Prefectural housing, to abolish the "joint guarantor" from April, proposes to the February parliament in February

By the 1st, Okinawa has decided to abolish the provisions of "securing joint guarantors" as conditions for moving into prefectural housing. In many cases, securing a co -guarantor is a barrier for elderly people who are unrivaled or low -income earners, and it is easy to secure a home by eliminating the need for a guarantor. The prefecture will submit a proposal to amend the ordinance to the February regular meeting, which will open on the 15th, for the implementation in April. According to the prefecture, as of the end of March 2021, there were 133 prefectural housing complexes and 17,345 units in total. If the provisions of "securing a guarantor" are abolished, you will be able to move in just by signature of the borrower. The guarantor is mainly prepared in the event of a rent delinquency, but many of the applicants cannot find relatives or acquaintances who can ask for a guarantor because of the elderly or disabilities. In order to eliminate cases in which the guarantor system hindered or rejected or gave up, there were also voices calling for abolition from the role of public housing. Movements that do not require a joint guarantor for occupancy of public housing are spreading nationwide, and seven municipalities, including Naha City, are amending the ordinance in the prefecture. Tomigusuku City and Yaase Town will also submit a amended proposal to the parliament for the revision in FY2011. The person in charge of the prefecture said, "Public housing is a safety network for home, and reducing the burden on applicants for a long time. We will strive to avoid the outbreak. " According to the prefecture, the rent storage rate of prefectural housing at the end of 200th is 91.1 %. The prefecture has been taking measures to prevent rent delinquency, such as placing specialized counselors at the prefectural housing supply public corporation outsourced. Even after the abolition of the co -guarantor regulations, we will strengthen efforts, such as building a mechanism that connects residents with unstable income and welfare systems. The permanent director of the Prefectural Judicial Scrivener Association, who has been promoting petition activities for the prefectural assembly, appealing to the abolition of the joint guarantor, said, "The securing of housing is the first place for poverty measures. I want it. " (Chie of the Meiji) [Related article] ▼ What are the issues of the public housing "joint guarantor" system? The poverty of the house ▼ The municipal housing of Tomigusuku Castle is abolished from next year ▼ Naha Municipal Housing No Guarantor in April. Only one village is unnecessary for the guarantor.

Ryukyu Shinposha

 県営住宅、4月から「連帯保証人」廃止へ 沖縄県、2月議会に提案