Learn from past blackouts where flush toilet cannot be used due to power outage due to heavy snow

There is a risk of heavy snow from the night of December 18, 2020, and a power outage has occurred in Niigata, Hyogo, and Tottori prefectures (NHK NEWS Web on December 18, 2020).

What I would like to tell you this time is that if you have a power outage due to heavy snow, you may be cut off.In other words, heavy snow can not be used in a flush toilet.

According to the TEPCO website of TEPCO, the explanation is as follows.In particular, the snow with a temperature of about 0 degrees is heavy, so it is heavy, so it is easy to pile up on electric wires and trees, and it tends to lead to troubles that cut electric wires due to the weight and fallen tree.If a strong wind blows with snow on the wire, the risk of a power outage increases because the wire shakes violently.

For the above reasons, there is a possibility that a power outage may occur during heavy snowfall.

Speaking of difficulties in power outages, lighting is not turned on, heating equipment cannot be used, elevator does not move, but what you should not forget is that water washing toilet cannot be used.The reason is that water cannot be supplied to the building due to a power outage.

Here, I will explain the mechanism that supplies water to the building very roughly.

According to Yokohama City, there are three ways to supply water to the building: "directly connected direct pressure type water", "directly connected pressure -increased water supply", and "water supply -type water supply" (see the figure below).

As you can see in this figure, for "directly connected pressure -type water supply" and "water supply -type water supply", water is supplied to each house with the power of the pump, so if the pump does not move due to a power outage, water is cut off.If there is a high -tank tank, the water accumulated in the aquarium will come out, but as soon as it is gone, it will be cut off.Even in the event of a power outage, water may come out with "directly connected pressure water supply".

However, if the entire area has a power outage, water purification plants and pumps can not be operated, so water will not be sent.

 大雪による停電で水洗トイレが使えなくなる 過去のブラックアウトに学ぶ

Did you understand why you would break water due to a power outage?

It is very important to check the water supply method at home.Although the explanation of the previous stage has become longer, it is necessary to assume that the water washing toilet cannot be used because of the possibility of water outage due to a power outage due to heavy snowfall.

In the Eastern Hokkaido Iburi Earthquake in 2018, after the earthquake, the power outage of the entire Hokkaido area became a so -called blackout.At this time, I have interviewed two apartments in Sapporo.Both were cut off, but both apartments had a faucet that could be used by residents on the first floor, so they were able to draw water.A water supply without a pump was provided on the first floor of the apartment.

However, it is not easy to carry this water to each house as a toilet cleaning water.Even if it is a water -saving toilet, it is probably necessary for about 6 liters per time.The elevator does not work, so the elderly and wheelchair users are difficult.It is difficult to secure drinking water, so you don't want to flush valuable water into the toilet.In this apartment, the resident men and children helped carry water.

Imagine when a flush toilet is no longer available due to heavy snow.The inside of the building is completely dark, and of course the outside is completely dark.It's cold and it's not the case to add it outdoors, and I don't want to go outdoors in the first place.As mentioned above, it is not easy to carry water flowing to the toilet.

Therefore, what is useful in such a case is the mobile toilet (see the figure below).

A portable toilet is a bag -type toilet that is attached to the toilet bowl, which is a product that inserts absorption sheets and coagulants to stabilize pee.The advantage of a portable toilet is that the toilet in the building can be used effectively.

Please refer to this article so it is explained using the illustration.

If you have a portable toilet, you can add use in your home toilet even if you cut water, so it is safe.Various products have been developed for portable toilets (products) due to the amount of absorption, coagulation continuation period, and odor countermeasures.The performance is open, so please refer to here.

What you want to prepare with a portable toilet and a set is lighting.If there is no window in the toilet at home, it will be dark even in the daytime.Therefore, lighting that illuminates the toilet room is required.We recommend those that can illuminate the entire space and have free hands.

This time, I explained the preparation of the toilet during a power outage due to heavy snow, but there is a high possibility that a flush toilet will not be available for an earthquake or flood, so I would like you to have a portable toilet.Remember that your life will not be established without a toilet.