"One in 5 people" stumbles in Nagoya and Osu "Magical Spots" Suddenly from June this year ... The cause is a "white" step

Chukyo TV NEWS

In Nagoya City, there is a "magic spot" that "one in five people stumbles".Moreover, the phenomenon began to happen in June this year.There is an unexpected cause ...

Chukyo TV NEWS

The place where there is a "magic spot" where the stumbling people continue is near the entrance of the Osu shopping street in Nagoya."There are a lot of people who stumbles on Saturdays and Sundays in a unit of dozens of people a day." "It's a lot. It falls dynamically."I guess it is "" (people in the nearby store).

Chukyo TV NEWS

When I put the camera and checked it for a while, there were many stumbling people."I was walking without thinking about anything, and I stumbled," "I didn't think there was a step." "If I walked normally, the ground was dented."

Chukyo TV NEWS

 名古屋・大須に“5人に1人”がつまずく「魔のスポット」 今年6月から突然… 原因は“白色”の段差

It is said that this phenomenon has continued since June this year."After cleaning it, it came to fall when I saw" I cleaned it up. "" (People at the nearby store)

Chukyo TV NEWS

In fact, this place was maintained in June this year.After the original gray step turned white, this kind of cracking phenomenon.

Chukyo TV NEWS

Experts point out that this "white" pitfall is lurking."From a distance, it can only be seen as a white line. The signs of steps are very weak. Is that the cause?"

Chukyo TV NEWS

The steps can be clearly recognized when viewed from the nearest place, but it looks like a white line when viewed from the top of the stage.

moreover."If it is painted in white, the shadow will be difficult to see. In other words, if you have a step, you can usually see that there is something with the effect of the shadow.From. If it looks flat "(Professor Takeuchi, Japan Women's University)

The store's people also alerted SNS with a video, saying, "There is about one in five people.""Before, if the wheelchair was turned over, I would like you to take some measures when you wonder when a broken bone or a big injury will occur."

In such a situation, Nagoya City has stated that there is no problem in construction, but we want to consider the current situation and consider it as needed. "Stumping steps in Nagoya city.Please be careful at your feet.