A tragic reality of a 3 month old beloved child in the bathtub ... hunt down his mother

My mother was driven by "voice" (the photo is an image. Image: Naho Yoshizawa / Afro)


During pregnancy, the woman was doting by calling her baby in her stomach "Maru -chan". Next is part of the diary. [Image] Killed a 25 -year -old man without eating ... 55 -year -old woman "Shock self -portrait" photo She definitely alone. I was becoming a mother. However, two months before her giving birth, she began to have schizophrenic symptoms again to Yinako. What was different from her last time was not only hypersensitive to her outside sound, but also hearing hallucinations. She is a stranger and a stranger calls out. For example, when you close the door in your house, you can hear the man's voice, "It's a good sound," and "It's a bad sound." Eventually, it spread not only to the opening and closing of the door, but also to all sounds such as cooking and washing. Meanwhile, Yunako gives birth to her baby. She was a girl. She was called "Maru -chan" and was named Nanase. She was still suffering from hallucinations, but expanded her joy about holding her baby, and she wrote her thoughts in her diary after she was discharged. For example, it is described as follows. She does not receive her voice as a hallucination, and she seems to understand that someone is really saying. She must have been unable to objectively take her medical condition objectively. On January 11, Yinako finally panicked. She had heard a voice calling her daughter as "Nanase Ozaki" since the morning, so she thought, "I can't live (Nanase)." She twisted Nanase's neck. I tried to kill. "Nanase Ozaki, Ozaki Nanase" Her mother of her parents' home in Shizuoka immediately ended her killing. Yinako regained her calm over the phone and stopped her killing. On the following day, Hironobu worried about his strange wife and took Yinako and Nanase to his neighbor's parents' house. During her work, she tried to get her mother to watch. Hironobu's mother looked at Yunako at a glance about her incident. Her face was pale and had no expression at all. In the corner of her room, Yinako hugged Nanase with the power of Tsubu. Her mother stopped saying, "It's hard to do that," and she told me to rest for a while. However, Yunako returned to the apartment, saying, "I'm going home." She was uneasy, but she never thought she would kill Nanase, and she brought a retort food to an apartment. The incident occurred the next day. On that morning, after her husband, Hironobu, went to work, Yunako's ears often heard a man called "Ozaki Nanase, Ozaki Nanase" over an hour. She was confused while she was listening, and she again thought, "My child can't live!" Eventually, Nanase woke up, and she suddenly began to cry in a loud voice. She may have wanted milk. However, she thought, "Nanase cried, and her voice is angry and she will take her daughter!" She hugged her Nanase wearing a walnut and ran from her bedroom to the bathroom. The bathtub had the remaining hot water last night. Yinako thought, "If she makes her cry, she will be ridiculous. She can die without crying if she sinks in the water." In her trial, she said, "I was scared, scared and scared," she said, but she was in a mental state where she could not even be scared. Yinako came to the cold water while holding Nanase. She sank Nanase while holding her chest. The bubbles coming out of Nanase's mouth come up with a noise. Yinako continued to keep her in the same posture, thinking, "She can sink properly." ◆ After about 10 minutes, "I killed her daughter ...", Yinako stood up slowly and confirmed that Nanase was breathing. Her eyes and mouth opened her breathing. -It's hard if she breathes back. She thought so, and once again, she sank in the bathtub water holding Nanase. The bubbles did not come up anymore. Yinako says. "I sank in the bath ... because I was crying in Nanase. I didn't like it ... I thought it was a way to do it. But I thought the bath was cold because it was cold. ……… I was hugging because Nanase -chan was poor when it was cold, so I took a bath together. ”Yunako reported to the police that she left the bathtub with drenched. But she couldn't explain what she did, and she was told by a police officer on the phone. She finally said, "Please reorganize it after organizing it properly." "I killed her daughter ..." The police officer came at 10:30. Nanase was sinking in a bathroom bathtub with a blanket. Nine months after the incident, a trial was held in the Tokyo District Court. A psychiatrist who appeared as a witness stated: "The defendant had no problem with the growth history, interpersonal relationship, motor nerves, etc., but there was something close to the symptoms of schizophrenia. The experience of the Great East Japan Earthquake. It may have worsened her symptoms. It seems that the symptoms appeared after pregnancy and childbirth because they had to treat them properly. There are symptoms of schizophrenia, "delusion", which makes sense based on perception, and "hallucinations" that can hear voices from outside, but in the case of defendants, this happened together. I guess it was getting worse and worse. " However, in the case of mental illness, it is often possible for her family to take it lighter than it actually. She doesn't want to believe she's a serious thing, or she doesn't want to be a sick person and get worse. The ruling made by the court is as follows. ―― 3 years in prison and 5 years of suspension of execution. In a condominium in Setagaya Ward, Hironobu and Yinako started a life of only two couples. Collection / sentence: Kota Ishii Born in Tokyo in 77. Non -fiction writer. He graduated from the Faculty of Arts, Japan University. He is interviewing and writing on the theme of domestic and overseas culture, history, and medical care. His books include "The Devil's House -Parents who kills her children", "43 murderous Kawasaki Naka 1 boy killing case", "rental child", "close relative murder", "social map of disparity and division". be.

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