

紅玉の謎(『Basic scenario disk 2』に収録)

 A forest where large trees as if reaching the heavens.The elf and others living there have lived in a peaceful living with lumps and silkworms for a long time.However, the red balls that have fallen into the forest make the forest creatures and elves violent.Can Sorcerans solve the mystery of the red ball and regain peace?

 There is an ancient civilization of the elf, and some passages cannot be moved without installing an item called fairy drops.The fairy's drop is brought back to the nest by a crow, so he examines the nest on a tree.At this time, a large amount of crows will be attacked to protect the nest.

 If you help the silkworm craftsman at the end of the fairy drop, you will be able to write a letter to Nift in the basement.If you give a Tet letter to Nift, it will launch an elevator to the top of the forest.At the top, there are two rooms suspended like a balance.

 In the room where the balance is launched, a boss monster, Mosjaian, who has become huge with the power of red balls, is waiting.The poisoned needle attack and the quick body hit, and the scaffold is always the worst battle situation that will always wavy, so let's challenge in perfect position.Clear if you defeat the boss and clean the red ball.

 Gedis, a wizard of half a century ago, is revived, with the rule of Pentawa.Gedis's rival, the wizard author, immediately headed for subjugation, but he may be able to return to Gedis.Sorcerian follows the author.

 The author had already fallen in Gedis.First, start with the rescue.He is captured by Gedis's hand, and the jail is at the end of the hidden passage.After waiting for a while in the room below, as shown in the photo above, the monster that appears above enters the hidden passage.

 If you rescue the author from the prison, you will be accompanied to defeat Gedis.He can use the transfer magic, and if he has a moon stone and a star stone, he will be able to go to Gedis waiting for Gedis to use the device.But at this stage, Gedis cannot be defeated.

 Move the equipment of the room where the warp was used using a star stone and obtain the solar stone necessary to defeat Gedis.It is important to adjust the distance so that it can be brought to close combat, as Gedis attacks with a long -range attack with a powerful range magic and a hit and away with warp.

呪われたクィーンマリー号①(『Basic scenario disk 2』に収録)

 Sosarian, who has a lot of adventures in dungeons and has accumulated stress, comes up with an adventure in the ocean.When asked to get on the Queen Marie at the Pentawa port, Giono, the captain, who is suffering from a murder case on the boat, presents a certain condition.

 The condition was to drop the captain's son Tom (Thomas Leon) from the ship.However, the adventurous spirit and stubborn Tom do not try to get off the ship.Apparently, the parakeet of Tom has escaped.If you find the parakeet, he will get off the ship.

 When Tom drops Tom from the ship, the ship finally departs.Here, the captain asks him to investigate the culprit in a murder case.First, we will meet all the crew of the Queen Marie and explore each action.When I talked to the sailor Killy, it tells me that Bob's appearance is strange.

 When I went to David's room, I witnessed Bob, who steals the gold pot.After that, she revealed the night in her room and listened to Killi again the next day, and witnessed Bob's day to throw a gold pot in the sea the day before.So when I went to Funakura to meet Bob, he was killed by someone ...

呪われたクィーンマリー号②(『Basic scenario disk 2』に収録)

 When you go to the hidden room in Funakura, you will find a bloody ax proven that Andrew killed Bob.He reported the culprit to the captain, and the incident settled down for the time being.After returning to his room and resting, the ship suddenly shakes and Sosarian loses consciousness.

 When I noticed, I was thrown out of the ship and was washed away by some island.If you go deeper, you will find a mysterious temple.The pillars of the temple described the evil spirits sealed in the gold pot.Suddenly Andrew appears, and he warns that he will not pry anymore.

 When the ship has arrived, Andrews I met earlier and died.Apparently he was also obsessed with this cursed island evil spirit.The evil spirit that has already been attached to him has been transferred to the captain.Put the holy water in Hakura to the captain and pay the evil spirit.

 In the back of the island, Arc Demon, the curse island evil spirit, and the culprit of the case that occurred on the Queen Marie, appears.If you defeat the strong enemy Arc Damon who emits a powerful ray from your mouth, and bring it back the gold jar stuck on the mast of the ship, you will clear the scenario.

Basic scenario disk 3

天の神々たち(『Basic scenario disk 3』に収録)

 The mountainous garden "Garden of the Gods" is said to live with the gods of the great pen toawa.It is said that disaster continues in the village at the foot.It seems that a sherman in the village offended his father God.The king of Pentawa, who felt uneasy, makes Sorcerian a messenger to directly talk with the gods.

 Over the steep mountainous area, reach the garden of the gods.The god no name on the way will pass through the grape sake, but the father of the father, the father of the father, will be returned to the ground without hearing this story.The only way to fix Uta's mood is to use the power of other gods.

 If you drop red seeds in the mountainous area and wait for a while, you will be able to climb and go to the heavens as a huge vine will grow.If you solve the worries of the gods there, you can get a silver lyre that calms the energy of the user.The lyre decides to have Anna, a bard who came to the heavens, play.

 When I talked to the tavern Nomas, the story of the U -Ga returned to me, the shaman who had been transferred to him was huge.He attacks as an Evil Shaman.He shoots magic from the sky, so if you don't climb the scaffold, you won't be able to reach.If you defeat this and return the god's bracelet to the uter, you will clear the scenario.

氷の洞窟(『Basic scenario disk 3』に収録)

 An experiment of the evil alchemist caused a cold wave from a frozen cave.Socials sneak into the ice cave to stop the generic waves of the whole country freezing.In addition, since enemies that attack freezing will appear, it is essential to prepare the magic of Melt to compete with it.

 This scenario is a mechanism for changing the characters written on the panel to operate various tricks.First, go underground and get a leverage to remove the panel.If you set "Hell" to "HEAL", the frozen lake will be solved and you will be able to go ahead.

 In a passage with a door written as A, B, and C, check the door of C three times, the door of B twice, and the door of A in one order, and put it in the hidden room.If you press the switch in the room, you can go to the room where the wind spirit was captured.So we will confront the alchemist Sokram.

 Evil Alchemist Socrum attacks from the sky.To defeat, use the scaffold that can be moved up.If you take a "S" plate from the panel in this room and change "Blast" to "BLESS" in combination with other panels, the wind spirit Luciel will be released and cleared the scenario.

メデューサの首(『Basic scenario disk 3』に収録)

 A demon medusa with an eye lighting of all living things has petrified the people of a village.The starting subjugation corps also lost communication, and the king requested Sorcerian to cooperate.He challenges Medusa hidden in the coal mine, but is forced to withdraw without defeating his weapons.

 He investigates a coal mine from another entrance, but is attacked by Medusa again.If you retreat because you cannot win here, the rope hangs over the cave.It was due to Karen, the survival of the starting subjugation squad.She cooperates with her to explore how to defeat Medusa.

 In the back forest, there is a place where the survival of the village evacuates, where you can hear the story of the Blue Ribbon necessary to defeat Medusa.If you pick up a blue ribbon in the back of the coal mine, the ribbon will put the forest power.Next, we take measures against poison with Karen's teacher, Armos, and to defeat Medusa.

After the subjugation of Medusa, Sosarian tries to return to Pentaua with Karen.However, Medusa, who should have defeated, attacks only his neck.His body has become smaller, but his attack power is high, and the snake is scattered from the sky.If he defeats this, it will be a scenario clear.

囚われた魔法使い(『Basic scenario disk 3』に収録)

 The great wizard loglek, who protects Pentawa, has been missing.The people are confused by the disappearance of the wizard who protects the country.Loglek seems to have been captured by an underground fortress by a human -eating monster.He has to help as soon as possible.

 First, search for items that are kept the key to the fortress door.The first is a flame crystal in the back of the lava flowing room.The second red ball is sealed in a room where the wearlat appears.You can get the equipment of the room with four small balls in the order of 3124 from the left.

 At the bottom of the fortress is a fairy Floren captured by an auger.If you help, you will get an energy rod for thanks.There is a morning star in the room at the end of this item, destroying the magical ball that is the power of the fortress.This destroys all balls.

 The last magic ball is protected by the boss fire element.This boss does not move from the pedestal unless the flame that erupts from below is stopped.If you defeat and rescue Loglek, you'll clear the scenario, but there's a tip that all of them were Loglek's self -performing.

不老長寿の水①(『Basic scenario disk 3』に収録)

 The land of Pentawa has begun to thin.The national wizard proposes that the legendary sacred water, a longevity water, is needed to overcome it.However, the dungeon with the water is a dangerous place where no one has returned alive.The starting warrior does not return, and the king asks Sosarian.

 A little ahead of the entrance, the boss of this dungeon, Double Devils, appeared as soon as possible.Aim for the moment when his face comes to the bottom of the pillar, as the magic attack does not communicate.By the way, he doesn't have to fight forcibly because this enemy does not affect the progress of the scenario without defeating.

 This dungeon has a structure like a human body.In a room that hits the stomach, discover the skill of the starting warrior.His consciousness is dwelling in this arm, and he will accompany him as an item and provide guidance of Sosarian.First, to find the box he dropped.

 The monster called Doppelganger encountered in the dungeon turns into a character you touch and pretends to be a party member.In addition, the garbled character is a dangerous enemy that is treated as a death.Never touch it!

不老長寿の水②(『Basic scenario disk 3』に収録)

 In the box that the warrior was looking for, there is a silver tuning fork.This item can be installed in a room with "loud sound", "muddy sound", and "beautiful sound", and a door that corresponds to each sound is opened.At the end of the door opened by tuning fork, you can get a crystal valve.

 First, open the "loud sound" door.Get the crystal valve beyond that, launch the elevator, and bring it to your heart room.Then, set the crystal valve to the right of the heart, then go to the "muddy sound" room.Similarly, get the crystal valve here as well.

 Go to the heart room again.Here, the crystal valve set first is removed, and the crystal valve above is set to the left of the heart.If you set two or more crystal valves on your heart, you will be able to set one at a time, as the door closes.

Set the last crystal valve in the "beautiful sound" room in the middle of the heart.Then, the room next to the door of "cloudy sound" is released, where you can get the water of longevity.Note that if you do not remove all the crystal valve from the heart, you will not be able to escape the dungeon.


"Sorcerian Original" that became more beautiful, easier to play

 "Sorcerian" was remade on Windows and was released in 1997 as "Sorcerian Foreever".Based on that, in 2000, "Sorcerian Original" was released.In addition to enjoying 20 scenarios, including the original ones, a warehouse that can store items and a magic school that teaches magic making has been added, making it a friendly for beginners.

Convenient and fun "Utility Disc"

  "Sorcerian" has a "utility disc" to make adventures in Pentauer more enjoyable.This disk is a type of expansion disk, but can use useful content instead of a new scenario.

 There are facilities that are useful for adventures, such as a tool shop that sells powerful items that you could not get in the conventional scenario, and a magician that magically applied to items in an instant without year.In addition, there are some things that can be played as a little breath, such as a mode that allows you to listen to the music you are working on freely, a geeky "Sorcerian Quiz", and "Minimini Socarian", which expresses the pen tower.

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