[Mystery of deep psychology] Why are big images inscribed in memory more strongly?

I heard the actress's name for the first time in a long time.She immediately floats her face.It's unusual.She is not familiar with the face and name of a young celebrity ...

The video of "Tropical rainforest" is revived while traveling on the Oedo Line

It was decided to visit a tropical plant botanical hall in Itabashi Ward with a work -related phone call that was just before.It was a bit related to the work I was working on in the future, so it would be better to visit for a short time and take some photos of the facilities.I'm looking forward to it because it's my first facility.I'm not so busy for now, and it will be a little breath.

The train arrives at Shin -Kota Station and the door opens.He was standing at the end of the door, but no guests got on and off the door.I will get off at Ochiai Minami -Nagasaki Station.After a short stop, the melody flows following the announcement of the departure, and the door closes and the train starts running.After finishing the place in Nerima Ward, he is on the Toei Subway Oedo Line, but the trains that are about to be at 6:00 pm are not surprisingly crowded.

In addition to tropical plants, the facilities also have small aquariums and rainforests.As you know, it is said that the area of the world's rainforest is shrinking with each year.There is no doubt that such facilities and exhibitions are important to raise awareness of environmental issues.

The first thing that comes to mind when I hear "Tropical rainforest" is a documentary film I saw at a museum in Los Angeles, USA, which I visited for the first time abroad.A video that captures the natural activities unfolded in the rainforest has been projected on the huge screen of the IMAX theater, which is an experience that burns the impact and impact.Although it is in the mid -1990s, I personally have not yet experienced the size beyond the screens of this theater.

Since this video experience, the words "Tropical rainforest" have come to be revived on the huge screen at this time.You will never forget the video.

The conversation of two young women sitting in a nearby seat has been heard from a while ago, but the name of a young actress appeared in the story.It's been a long time since I heard the name of her ex -model's actress.She immediately floats her face in her head.

I don't intend to hide, but in fact I have little knowledge of celebrities such as young actors, entertainers, and comedians.Even though he has seen it in commercials, he has no idea what he is.

However, I knew the names and faces of the actress who came out in such a story.She has a reason for that.As I said a few years ago, I was going down Dogenzaka with a work person on the way home after finishing work in Shibuya, but on a huge advertising sign at Shibuya Station, which looks through the scramble intersection, this actress.There was an advertisement that appeared greatly at that time.She was strangely talking about this advertising actress (the model may have been more appropriate), so she would match her name in her own.It was.At this time, the face of an actress on the huge sign would also be "burned into her eyes."

Large images are more impressive in memory

Arrive at Ochiai Minami Nagasaki and get off the train.When I went out of the automatic ticket gate and went to the ground, the sun was already over.He came out of the nearby exit without thinking, but there is a large commercial facility on the other side across Mejiro Street.The building was decorated with illuminations and was inevitably noticeable in the dusk city.

* The image is an image (photographed by the author)

I was thinking of eating something somewhere and going home, but I guess I could check this facility.It was good to return to the station yard, but I was not very distracted, so I decided to walk on the ground and cross the pedestrian crossing.

As with this large commercial facility that stands out in the surroundings, it is called the image of the tropical rainforest seen on the huge screen, the face of an actress on the huge advertising sign, the gaze is inevitably invited to the big thing, and I remember it with a strong impression.Will it be carved?It is interesting that the latest research shows that the large size images are more memorable than small images.

A new study led by Dr. Sharon Gilerie Dotan of the Bar -Iranian University College of the Imperial Visual Sciences and Gonda (Gold Shemit) Academic Brain Research Center is a better memory of large images in natural daily behavior than small images.I tried to judge whether or not.Her assumptions were based on the fact that large images needed a visual system to use more resources to handle them.


The research results just published in the academic journal "American Academy Kinsei (PNAS)" indicate for the first time that the visual memory of the image is affected by the size of the retinal image.These survey results can have a lot of effects, such as the use of various types of electronic screens and the quality of information processing when dependent on large and small screens.


A study team at Bar -Iranian University in Israel's research team in "PNAS" in January 2022 verifies whether large images in everyday life are more memorable than small images through experiments.。As a result of the verification, it was confirmed that the larger image is more impressive than a small image.

In the experimental experiment with 182 people, various photos of various sizes were presented once each, and then a memory task to measure visual memory was imposed.

When the collected data is analyzed, the image larger than the small image is about 1..It was highlighted that it was 5 times good in memory.This phenomenon did not depend on the specific stimulus of the image expression, the order of the image, the resolution of the image, or the amount of information included in the image.Even if it was a big image, it was a bigger image, and I remembered it better than a small and clear image.

Also, even in the same image, the large enlarged image was better than the smaller image.

It is likely that I can remember the images of the huge screen and the huge signboard ads.It is no surprise that the powerful images you watched at the IMAX theater when you hear "rainforest" will come back.

Write the ball with a full -scale steak

I came to a commercial facility.What surprised me a little was that Ochiai Minami -Nagasaki Station had an entrance to this facility.In other words, it was a facility directly connected to the station.

* The image is an image (photographed by the author)

The illuminations you see nearby are also quite good.It is not the case that you are dragging your New Year's holiday, but in the cold season, such illuminations will be especially eye -catching.There are ice cream shops and cafes on the first floor, but there are several restaurants on the second floor.I will go up the second floor with an escalator.

The scenery overlooking the Shinjira -dori from the deck on the second floor is also a nice feeling.This area is basically a killed view, but only this corner has a gorgeous appearance and looks like another town.

* The image is an image (photographed by the author)

From the deck, you can see the glass shop of a certain family restaurant.It is a steak business shop.That's what I have come to here, and it's a good idea to eat steak here and go home.I will try to enter.

Enter the store, follow the clerk's instructions, complete the temperature and disinfect the fingers, and arrive at the seat for two.Orders will be made from the tablet device provided on the table.Take the terminal at once.It is easy to handle because it is a wireless terminal.

It was my first overseas trip to the rainforest documentary, but the size of the steak I ate locally was also impressive.This was probably the first time in his life that I ate a pound of 1 pound (about 450g) in a single meal.Dinner during my stay was almost a steak, but I should have ordered for one pound every time.This is probably the power of traveling because of the unthinkable eating habits at the time.

If you remember the steak you ate in Los Angeles, you will inevitably want to eat a volume steak.After considering the steak menu on the tablet, I decided to order 400g of "Aged Lean Loin Steak".There is also an option that allows you to eat all -you -can -eat salads, soups, and rice.

Stand up to the corner of the salad bar.During this time, a mask is required while traveling inside the store, and it is necessary to wear a prepared vinyl gloves for the tongs.Salad ingredients are more than shredded cabbage and lettuce, but also broccoli, corn, onion slice, mini tomatoes, shishito and wakame.There are five types of dressing.

The steak was brought in when I brought salads, soups and rice and put them on a little mouth.Of course, it's quite volume.At this point she realized that she had forgotten the steak sauce, and she would take her seat again.It is a misstep that is unique to unfamiliar customers.

* The image is an image (photographed by the author)

Get the steak sauce safely, take the seat, and pick up the steak.It can be said that it is a very chewy meat and is reminiscent of American popular steaks.These meats are all.delicious.

Like videos and photos, the menu with a large size may be easy to remember.The menu of the "big" with a large amount of "big" is of course an impactful appearance, but it can be said that the menu with a large size, such as sashimi boat and soba that comes out in a large box, is also quite impressive.See.American restaurants generally have a large tableware size, so one pound T -bone steak is quite impressive in terms of visuals.

I finished eating the salad, so I stopped eating and went to the salad bar again.The meat is still more than half, so it will take some time to finish eating.Nevertheless, it's been a long time to eat a full -scale meal in such a time after the evening.It seems to be a pretty irregular eating out for me, but is this big steak a memorable meal experience?Of course, the progress in the future will naturally give the answer.

Sentence / Shinji Nakata