"Dumpling" is sink and resolve!Associate professor at Fuku Engdi University devised a new idea processing method

Associate Professor of Fukuko University who devised the processing method

 Due to the eruption of the submarine volcano in the Ogasawara Islands, a large amount of pumice has flowing around the coast such as Okinawa Prefecture, causing major damage to local fishing and sightseeing.As prompt and continuous response is required, two associate professors at Fukuoka Institute of Technology (Higashi -ku, Fukuoka City) have devised a "new processing method" to help solve problems.I asked what kind of method it was.[Video] pumice sinking by reduced pressure

A new method born from a chat

Associate Professor Yuya Kubo (right) and Mitsuhiro Shimojo (left)

 「軽石」は沈めて解決! 福工大の准教授らが新発想の処理法を考案

 Associate Professor Yuya Kubo and Mitsuhiro Shimojo of the Department of Life and Environmental Chemicals, the Department of Life Environmental Chemicals, Kubo Laboratory, and Mitsuhiro Shimojo.He learned about the pumice problem in Okinawa in the news, and when he exchanged some good ideas, he came to this method.In the laboratory, we have been working mainly on "metal refining" and "waste recycling" to explore how to extract resources that are kind to the earth and reduce costs.In particular, we are paying attention to "crushing" and "dividing by weight", and these two points are also points.

Heavy pumice with "decompression"!

Image of pumice treatment due to reduced pressure (provided by Kubo Laboratory)

The problem is that pumice that is drifting in large quantities is "floating" on the sea surface.Pumice is originally heavier than seawater, but pumice, which is a problem, contains fine gas inside in the process of condensing magma and contracting.The Kubo Laboratory arrived in a way to put this pumice in a decompressioner to create a vacuum state and remove the internal gas.After the processing, a route of water infiltrates, and pumice containing water sinks in the sea.It takes about 5 minutes to reduce pressure, soak in water for another 5 minutes and return to the atmospheric pressure.It is said that 70-80%sank when pumice was crushed around 2 mm in diameter.It seems that pumice, which removes the gas and infiltrates seawater, does not float again because water pressure is applied enough to sink even if there is a fine bubbles inside.

If you go out in the sea, let's return to the sea

Pumice stones that flowed on the coast of Okinawa

 When reusing the collected pumice on land, it is necessary to remove the salt contained in pumice. As it is, it leads to salt damage in the soil, and using it for cement can cause corrosion of building materials. If pumice stones continue to be drifted in the future, the effort and cost of transportation and cleaning processing will be enormous. In this method, it is possible to reduce the processing cost because the pumice that has been reduced pressure is "returned" to the open ocean. In the case of realization, we assume a flow of maritime treatment on a ship with a large decompression container and dumps on the sea floor that does not adversely affect marine life. He has applied for a patent for the results obtained in a series of studies and providing ideas to Okinawa Prefecture. Associate Professor Kubo, who has been conducting the research, says, "I hope that it will help reducing pressure processing while balancing the current processing method. I hope that the life of Okinawa will return to its original state as soon as possible." I'm talking.

Yomiuri Shimbun