Okinawa Prefecture's draft hate regulation ordinance, deletion of the name of the person who made discriminatory behavior Citizens question the effectiveness

Okinawa Prefectural Office (Photograph of materials)

 沖縄県のヘイト規制条例案、差別的言動をした人の氏名公表は削除 市民は実効性を疑問視

On the 8th, Okinawa Prefecture held the second meeting of the Expert Committee (Chairman, Hidekatsu Shimabuku) to enact an ordinance to regulate hate speech online. In the ordinance composition plan newly presented by the prefecture, the measure to publish the name of the person who made discriminatory words and actions in the original plan was deleted, and only the outline of the expression content was published. Why is "Okinawa Hate Speech" out of scope? Citizens questioned the effectiveness of the ordinance. The prefecture has now completed the review committee and expressed its intention to proceed to the public comment. The new composition plan newly wrote in the purpose of the ordinance, "Realization of a society in which all people can mutually respect human rights." Although the subject of regulation is still discrimination against foreign residents in Japan, it has been swelled in terms of ideology, keeping in mind the discriminatory behavior of Okinawans. Awareness of discriminatory behavior is based on "offers from citizens of the prefecture, etc." and listens to the opinions of the newly established examination committee to determine whether or not it is discriminatory behavior. In the examination, it was decided to provide an opportunity to hear the opinions of the parties concerned. "Okinawa Counters," which has been working to prevent hate speech, has provided the prefecture with some of the discriminatory expressions such as "Okinawa Hate," which flew online, and requested effective ordinances. A female member in her 40s pointed out that "some people still give hate speech because it cannot be solved by the ideal law." (Shinsei)

Last updated: Ryukyu Shimpo