The "OFO (small yolk)" that failed to share the bicycle started, is the e -commerce business starting from a difficult main business?

Chinese media reported that the Chinese bicycle rental startup "OFO" has recently released a new update of an application with e -commerce functions, in addition to the cashback and discount provision.rice field.

Reasons for emphasis: The company seems to be accelerating the entry into the e -commerce business in order to rebuild the rental bicycle business failure.However, many Chinese users are unconvincing and have been accused of deceiving users.

Details: The last week of January, OFO is an app 4.0 version has been released.This version has an e -commerce function and a homepage design similar to a lifestyle platform and shopping app.


As soon as you enter the app, a pop -up that asks you to convert the deposit into a cashback reward is displayed immediately.Many of my friends were deceived and clicked "agree" and canceled the deposit.

Background: OFO's corporate evaluation was estimated to be $ 3 billion at the maximum.But in late 2018, the company began to have financial issues.China's media reported that the management of the bicycle rental business was still about 15 million deposits, and that it was in trouble because of the need to repay these funds.

[Via Technode] @TechNodechina

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