Requests for cooperation based on the Special measures Act for New Influenza Countermeasures (August 17)

Date of issue: order and August 17, 2003

* order and extension of the time limit on September 9, 2003 to amend the request for assistance

Strategy of novel coronavirus infection in Chiba Prefecture

On August 17, 2003, the Minister's declaration on emergency measures extended the time limit for the implementation of emergency measures to September 12, as an area that should be implemented, while announcing Chiba Prefecture, showing the basic policy of response.

On this basis, the countermeasures of the county are as follows.

In addition, with regard to the content, in the future, it will be reviewed at any time according to the trends of the country and the infection situation in the county and neighboring counties.

For the major change points such as the order and the request for assistance of July 30, 2003, please refer to the PDF document below.

Decree and amendment of September 9, 2003: extend the time limit for emergency measures to Thursday, September 30, 3 (1) make partial changes to the requirements of the county people in accordance with the change in the basic response policy.

For details, please refer to the extension of the time limit for the implementation of emergency measures (September 9), as well as the requirements for novel coronavirus infection.

1 outline of the basic policy "no change"

The basic idea of "extending the time limit" in the two counties

3 request for "extension of time limit, additional content" on the basis of the Law on Special measures against New Influenza

Time: Ling and 2003 (Monday, August 2) to Sunday, September 12, 2003

(1) to the people of the county

Please exercise self-discipline when going out and moving unnecessarily, including during the day. Especially,

Please carry it out thoroughly.

Try to avoid unnecessary movements between prefectures and counties, such as family visits and trips, and if it cannot be avoided in any case, please consider thorough measures to prevent infection before departure or arrival.

When drinking in groups such as on the road and in parks, please exercise self-discipline if you have a high risk of infection.

Even during Ghost Festival's long holiday, please don't go out or move in a hurry.

Visits to medical institutions, purchase of food, medicine, necessities of life, work in necessary workplaces, outdoor sports and walks are not within the scope of self-discipline.

While completely avoiding the "three secrets", please take basic infection countermeasures such as "ensuring the distance between people", "wearing masks", "hand washing and alcohol disinfection" and other basic infection countermeasures.

また、「10のポイント」「新しい生活様式の実践例」「感染リスクが高まる「5つの場面」」を参考に、感染対策Please carry it out thoroughly.

Eat silently when you eat.

Be sure to wear a mask when talking.

In addition to cohabiting families, there are fewer people in the neighborhood.

When using a restaurant, please cooperate with the measures required by the store to prevent infection.

Good ventilation, ensure the distance between seats, or set appropriate size acrylic board, etc., choose an uncrowded restaurant, please eat in a short time.

Please do not wait at home for people outside cohabiting families to get together to drink. In addition, please do not attend non-drinking family gatherings and so on.

(II) to the organizers of the event and the managers of the facilities held [Article 24, paragraph 9]


For more information about prior consultation, please confirm the "advance consultation on holding large-scale events" on the home page of Chiba Prefecture.


For more information about other considerations and the following criteria for holding restrictions, please fully confirm the "restrictions on holding activities, etc." posted on the home page of Chiba Prefecture.


According to the infection situation in the future, there is a period of change and the content of the request.

Volume ratio: less than 50%



Holding time: until 21:00 (however, excluding activities without audience, etc.)

According to the situation of infection, we will judge again, please pay attention to the following.

Reference (the content is subject to change. )

After September 13, the declaration of emergency is lifted (transition to transitional measures) for about a month, and the following is expected to be dealt with. Please judge carefully the sales of tickets that exceed this standard.


Maximum number of persons: "5000 or less than 50 per cent of the quota" or any lesser of "10000"

With regard to the activities held from September 1 to September 12, to the extent that they do not exceed the standards shown in the order and July 30, 2003, they are limited to the order and tickets sold before August 20, 2003, and this standard does not apply, tickets sold do not need to be cancelled.

"2 the judgment of unenvisaged activities such as loud cheers and solidarity, individual specific judgments according to the actual situation. Under such circumstances, facilities with a capacity of up to 5000 people can be full.

For activities such as loud cheers and solidarity, seats are empty between different groups or individuals, in the same group (less than 5 people). There is no need to set equal seating intervals, which may exceed 50%. ("the same group (limited to five. There is no need to set seating intervals, etc. "if it is in daily action groups such as family members, the risk of infection will not increase significantly even if there is no interval in place during activities (compared with the risk of infection in daily actions, can be abandoned). )

For details of the conditions other than the above, please fully confirm the "restrictions on the holding of activities, etc.".

(3) to all operators

1 県内全域の事業者等の皆様へ【第24条第9項】

* Note when using carbon dioxide concentration meter (PDF:1255.2KB)

"Industry guidelines (Cabinet Home Page)

He designed the "Checklist of expanding measures to prevent infection" of "Qibajun".

Novel coronavirus infection Prevention Strategy Declaration ~ 5 key points of efforts ~ (PDF:1869.4KB)

2 県内の「飲食店※1」・「遊興施設※2のうち、食品衛生法における飲食店営業の許可を受けている店舗及び飲食店営業許可を受けていないカラオケ店」・「結婚式場」・「施設(飲食店を除く)※3」の皆様へ

Please provide assistance in accordance with the request or request contained in the schedule (PDF:330.9KB).

Restaurant 1 refers to facilities with catering shops, coffee shops and other facilities for guests to conduct catering business. The Food Hygiene Law applies to catering shops and shops that accept coffee shop business permits, with the exception of express delivery, delivery services, vending machines, etc. Internet cafes, comic book cafes, etc., and facilities that are expected to stay for a long time at night are excluded from those requiring closure and shortening business hours. 3.

According to the requirements of shortening the business hours of the county, etc., pay assistance to the following enterprises and institutions. Operators assisted during all periods, such as the catering shop in the county and two large facilities with a floor area of more than 1000 square meters, will pay the assistance. The application methods and necessary documents will be published separately. When applying for the cooperation grant, we will submit a document, etc., to confirm your list, close or shorten business hours, please prepare and keep the documents, etc. In order to implement the countermeasures to prevent infection in catering shops, inspection was carried out.


医療体制の維持病院、薬局、医薬品・医療機器の輸入・製造・販売 等
支援が必要な方々の保護の継続介護老人福祉施設、障害者支援施設等の運営関係 等
国民の安定的な生活の確保インフラ運営関係電力、ガス、石油・石油化学・LPガス、上下水道、通信・データセンター 等
飲食料品供給関係農業・林業・漁業、飲食料品の輸入・製造・加工・流通・ネット通販 等
生活必需物資供給関係家庭用品の輸入・製造・加工・流通・ネット通販 等
生活必需品の小売り関係百貨店・スーパー、コンビニ、ドラッグストア 等
家庭用品のメンテナンス関係配管工、電気技師 等
生活必需サービス銭湯、理美容、ランドリー、獣医 等
ごみ処理関係廃棄物収集、運搬、処分 等
冠婚葬祭業関係火葬の実施や遺体の死後処置に係る事業者 等
メディアテレビ、ラジオ、新聞、ネット関係者 等
個人向けサービスネット配信、遠隔教育、ネット環境維持に係る設備・サービス、自家用車等の整備 等
社会の安定の維持金融サービス銀行、信金・信組、証券、保険、クレジットカードOther決済サービス 等
物流・運送サービス鉄道、バス、タクシー、トラック、郵便 等
国防に必要な製造業・サービス業の維持航空機、潜水艦 等
企業活動・治安の維持に必要なサービスビルメンテナンス、セキュリティ関係 等
安全安心に必要な社会基盤河川や道路などの公物管理、公共工事、廃棄物処理、個別法に基づく危険物管理 等
育児サービス託児所 等

The place to ask.

About shortening the business hours of restaurants

Except for the following:


Due to the wrong registration of the telephone number, it will cause trouble to ordinary people. Please confirm the phone number carefully, please don't dial the wrong number.

Related information (restaurant relationship)

Related information (large facilities, tenant relationship)


Related links:

For a better website, please tell us your opinions.


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2: general

3: useless


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2: general

3: it's hard to find

I sent the input. Thank you.