Shimadzu Seisakusho announces LC for medium -sized drugs that can control metal adsorption

Shimadzu Seisakusho announced on February 3 that it has launched the NEXERA XS INERT (Nexera XS Inart) high -speed liquid chromatograph (LC).

In recent years, the development of "medium molecular pharmaceuticals" that utilizes bio -drugs and peptide and oligo nucleic acids has accelerated, which have different chemical characteristics from the current mainstream of pharmaceuticals.

Some of these drugs have molecules that are easy to adsorb with metals, and there are issues such as molecules adsorbing inside the device, becoming inaccurate data or reduced sensitivity.

Therefore, NEXERA XS INERT suppresses metal adsorption by using polyethel ether keton (PEEK) resin as the piping material of the sample passing route.It has been possible to analyze several times compared to the conventional machine.


In addition, high -pressure support is also realized by using a double structure in which PEEK piping is wrapped in stainless steel piping.It is possible to respond to high -separation analysis.

According to the company, the development of this double piping and the stable production were struggling.

The feature is that it can operate stably even if a corrosive solution to metal, such as salt water, can be operated for a long period of time due to a design using a material that is resistant to rust.

Mr. Mami Tomita, Deputy Director of the Shimadzu Manufacturing Measurement Division, said, "I believe that the nucleic acid medicine market, which has attracted attention in the COVID-19 in the future, will increase significantly. Nuclear acids have metal absorption molecules.It is included and believes that the product will be used as a solution at the manufacturing and development site manufacturing and development, "he said.

The device was designed and developed based on the results of joint research in the research results (A-STEP) of Professor Yasushi Ishihama and the Science and Technology Promotion Organization (JST) of the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Science (A-STEP).

The desired selling price starts at 12 million yen, aiming to sell 400 units in Japan and overseas in one year after the release.