Demonstration experiment at the hydrogen bus to power supply Tsukuba University team welfare evacuation center

The demonstration experiment that supplied power from the hydrogen fuel cell bus to the suction device = Tsukuba City Tamori

 水素バスから電力供給 筑波大チーム 福祉避難所で実証実験

Professor Kenji Suzuki of Tsukuba University explains the performance of the hydrogen fuel cell bus

In the event of a disaster, the Tsukuba University Research Team, which developed a hydrogen fuel cell bus with an infectious disease testing function and power generation function, will be on January 28, a demonstration experiment on power supply at welfare evacuation centers. It was conducted at the Tsukuba Special Support School in Ichitama Tamatori. In addition to confirming the flow of power supply to the inhalors required for medical care children, they also exchanged opinions with their parents. The bus can output up to about 9 kilowatts of power. Because it uses hydrogen fuel, it is excellent in quietness and is suitable for power supply at evacuation centers, such as no emission gas. In the experiment, the outlet was connected to the bus, and the electrical pot, microwave oven, suction device, etc. were used simultaneously to confirm the status and flow of electricity supply. Parents who participated were asking the power duration time of power and how much equipment could be connected at the same time. Professor Kenji Suzuki, who is in charge of vehicle development, said, "We will examine the power supply at regular shelters and power supply to buildings in the future."

Ibaraki Shimbun