Research progress on hydrogen transport technology of mixed hydrogen natural gas

Polaris Hydrogen Energy Network News: The hydrogen transmission technology of mixed hydrogen natural gas is a new hydrogen transmission scheme proposed by developed countries in recent years. This technology utilizes the existing natural gas pipeline facilities, avoids huge investment in the construction of hydrogen pipeline network, and is expected to solve the problem of large-scale hydrogen transportation. This paper introduces the concept, characteristics and key technical issues of hydrogen-blended natural gas technology, and reviews related technologies including hydrogen preparation, pipeline reconstruction, hydrogen separation, and the use of hydrogen-blended natural gas. Finally, the prospect of hydrogen transport with hydrogen-blended natural gas is prospected, and the related problems that need to be solved for hydrogen transport with hydrogen-blended natural gas are summarized.

With the development of society, primary energy dominated by fossil fuels such as oil and coal is difficult to meet the demand. Environmental pollution, greenhouse effect and the gradual depletion of fossil energy make it urgent to find new clean energy. Hydrogen energy is a clean secondary energy carrier, which has been widely concerned by scholars at home and abroad for a long time. Among them, safe and efficient hydrogen transportation technology is one of the main bottlenecks for the large-scale application of hydrogen energy. Pipeline transportation of hydrogen has a large volume and low cost, but special hydrogen pipelines need to be built.

The concept of hydrogen-blended natural gas was originally proposed by LYNCH et al. as a low-carbon fuel for internal combustion engines. In recent years, developed countries in Europe and the United States have proposed plans to use existing natural gas pipelines to transport hydrogen-mixed natural gas. On the one hand, the technology uses a low-carbon and clean mixed gas fuel, which can reduce the carbon emissions generated by the use of natural gas; on the other hand, the technology avoids the construction of high-cost hydrogen pipelines and is a low-cost and efficient way of hydrogen transportation It is expected to become a key engine for hydrogen energy applications. This paper analyzes the related technologies of hydrogen production, hydrogen transport, and hydrogen use related to hydrogen-mixed natural gas.

1 Introduction to hydrogen transmission technology in natural gas pipelines

The use of hydrogen mixed natural gas for hydrogen transportation refers to the technology of mixing a certain concentration of hydrogen into the existing natural gas pipeline system to form a hydrogen-natural gas mixed gas for transportation. Figure 1 shows the circuit diagram of hydrogen mixed natural gas hydrogen transportation and related technologies. According to the needs of end users, hydrogen-natural gas mixed gas can be used directly as fuel, or hydrogen can be separated downstream of the pipeline for use. The hydrogen transmission technology of mixed hydrogen natural gas has the following advantages:

1) Diversified hydrogen sources, which can utilize various sources of hydrogen and hydrogen-containing gas.

2) Low cost. Using existing natural gas pipeline facilities, hydrogen can be transported at low cost and long distances.

3) Low-carbon emissions, providing low-carbon clean fuels for the majority of users.

Hydrogen-blended natural gas technology is considered as a way to achieve low-cost hydrogen delivery. The hybrid hydrogen natural gas hydrogen transmission technology can not only improve the overall utilization efficiency of the energy system, but also is expected to combine a variety of hydrogen energy technologies to become an important transitional technology towards the "hydrogen economy".

2 Sources of hydrogen-mixed natural gas

2.1 Gas mixing method

The sources of hydrogen and methane are different. Hydrogen is secondary energy, which is produced from primary energy, while natural gas is artificially exploited fossil energy. It is currently believed that the hydrogen-natural gas mixture for pipeline transportation can be realized in the following three forms:

1) In the upstream of the natural gas pipeline network, the produced hydrogen is mixed with the extracted natural gas and injected. According to the current volume of natural gas pipeline networks in industrialized countries, even if hydrogen-mixed natural gas with a low hydrogen volume fraction is used, a large amount of hydrogen will be produced, which will directly drive the development of the hydrogen energy industry.

2) In the upstream of the natural gas pipeline network, the hydrogen-methane gas mixture is directly produced and injected, and the mixed gas can be derived from the hydrogen-methane gas mixture produced by the methane-steam reforming technology. In addition, biomass hydrogen production technology is also expected to produce hydrogen-methane gas mixture.

3) In the areas covered by the natural gas pipeline network, use various renewable energy sources to produce hydrogen according to local conditions, mix it with the gas in the pipeline network and inject it. This approach can integrate a variety of renewable energy sources to promote clean energy and maximize benefits.

2.2 Source of hydrogen

The hydrogen mixed into the natural gas pipeline network can come from three sources: 1) hydrogen produced by traditional hydrogen production technology; 2) hydrogen produced by renewable energy; 3) industrial by-product hydrogen and hydrogen-containing tail gas.

Hydrogen production technology can be divided into fossil energy hydrogen production and renewable energy hydrogen production according to the energy source. Fossil energy hydrogen production is currently the mainstream industrial hydrogen production technology, but there are greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide in the product. To meet the requirements of low-carbon emissions, CO2 capture technology needs to be adopted, which will significantly increase the cost. Among the renewable energy sources, the electrolysis of water, photovoltaics, and wind power can be used to produce hydrogen and solar catalysis to produce hydrogen, which is in line with the development direction of clean energy. However, because solar energy, water energy and wind energy are greatly affected by the environment, time and region, they often cause serious problems such as "abandoning light", "abandoning water" and "abandoning wind". If the surplus power can be directly electrolyzed in the power station to produce hydrogen, and mixed into the natural gas pipeline network for storage and transportation, it can not only solve the problem of the discontinuity of renewable energy in space and time, but also improve the efficiency of renewable energy power generation. economical. In addition, hydrogen production by electrolysis of water during the low power grid period can not only significantly save the cost of hydrogen production, but also enable the power grid to achieve the regulation effect of “peak shaving and valley filling”.

Biomass energy is a renewable energy source. Biomass hydrogen production is a method of converting the energy of organic matter into hydrogen. The microorganisms that produce hydrogen mainly include three groups: dark fermentation bacteria, photolysis microorganisms and light fermentation bacteria. Biomass used for hydrogen production can come from urban sewage, domestic waste, etc. Therefore, it also has strong practical significance in environmental pollution control. However, the hydrogen production efficiency and energy conversion rate of biomass hydrogen production are relatively low, which still needs to be studied.

Methanol hydrogen production technology is a hydrogen production technology that has received extensive attention in recent years. Methanol extracted from biomass is a clean energy source. According to the research of Zhang Xinrong et al., methanol and water react under normal pressure, 250 °C and catalytic conditions to obtain a mixture of hydrogen, carbon dioxide and a small amount of carbon monoxide, and hydrogen can be obtained after separation.

Table 1 shows the cost and characteristics of several hydrogen production technologies. Among them, electrolysis of water and fossil energy are the most mature industrial hydrogen production technologies.

In addition, the mixed hydrogen natural gas technology also has good recycling value for by-product hydrogen and methane in many industries (chlor-alkali, coking, synthetic ammonia, etc.). There is a large amount of by-product hydrogen in China's chlor-alkali industry. In 2017, the by-product hydrogen in my country's chlor-alkali industry exceeded 800,000 tons. Such industrial waste gas can be injected into natural gas pipelines through simple treatment, thereby improving energy efficiency and economic benefits.

3 Natural gas pipeline to transport hydrogen

The pipeline transportation of mixed hydrogen natural gas requires the use of existing natural gas pipeline network facilities, and the large-scale transportation of mixed gas can be realized only through limited transformation. Pipeline transportation of mixed gas containing hydrogen has been widely used in industrial countries. Coal gas is a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide obtained by reacting fossil fuels such as coal, coke or petroleum with water vapor. As early as the mid-19th century, gas was used for civil fuel in towns and cities, and many European countries built gas network systems. Subsequently, due to the popularity of natural gas, many countries, such as the United States, Canada, Austria, France, and Germany, gradually experienced the transition from coal gas to natural gas led by the government from the 1950s to the 1970s.

In recent years, there has been an increasing number of international studies on hydrogen-mixed natural gas. At present, many countries are evaluating the feasibility of natural gas pipeline network facilities for transporting hydrogen-mixed natural gas (as shown in Figure 2, where the constraints shown in the figure are: the CNG filling station in Germany is not connected to the pipeline network; Lithuania The pressure of the pipeline is greater than 16×105Pa; the Netherlands uses high-heating gas). The United Kingdom and Germany have carried out a number of hydrogen-mixed natural gas demonstration projects. Studies have shown that it is feasible to transport hydrogen-mixed natural gas with existing natural gas pipelines. The HyDeploy demonstration project in the UK injects 20% (volume fraction) hydrogen into the existing natural gas network at Keele University to supply 100 households and 30 teaching buildings. The German company E.ON also plans to increase the hydrogen mixing rate in the natural gas pipeline network to 20%.

The framework of my country's natural gas pipeline network system has basically been formed, and the natural gas pipeline transportation technology is mature. According to the "China Natural Gas Development Report (2019)", by the end of 2018, the total length of my country's natural gas trunk pipelines reached 76,000 km, with a one-time gas transmission capacity of 320 billion m3/a. Therefore, it can be considered that the use of natural gas pipelines to transport hydrogen-mixed natural gas in my country has a strong feasibility. Based on natural gas pipeline reconstruction and safety, there are two issues that need attention: hydrogen embrittlement failure of pipeline materials and hydrogen leakage loss.

3.1 Hydrogen embrittlement of materials

It is well known that many metallic materials suffer from hydrogen embrittlement, resulting in reduced material toughness and increased fatigue crack growth rate, which can lead to material failure during service. Worldwide, natural gas pipelines usually use X70 and X80 pipeline steels, while hydrogen pipelines usually use X42 and X52 pipeline steels. The natural gas pipeline materials in my country are mainly steel. The effect of hydrogen embrittlement on different grades of steel is different, but it will lead to deterioration of material properties. Small-sized parts such as bolts, springs, rivets, etc. are more prone to hydrogen embrittlement due to their large deformation and small grain size during processing. For some key connecting parts, they should be regularly inspected and replaced in time. At the same time, hydrogen embrittlement affects not only pipeline materials, but also components in gas compressors and pipeline valves. The adaptability of some old natural gas facilities and newly renovated natural gas facilities to hydrogen-blended natural gas is shown in Figure 3. In addition, hydrogen embrittlement is prone to occur in the welded parts of the pipeline, and the treatment process of the pipeline should be optimized before injecting hydrogen into the natural gas pipeline.

Because hydrogen embrittlement is related to hydrogen concentration, in order to ensure the safety of pipeline facilities for transporting hydrogen-mixed natural gas, the concentration of hydrogen should be controlled within a low range. Zhang Xiaoqiang et al pointed out that in addition to the hydrogen volume fraction, the pressure of the pipeline should also be considered for the impact of hydrogen injection into the natural gas pipeline. When the volume fraction of hydrogen injected into the natural gas pipeline is less than 10%, the pipeline operating pressure should be less than 7.7MPa; when the hydrogen volume fraction is greater than 10%, the pipeline operating pressure should be less than 5.38MPa. The research of Shi Shijie et al. shows that the hydrogen corrosion of X70 pipeline steel will not occur under the delivery pressure of 12MPa with a volume fraction of 16.7% hydrogen. An assessment report released by the U.S. Department of Energy and the National Laboratory for Renewable Energy believes that the U.S. natural gas system can basically withstand hydrogen with a volume fraction of less than 20%. In general, the gas mixture with lower hydrogen volume fraction is more compatible with the existing pipe network system, while the use of gas with higher hydrogen volume fraction requires replacement of some facilities.

3.2 Safety assessment and loss of hydrogen leakage

Although hydrogen has a wide concentration explosion limit, hydrogen is the smallest gas molecule and its diffusion rate is relatively fast. In order to assess the safety of hydrogen-blended natural gas technology in the event of pipeline failure, the NaturalHy project established a quantitative risk assessment model to calculate the risk coefficients at different locations near the gas pipeline. In pipelines with different diameters, the risk coefficients of natural gas and natural gas injected with 25% (volume fraction, the same below) hydrogen at different positions of the pipeline are shown in Figure 4. It can be seen from Figure 4 that for the natural gas pipeline transportation containing 25% hydrogen, the risk coefficient of the position closer to the hydrogen-mixed natural gas pipeline is slightly higher than that of the pure natural gas pipeline, and the risk coefficient of the position farther from the hydrogen-mixed natural gas pipeline is higher than that of the pure natural gas. Low near the pipe.

During transportation, hydrogen is easily diffused and leaked to the outside in the pipeline, especially at flanges, sealing threads, valves, etc. Although the leakage rate of gas in the material is slow, and there is no safety hazard in general, the gas loss accumulated by long-term leakage cannot be ignored. Among piping materials, carbon steel has a lower hydrogen permeability than plastics such as PVC. The methane gas mixture containing 10% hydrogen in the PE80 natural gas pipeline made of polyethylene, the permeability coefficient of hydrogen is 4~5 times that of pure methane. Compared with natural gas, hydrogen-mixed natural gas has more leakage during long-distance pipeline transportation. Studies have shown that the leakage of hydrogen-mixed natural gas containing 20% ​​H2 is twice that of pure natural gas during the transmission process. Although gas leakage will cause certain losses, this loss is acceptable.

4 Hydrogen separation

Hydrogen-blended natural gas itself is a low-carbon fuel that can be used for direct combustion to obtain heat or to generate electricity. Fuel cells fueled by high-purity hydrogen can utilize energy more efficiently. At this time, higher-purity hydrogen needs to be separated from the mixed gas. Several hydrogen separation methods are introduced here, including pressure swing adsorption, membrane separation, cryogenic separation, hydrogen storage alloy separation and electrochemical separation. The use of these gas separation methods to separate hydrogen-mixed natural gas with low hydrogen concentration has yet to be verified, and there are still few researches on hydrogen separation technology for hydrogen-mixed natural gas.

4.1 Pressure swing adsorption (PSA)

The principle of pressure swing adsorption (PSA) is to selectively separate gases by utilizing the different adsorption capacities of adsorbent materials for gas components. The adsorbent is filled on the adsorption bed, and when the mixed gas is passed into the adsorption bed, part of the gas components will be adsorbed, and the remaining gas components will pass through the adsorption bed. Hydrogen is a weakly adsorbed molecule compared to other gases. The separation of hydrogen by pressure swing adsorption has been widely used in the chemical industry. For example, the pressure swing adsorption method recovers the hydrogen in the vent gas of the PTA hydrogenation reduction reaction, which can purify the hydrogen to 99.5%. Pressure swing adsorption is also used for hydrogen purification of electrolytic brine.

The separation of hydrogen by pressure swing adsorption generally consists of three basic steps: 1) At a higher adsorption pressure, the mixed gas passes through the adsorption bed, part of the gas is adsorbed, and the weakly adsorbed molecules are discharged from the separation tower and recovered; 2) The adsorption The adsorbent is removed by vacuuming and flushing; 3) A weakly adsorbed gas component (hydrogen) is introduced into the adsorbent to pressurize the adsorbent bed for use in the next round.

The separation of hydrogen by pressure swing adsorption has the advantages of short cycle, long cycle life and high purity. The pressure swing adsorption method is generally used for the separation of hydrogen in the mixed gas (hydrogen with a small amount of impurities) in which hydrogen is the main component. However, the hydrogen content of hydrogen-mixed natural gas is low, and methane (strongly adsorbed gas) is the main component. Therefore, repeated adsorption and vacuum desorption of the adsorption bed are required, resulting in complicated process, increased energy consumption, and difficult process control.

4.2 Membrane separation

Membrane separation technology utilizes the different permeability properties of special membranes to each component in the mixed gas, and uses the pressure difference on both sides of the membrane as the driving force to separate the gas, which has become one of the widely used gas separation technologies.

In the process of membrane separation of mixed gas, the pressure difference on both sides of the membrane is used as the driving force, so that the components with higher permeability (such as hydrogen) in the gas can easily permeate through the membrane and be enriched on the other side of the membrane. Lower components (such as methane, etc.) have difficulty permeating the membrane and remain on one side of the membrane. Hydrogen separation membranes include ceramic membranes, polymer membranes, molecular sieve membranes, and metal membranes. For example, after the palladium is made into a metal film, the purity of the hydrogen obtained by separation is almost 100%. Palladium-based separation membranes are mostly used for the preparation of high-purity hydrogen and the separation of hydrogen isotopes. However, the preparation cost of palladium-based separation membrane is relatively high, and the application in the civilian field is limited. The hydrogen content of hydrogen-mixed natural gas is relatively low, and it is difficult to use the membrane separation method. This is because the pressure separation difference on both sides of the membrane is too large, which easily crushes the separation membrane. The supported membranes can increase the mechanical strength of the membrane by adding a support, which can increase the pressure difference that the separation membrane can withstand.

4.3 Cryogenic separation

Cryogenic separation refers to the use of the difference in boiling point of different gases to cool and liquefy the mixed gas under high pressure to achieve the purpose of separating the mixed gas. Cryogenic separation, also known as cryogenic method or cryogenic rectification method, was invented in the early 20th century and has been widely used to separate oxygen from air. At the same time, cryogenic separation is also one of the main technologies for separating cracked gas in the petrochemical industry.

Cryogenic separation technology requires significant differences in the boiling points of the gas components. Under standard conditions, the boiling points of hydrogen, methane, and ethane are −252.8, −161.5, and −88.6 °C, respectively. Therefore, cryogenic separation of hydrogen-mixed natural gas is feasible. However, the disadvantage of cryogenic separation is that the process equipment is complicated, the energy consumption is large, and the maintenance is inconvenient.

4.4 Separation of hydrogen storage alloys

The hydrogen storage alloy separation method utilizes the reversible hydrogen absorption and desorption properties of hydrogen storage alloy materials. First, the hydrogen-mixed natural gas is introduced to make the hydrogen storage alloy react to absorb hydrogen, and then the temperature is raised to make the hydrogen storage alloy release hydrogen. The principle is to use the reversible reaction that occurs in its hydrogen absorption and desorption:

In order for the hydrogen storage alloy to absorb hydrogen in the mixed gas with low hydrogen concentration, the hydrogen storage alloy needs to have good hydrogen absorption kinetics. On the other hand, the enthalpy change and entropy change of hydrogen absorption and desorption reaction of hydrogen storage alloy need to satisfy the Van't Hoff equation, so that at a certain temperature, hydrogen can be absorbed under the hydrogen partial pressure of the mixed gas, and the suitable pressure can be released after heating of hydrogen. The hydrogen storage alloy separation method can produce nearly 100% high-purity hydrogen.

In addition to methane and other hydrocarbon gases, there are generally a small amount of impurity gases such as CO2 and N2 in natural gas. Due to the strong chemical activity of hydrogen storage alloy materials, if the hydrogen-mixed natural gas contains oxidizing gas, the gas separation process will lead to alloy poisoning and hydrogen storage performance degradation. Therefore, the harmful gas in the mixed gas needs to be removed in advance.

4.5 Electrochemical hydrogen separation

Electrochemical hydrogen separation (electrochemical hydrogenseparation) refers to the use of a fuel cell system, the mixed gas is passed into the fuel cell, driven by electrical energy, the hydrogen is reacted at the anode to generate hydrogen ions, and the hydrogen ions are combined with electrons at the cathode side to generate hydrogen, which is discharged. High-purity hydrogen. The electrochemical hydrogen separation device based on the low temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cell system was first developed in the 1960s. At present, more research is based on the proton exchange membrane fuel cell system, using polybenzimidazole (PBI) thin film as the electrolyte. separation device. Electrochemical hydrogen separation utilizes the reverse reaction of the fuel cell, with an applied electric field as the driving force, to cause the ions in the electrolyte to move directionally. The principle (see Figure 5) is as follows:

The hydrogen in the mixed gas is reacted at the anode to obtain hydrogen ions, and then moves directionally through the electrolyte under the action of an electric field, and is reduced at the cathode to release pure hydrogen. Electrochemical hydrogen separation devices require an external DC power source to drive the directional movement of cations. The advantage of using the electrochemical hydrogen separation device to separate the mixed gas is that even for the hydrogen-depleted gas, the technology still has good separation performance. In addition, the electrochemical separation device also has the characteristics of high separation purity, low energy consumption, and high separation efficiency.

5 Application of hydrogen-mixed natural gas

Hydrogen-mixed natural gas can cover a wide range of end users through the natural gas pipeline network. As a low-carbon fuel, it has many application scenarios and potential markets. On the one hand, hydrogen-mixed natural gas can be used as fuel for household gas appliances and natural gas vehicles; on the other hand, after the hydrogen-mixed natural gas is separated, hydrogen can be supplied to hydrogen refueling stations and fuel cell power generation facilities.

5.1 Domestic Gas

As a low-carbon fuel, hydrogen-mixed natural gas is directly used instead of natural gas in some household appliances such as gas stoves, water heaters, and heating water heaters. The building's gas central air conditioning system can also use natural gas fueled with hydrogen. Table 2 shows the comparison results of some relevant physical and chemical properties of methane, hydrogen and gasoline. Compared with other fuels, hydrogen has the advantages of low ignition energy and fast flame propagation speed. Through research, Ma Xiangyang et al. found that when the combustion potential and Huabai number of natural gas are satisfied, the maximum hydrogen content in methane is 23%. Luo Zixuan et al. found that when the hydrogen content of natural gas was 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%, the combustion test was carried out in a variety of burning appliances, and the flame stability could meet the requirements, and the content of carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides produced by the combustion met the requirements. National standard, and with the increase of hydrogen content, the carbon monoxide content of flue gas is reduced, and at the same time, the thermal efficiency of burning appliances is improved.

5.2 Natural gas vehicles

The use of hydrogen-mixed natural gas in automobile internal combustion engines has attracted long-term attention. LYNCH et al. proposed this idea and carried out research, and found that the combustion performance of hydrogen-mixed natural gas in gasoline internal combustion engines is similar, so there is no need to replace the engine. At the same time, since the incorporation of hydrogen changes the physical and chemical properties of the gas, the fuel lean limit will be widened and the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) pollution will be reduced. Studies have shown that methane is a greenhouse gas. Cars fueled by compressed natural gas have problems with methane exhaust emissions. Mixing hydrogen with natural gas can reduce the amount of methane emitted by automobile exhausts and improve engine combustion. AKANSU et al. conducted research on natural gas injected with different proportions of hydrogen, and found that the use of hydrogen-mixed natural gas as fuel can change the maximum pressure in the internal combustion engine, reduce exhaust loss, and improve the thermal efficiency of the internal combustion engine. According to the research of DIMOPOULOS et al., mixed hydrogen natural gas can improve the thermal efficiency of internal combustion engine under low load and high load state. Excessive hydrogen content in the mixed gas may cause problems such as knocking and power drop. AKANSU et al. analyzed the combustion of hydrogen-mixed natural gas in an internal combustion engine and found that the use of a mixed gas with a hydrogen content of about 20% has better energy efficiency. Wang Lei et al. found that the use of hydrogen-mixed natural gas as the gas for natural gas engines can help solve the problems of high ignition energy and low combustion rate of gas in engines. It should be pointed out that the volumetric energy density of hydrogen is about 1/3 of that of natural gas. Therefore, compared with pure natural gas, the energy density of hydrogen-blended natural gas in the vehicle-mounted gas storage tank is reduced, which has a certain impact on the driving distance of the vehicle. But in general, hydrogen-blended natural gas still has certain advantages as a fuel for natural gas vehicles.

5.3 Gas Turbine

Gas turbine is a kind of power plant with low quality, high power, low pollution and high economy. It has been widely used as a generator set in Europe and the United States. There is a certain gap between the application of gas turbines in my country and developed countries in the West. Gas turbines in the power system mainly play a role in peak regulation, and the power generation accounts for only 4%.

The use of hydrogen-mixed natural gas as fuel can improve the combustion conditions and exhaust emissions of gas turbine combustors. According to a study by SCHEFER et al. on different fuels under lean burn conditions, the incorporation of hydrogen into a methane/air mixture can increase the concentration of OH radicals, improve flame stability and reduce CO content. According to RORTVEIT et al., adding hydrogen to methane for combustion reduces the formation of nitrogen oxides.

Gas turbines play an important role in defense, transportation, energy and other fields. Gas turbines use hydrogen-blended natural gas as fuel, which improves combustion stability in the combustion chamber, improves the acoustics in the combustion chamber, and reduces exhaust emissions.

5.4 Fuel Cells

A fuel cell is a power generation device that can convert the chemical energy of gas and oxygen into electrical energy. Because it is not limited by the efficiency of the Carnot cycle, it has a high energy conversion efficiency. Hydrogen, methane and mixed gas in the pipeline transportation of mixed hydrogen natural gas can be used as fuel gas for different types of fuel cells. Common fuel cell types are shown in Table 3. This article focuses on solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) and proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs).

Solid oxide fuel cells have the advantages of easy availability of fuel and high energy conversion rate. Solid oxide fuel cells can use various gases such as hydrogen, natural gas, and coal gas, and have strong adaptability to fuels. Therefore, hydrogen-mixed natural gas can also be used directly. CINTI et al. studied the performance of SOFC mixed with hydrogen gas with different hydrogen contents. Compared with SOFC with pure methane, it was found that the use of mixed hydrogen fuel has higher conversion efficiency of combined heat and power, and at the same time reduces the thermal stress and thermal shock during stack operation. For SOFC systems using hydrogen-mixed natural gas, there is still a lack of systematic research in this area.

The proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) is a fuel cell with hydrogen as the fuel gas, and its operating temperature ranges from 60 to 80 °C, while the high temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cell can reach 200 °C. PEMFC has the advantages of small size, no noise, and portability, and is suitable as a power source for various vehicles. At the same time, it has broad application prospects in portable power supplies, uninterruptible power supplies, and distributed power stations. After the hydrogen and oxygen react in the PEMFC, the directly discharged product is water, which will not pollute the environment and is a very ideal energy utilization method. PEMFC has great potential as a vehicle power. Automobile groups around the world, such as Japan's Toyota Motor Corporation, Germany's Mercedes-Benz Motor Corporation, and South Korea's Hyundai Motor Corporation, have successively announced or developed a new generation of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. The hydrogen-mixed natural gas technology is expected to play a role in promoting the promotion and application of fuel cell vehicles. The hydrogen refueling station to be built in the future can be directly connected to the hydrogen-mixed natural gas pipeline network, and the hydrogen will be supplied to fuel cell vehicles after being separated.

6 Outlook

Hydrogen energy is a clean energy that has attracted much attention at present. At present, there are many competitive hydrogen production technologies, and hydrogen is widely used in civil and industrial fields. However, long-distance hydrogen transportation faces many problems.

The hydrogen-blended natural gas technology provides a new idea for hydrogen transportation. As a low-carbon fuel, hydrogen-blended natural gas can reduce greenhouse gas and polluting gas emissions. More importantly, the use of hydrogen-blended natural gas can increase the proportion of hydrogen energy in energy, reduce the dependence on traditional fossil fuels, and also help to expand the demand for hydrogen and reduce the cost of hydrogen production through scale. Promotion in sectors such as transportation, construction, manufacturing and electricity is of great significance.

The pipeline transportation technology of mixed hydrogen natural gas is still in the early stage, and many related technical problems remain to be solved and verified:

1) The resistance of pipelines to hydrogen and the resulting safety considerations are the most concerned issues, and pipelines and related accessories need to be fully evaluated. The use of lower hydrogen content mixtures eliminates the need for extensive plumbing changes and lowers safety risks.

2) In terms of hydrogen supply, it is necessary to integrate various hydrogen sources such as new energy hydrogen production, chemical product hydrogen and industrial by-product hydrogen to reduce the cost of hydrogen and make hydrogen-mixed natural gas competitive.

3) Although hydrogen-mixed natural gas is directly used as fuel in many cases, if it is supplied to proton exchange membrane fuel cells and hydrogen refueling stations, hydrogen separation technology still needs to be studied.


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