Milan's savior, Messias, looks back on the goal in the CL debut match, "I shot without thinking about anything."

(Photo: Getty Images)


Milan's midfielder Junior Messias looked back on his first goal in the Champions League (CL)."UEFA.Com "COM. [Video] Messias, who saved Milan, played against Atletico Madrid in Round 5 of the Champions League (CL) Group B on the 24th. Milan, the lowest in the group, has not won so far, will play against Atletico, who is in third place. Milan had to win to break through the group stage, but struggled before Atletico, who protects it. Milan can't take the goal while holding the ball. While the time passed, the Messias, which was introduced in the 65th minute, recorded a primary goal in the 87th minute. Milan won 0-1 with this. I connected my hopes to break through in the final section. After the match, Messias, who responded to the interview with Amazon Prime, was humble, delighted to save the team in his CL debut. "I was satisfied with the results, I needed a victory, and we continued to work. There is a lot to do." "I need to be humble. The biggest success in my life But, but I have to balance and continue. "" I saw the ball, so I shot without thinking. I believed this goal, my family, friends, and my quality. Dedicated to Milan's staff "

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