Shimonoseki 8000 meals We wait for the construction of a lunch cooking area to the construction

Regarding the construction plan of a school lunch cooking area in Shimonoseki City, we will fully discuss with all those who are involved in school lunches for children, such as parents, dietitians, cooks and teachers, to realize a safer and delicious lunch.Aiming to take the opportunity, "Signature for better lunch for children" has begun.It is the parent generation who is calling at the center.Using fresh ingredients produced in the community for school lunches that greatly affect the health and growth of children, which leads to the development of the local industry in Shimonoseki and the conservation of the global environment.It is a wish that is widely called for the agreement to the citizens.

The call for the signature is as follows.

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We believe that school lunch is very important in the time when children's mind and body grows the most.A safe and delicious lunch is very important for the healthy growth of children who will be responsible for the future.

Now, in Shimonoseki City, we are planning to build a 8,000 meal -scale lunch center with the plan to rebuild the southern school lunch cooking area.Unfortunately, there are sufficient discussions to listen and reflect on the voices of nutritionists and cooks and parents, including nutritionists, cooks, and parents, who are thinking about the health of children and teaching with affection.Not on.

In recent years, allergies, developmental disorders, mental illness, etc. are rising rapidly, and we recognize that it is a major problem not only for children but also in society as a whole.One of the causes is that ingestion of chemicals, additives, and genetically modified crops contained in foods causes mental and physical problems.The world is increasingly regulating genetically modified foods and genomic edited foods, but there are no restrictions in Japan.

In order to make school lunches that greatly affect the health and growth of children, it is essential to use fresh ingredients produced in the area for lunch.It also leads to the development of the regional industry and the conservation of the global environment.Children who grew up in such lunches will grow up as adults with Shimonoseki's food culture and local love.

We request the following things to reflect the voices of parents and citizens who wish for the healthy growth of children and provide better lunches to children.

We will ask parents to explain to parents and hold discussions on the construction plan of the lunch center by a private company of 1,8,000 meals.2. Listen to the voices of school dietitians who are food education professionals and reflect them in the plan.3. We will publish the plan to the citizens, and to implement a public comment (opinion box) as a place for gathering opinions.4. We ask for a gorge to increase the use of local ingredients growing in Yamaguchi Prefecture or Shimonoseki city.5. In the future, we will need to use local -produced pesticides, pesticide -free, chemical fertilizer crops, organic farming, and natural agricultural crops.

Mr. Okasumi, the representative, says, "I would like to tell many people that a better lunch will be achieved by signature activities, but at the same time, the diet can change the future society."Speak."If you have a healthy diet, your children will grow up well. If the ingredients can be produced in the region, the local economy will be rich. If local production for local consumption can reduce the burden on the environment.For a healthy growth and a sustainable society! Let's participate in the signing activities and turn each person's thoughts into great power. "

Mr. Nakamura, also the representative, said, "I want you to know what is happening about lunch now.He said that it would be a good opportunity to think about it. I want to have a good lunch for the children, and I hope that farmers can think about the school lunch that will be happy. "

◇ Problems that hide in private private cooking

In Shimonoseki City, a new school lunch cooking area with 8,000 meals of meals a day is newly established as a consolidation of self -schooling schools, with the rebuilding of the current school lunch cooking area. The plan is progressing. Not only is it possible to make children eat safe and delicious lunches between parents and people who have been involved in school lunches in this plan, which is not only large -scale, but also in this plan. Anxiety has been raised, such as whether the food education that has been performed through is continuing. The bidding began on February 5, but this is the beginning of a "signature for better lunch for children" among parents who want to think about the way of school lunches and food safety. ing. Until now, this newspaper has been mentioned on the rebuilding plan for the school lunch cooking area. The reporter who was involved had a roundtable discussion and thought about this problem.

Lunch time.Children who serve

A This plan has triggered the aging of the 47 -year -old southern school lunch kitchen in Hikoshima. Regarding the aging of the southern joint kitchen, people in the field, such as nutritionists and cooks, feel that they need to rebuild. However, as the embodiment progressed, the school ceremony school is also aging, so let's consolidate it in this place, so we cook 8,000 meals a day on the premises of the new Shimonoseki market. We have decided to build a large new -tone at the ability. A total of 23 junior high schools, such as Hikoshima, such as Hikoshima, where the southern kitchen was in charge, and one junior high school in the old city, and one junior high school currently delivered from the Chubu School Lunch Cooking Plant. It is a plan to deliver school lunches from here. The expected number of foods in the 6th year of the new kitchen will be operating 7656 meals. Many school officials, who should have been explained, did not recognize that they would be such a large center.

B, especially for schools in their own school, the lunch itself changes drastically. This is also the case that it can be changed from lunch to the center on the premises, and at the time of the event, we will collaborate with the cook to shift the serving time, replace it with a menu that is easy to eat. It becomes difficult. Even in elementary and junior high schools in the Hikoshima area, which had been transported from the southern lunch cooking area, there are changes in delivery time, so in any case, explanations to parents and school officials should be indispensable. However, as far as the stakeholders are asked, there is no place to explain in detail or to hear the opinions of parents. It's surprising that I don't even hear the opinions of a dietitian or nutritious teacher who knows the most. Until now, when building a kitchen, he would have decided to design with nutritionists and nutrition teachers.

C In some cases, it can be a private private run.The City Board of Education has adopted a privately owned private system for "financial difficulties."In addition, he said that it was difficult to rebuild the kitchen on the premises of the existing elementary school, or that the cook was aging and it was difficult to place people on a small scale, but after all the biggest problem.Is money.

In the case of a private private system, the building is designed and built, and the cooking equipment is prepared, and all the cooking and delivery will be outsourced to private companies, and the city is from the "mainly providing lunch"., The position is reversed to the "purchase side".When I went to the City Board of Education, I was worried many times, saying, "Because we are aiming to provide lunch."Do you have the same responsibility for "until you can have lunch", such as the operation of ingredients and cooking operations? When.

A. The ownership of the kitchen will also be a private company, so after the 15 -year contract has been completed, the business will be dismantled at the business burden when disposing of the building.However, it is said that these PFI businesses often have a re -contract with the same company.At the time of the re -contracts 15 years later, people who have known for school lunches, such as cities and nutrition teachers, have been lost.If the company says that the lunch business is not possible on its own, the government will have to be a good company if the company says, "I will withdraw because there is no profit."

It is found that the re -governmentization of water supply is progressing overseas, as a result of entrusting the entire water management to private companies for a long time, it has been found that water charges have soared or maintenance and management to maintain water safety.That's the cause.It may be "cheaper" in front of you, but I don't know if it's cheap in the long term.There is no discussion about the people involved in the school lunch of children, so it is okay to throw it in the private sector easily.

C Although it is a private privatization, there is no company in Shimonoseki city that undertakes 8000 food lunch cooking.In other words, it is a composition in which major overseas companies get on and take the right to lunch.In fact, among the stakeholders, the major karaoke giant in Tokyo has become a hot topic.The expression may be bad if you say lunch money, but I think it would be nice if Shimonoseki City would circulate to the local area for children to cook children.In the out -of -city order, the local economy is increasingly rising.

Lunch that cannot be measured only by profit

下関 8000食の給食調理場建設に待った 父母らが署名を開始 よりよい給食の在り方みんなで考えよう | 長周新聞

B. Private companies must secure profits.This is inevitable, but school lunches that are offered at a low price of 260 yen per elementary school and 300 yen per junior high school (including milk, bread and rice) is a business that makes a not.So until now, the public that does not need to think about profits has been responsible.If you want to make a profit, you can only think of reducing labor costs by mechanization and efficiency and reducing food prices.Therefore, this time, if the ratio of the project cost is 50 % or less, it is allowed to use the kitchen for other businesses.School lunch is a lunch for lunch, so it seems that profits will be ensured so that you can make hospital foods and lunch boxes and operate.

C One of the major problems that is worried among parents is to reduce the quality of ingredients.It is generally said that large school lunch centers often use half -aged ingredients and frozen foods such as cut vegetables and boiled water.It seems that the standard product is more convenient when mechanized.There is a concern that the ingredients that use additives in the processing process will not be known where they were produced, and the ingredients used in the process will come to school lunches.

A. In that regard, the ingredients were also worried.Even now, it seems that local ingredients are still because they are cooperating with profits, saying "for children".Recently, potatoes were soaring and it continued to exceed 5,000 yen per box, but I heard that the trader was in the red and consulted with a dietitian to increase other vegetables.In particular, fresh foods such as vegetables and fish vary greatly depending on the weather.Now, the low price is continuing due to the influence of Corona, but if the high price continues and it can not be covered within the range of lunch, what will the business operator do?Some officials talked.

The City Board of Education explains that "the cost of purchasing the ingredients is paid separately, so the quality of the ingredients does not decrease."Certainly, if you pay postpay, the cost of the ingredients will not be turned on the operating cost, but processed products are more stable than purchasing fresh food with large price fluctuations.The possibility of flowing there cannot be denied.It seems that it is okay because it specifies that "the ingredients and ingredients will be selected and determined in advance for the company's selection and determined ones."It is necessary to determine.

Work at the lunch kitchen

Who thinks of a menu

C Another question, "Who will make a menu?"In the case of the former Shimonoseki city, nutrition teachers and dietitians gather once a month, make menus, and approve the City Board of Education.At that time, he is also developing a new menu.He creates prototypes, exchanges opinions, focuses on how to feed local ingredients, and is really enthusiastic.It is regarded as "food is all the root" and "food education is an important pillar of student guidance," and not only make menus, but also coordinates with children, cooking, delivery companies, and producers.It plays in a place where you can't see your role.

There are many nutrition teachers who say that Shimonoseki has a lot of good ingredients, so we want children to eat local ingredients.Until now, when we have introduced Fukuku lunch, we have studied cooking methods and seasoning to create menus when we start a whale lunch, and the city's “local production for local consumption” has been realized because of nutrition teachers in the shadows.It seems that nutrition teachers are involved in the small part of the elementary school, such as the size of the elementary school students and the junior high school students and the time when the cook is washed.

B Nutrition teacher is a prefecture staff.According to school officials, one person is still in charge of multiple schools, so it seems that they are in a difficult position that they belong to the staff room and do not belong, but when they are converted to the center, the nutrition is now.The teacher is no longer placed.The City Board of Education says, "The city is more responsible for making a menu," and in the requirement level, "Menu making, ingredients and ingredients and ingredients will be decided at the responsibility of the city, and managed.Do it. "But specifically, who will make a menu?When I thought, no such human resources were prepared at this stage.In that case, there is also a concern that the menu will be pursued by the trader.If there is no specific assumption, it may be a "responsibility" only for form.

C allergies are also available.The number of children with allergies is really increasing now, and the school is also nervous.In addition to eggs, milk, soba, rice, wheat, shrimp, etc., some children are allergic to kiwi, so the items are huge.In some cases, allergies suddenly appear in junior high school.He seems to have diabetes children and work with doctors.Nutrition teachers are in contact with each family, such as letters, etc., and how many months, how many days and how many days are menus cannot be eaten, whether they can be removed, or if they need lunch boxes.Say.

This time, one advantage is that it becomes a new facility and allergic response is possible, but it is the same removal food as before, and the target is eggs, milk, wheat, buckwheat, shrimp, shrimp, crab.It is a processed food that uses items and it.The allergies are 100 meals a day, but there is no specific assumption that who will contact 100 families for menus or who will get consultation.It's really doubtful how to take a system without consulting a nutrition teacher who has been working until now.

The important role of food education

B Sure, when you talk to people in various positions, I think there are many issues in the current school lunch system. For example, the usage rate of local ingredients is only 12 %, and it is natural that cooks have not been adopted for more than 10 years, so the number of people will decrease. There is also a aspect that the part that has been supported by the good intentions of the food suppliers is becoming more severe due to the rapid progress of the declining birthrate. The system that has been continuing for many years seems to be tired due to changes in the situation, but this is the only way to collect the wisdom of all stakeholders and solve it. However, the City Board of Education hears that "there is a problem with nutritionists" and "the school lunch association ...". It is an explanation that all the people who support the children's school lunch are bad, and if they become large -scale centers and privatize, everything will be improved, but I wonder if that is the case.

For children, considering what is the best lunch system, the fact that "self -school method is best" matches the Board of Education, school officials, and parents.There are aunts who cook in front of you, and in the fourth hour, you can get a delicious smell, and you can dodge the voice, "I will have it," "feast," and "It was delicious."The difference cannot be converted to numbers or money.

Until now, we didn't know much about what we were doing in food education, so I asked the people on the scene, but I was very surprised.For example, if you draw a daily meal picture and draw a picture of rice, if you are drawing a picture that you are eating alone, you will be involved in the homeroom teacher or a nursing teacher if you are drawing alone.It is said that nutrition teachers know the whole child's life through food and are involved in growing.This is an example, but I thought that each nutrition teacher was devising and involved in children with affection, and I thought that using local ingredients would be food education.Furthermore, school lunch is not something that should be filled.

Food safety with local ingredients

A. In the last few years, foods distributed to the market have changed dramatically, and imported foods are increasing rapidly, especially due to the US -Japan FTA and Japan -English EPA.Japan has become the most loose country in the world, and fortunately, it is imported as a feed for growth hormone, antibiotics, and genetically modified crops.It is lined up.The import of meat has already been prohibited in the EU, and the meat that has been closed out of the market is silling into Japan.

Looking at the actual situation of chicken production, the chicken that is "improved" only for humans to eat and grows twice as faster as usual is pushed into a narrow poultry house that does not hit the sun and is administered to administer antibiotics.It is shipped by continuing to eat food such as corn to molaro.The same goes for pigs and cows.This cannot be good for the human body.

D. Due to agricultural products such as vegetables and fruits, it has been changed, and some multinational companies have ruled from seeds to dining tables.In April 2018, the Seed Law was abolished, and the Agricultural Compatibility Support Law was stated that the technology and knowledge cultivated by public institutions were actively presented to private companies.In December 2020, the seedling law was revised to regulate farmers' self -growth, and when farmers were to collect their own, they had to pay the seedling manufacturer.These legislation is increasingly likely that genetically modified crops and genomic edited foods developed by multinational companies will come to Japan.In addition, in the future, both genetically modified and genome editing will be distributed without display.

B: One of the reasons for allergies, developmental disorders, mental illnesses, etc. is a rapid increase in the signature, which includes chemical substances, additives, and genetic modification crops.Possibility is increasing.Many genetically modified crops contain insecticidal components.It is an insecticide as well as a food, and it contains BT toxins, which is a hole in the inner wall of the intestine when an insect eats.

The pesticide round -up used in the set has revealed that the lawsuit in the United States has led to concealing carcinogenicity, and the movements regulated around the world are spreading.In addition, it has been pointed out that the ingredients that wither plants kill a human intestinal bacteria, which is a member of the plant, and, especially good bacteria, such as lactic acid bacteria.Destruction of intestinal bacteria that make a nerve -controlled substance that balance the body may cause no sleep at night, raising blood sugar, and occurring various disorders, such as autoimmune diseases and allergies.There is.

It has been reported that among those who support children with developmental disabilities, the symptoms that have been diagnosed as "developmental disorders" have improved and no drugs are needed.The increase in developmental disorders is a problem at school, but this is not actually a developmental disorder, and some have a warning bell that you should not rely on medication easily because it contains a lot of symptoms caused by food.There is.

C.School lunches are one meal a day, but more and more children are now the largest nutritional source.The best way to make this more safe and delicious is to use fresh ingredients produced in the region.More specifically, it is desirable to use crops grown in pesticides, pesticides, and organic farming in the future.

In order to achieve this, I think it would be a bad idea to build a center of 8,000 meals and sign a contract with a private company for 15 years.Now, farmers are aging and production is declining, and vegetables from Yamaguchi Prefecture, which are shipped in the new Shimonoseki market, are 20.7 % in FY2018, 20.9 % in FY2019, and 2020.6 % in FY2020.。There are only about 20 % of the total in the prefecture, even more from Shimonoseki City.The reality is that it is difficult to secure a large amount of local vegetables at once.The only way to increase local ingredients is to promote the primary industry with agricultural administration and fisheries, and go one step away from a short -term strategy.Otherwise, even if the contractor is obliged to cooperate with local production for local consumption, it will end with the theme.

The number of local governments that use school lunches as a business that can develop local industries is increasing.The bid has begun, but I think it is important for the future of Shimonoseki, food and agriculture to exchange opinions with the people involved and think together about what kind of lunch they will eat.。