Masami Nagasawa x Masahiro Higashide x Fumyo Kohinata's "Confidency Suman JP" and his thoughts on each other "I didn't think it would be so long."

Masami Nagasawa, Masahiro Higashide, Fumyo Kohinata look back on the "Confidensman JP" series

Masami Nagasawa, Masami Higashide, Masao Higashi, who played a three -member pair, who also played a painful congame in the third movie, "Confidens Man JP Hero" (released), as the latest in the popular series. Not only in the play, but also in the Bancho and the stage greetings, the three people have been in a breathtaking negative, along with the secret story of the shooting of this work, and talk about the charms of each other that have been co -starring for many years. rice field. [See the photo] Masami Nagasawa, Masahiro Higashide, Fumyo Kohinata, so cool shot! Ryuko -chan (Nagasawa), I am emotionally fragile (Higashiide), and Richard (Kohinata), a veteran of the hundred battles, "Confidentensman" that tricks huge treasures from greedy humans. A scammer. I thought that the three people were solid, but the 3rd -generation Tsuchinoko (Taku Kakino), who was claimed to be a "hero", died, and the three people in the 4th generation Tsuchinoko. To play a serious game of deception. Dargins will set up a variety of frauds in Valetta in Malta Island, a World Heritage Site. ■ "It is not a new development with only three dar children, but a new one with plus α" (Nagasawa) - This work is called the best masterpiece in the series, but at the stage of reading the script, the time system It was very difficult to grasp the story that returned many times. Nagasawa "When I first read the script, I couldn't read it, but when I watched the completed movie, it was very easy to understand." What was the point that was particularly surprised this time? Kinata: "It's amazing that it is amazing that the presence of Tsuchinoko is the third generation. I will be surprised after I often come up with such a thing." Nagasawa "Furusawa -san and producer Naruga (Hiroaki) are the gimmicks, but there are really many ideas. It will be issued. I think it is really difficult to think about new things with plus α in it, not just a new development with three Dar children. " Nagasawa was good. "Nagasawa" I'm always serious (laughs) "Higashide" Yeah (laughs). I'm always alive just because I can't recognize myself. " You're showing a cool side that wasn't. Higashiide "This Richard is really cool, cool and a little scary. However, in retrospect, I remembered again that Richard was going to men's esthetics (laughs)." There was (laughs). "Higashide" Everyone's private life is full of mysteries, so you can do anything. The fact that three of the three and fun friends can deliver the brightness of the bottom to people. "Is it attractive?" Nagasawa: "I'm the most involved in Marcel Mari -mura, Seto (Yasushi). It's interesting that Marcel and Daruko, the owners of the perfect brain, are interesting." However, I guess Matsushige -kun, the role of Tamba. In this series, there are many co -stars who are far away, so I was glad that nearby people joined me. " Gonzales and his wife played by Shirota (Yu) and Ikuta (Erika). It was really bright and fluent in language, and the combination of the two people excites the site. I'm not good at participating in a new one, but I think the two are really depressed and have become a new driving force. " was. Nagasawa: "I also knew why Daruko had to be these three people, and my heart was very warm. I finally felt that Daruko's own humanity was a bit glimpsed. I feel like I can be strong because my child is originally strong or two people are there. Despite the difficult days of the corona, this work was full of respect and love for people who are working hard on the days, and "trust" is the theme of the series. I thought it was going to be a long time. Nagasawa: "The most important thing that Daruko values ​​is" belief ", which can be said to a friend of a confident man or for the enemy. Daruko did bad things. It is a wow and defeated, but I think that I trust the essential part of a person because it is kind. I have to trust the other person. I feel particularly deep there. " "Certainly, Confidensman is gathering art for life, but I feel that this work was able to recognize what Daruko needed in the end. In that sense, in that sense. After watching the movie, I wonder if I will be impressed. "Higashide" Every time I get a script, I will not be deceived this time! You will be deceived, but after that, you will feel the exhilaration of a clear blue sky. So, in such an era, I hope you can enjoy the bright story in a bottom. " Kun is the eldest son, Masami -chan is the eldest daughter, I am the second son (laughs) "(Kinata) -The serial drama started in 2018, but this was the third movie in this work. Nagasawa "I didn't think it would be such a long relationship." Higashide "I didn't think at all." So, please tell me the respect for each again. First of all, Mr. Nagasawa. Kinata: "Higashide -kun also said, but the crying play when Darko deceived me is amazing. It's really crying. Of course, it's a technique for deceiving, but Masami -chan, who plays it. I think the tension is amazing every time. "Higashide" That's right. Daruko has a character standing, so it is easy to feature where the explosive power is, but that role is really good, and various perspectives are multifaceted. If you are not a person who can do it, it will not be possible. So I think Nagasawa is really good at playing. " Kinata: "Higashide -kun is always calm and calm. I know things to us and explain to us, so we're always impressed with" Hey! ". So between us. It's like an older brother. Higashide -kun is the eldest son, Masami is the eldest daughter, and I am the second son (laughs). I like movies. Sometimes I talk about serious thoughts about the movie. "Kinata" It's stoic for the role. What is Kohinata's charm? Koinata "I'm a good thing (laughs)" Nagasawa "Ahaha (laughs). Kohi is good at finding the good part of the actor. He finds something properly and understands its goodness and plays together. The questions in the play are clearly those who are clear, and there is such a harshness, but it is amazing that everyone can accept it. I think Higashide "I think it's very easy to do because Kohi is so bright and tolerant, and the site has been saved because Kohi is so bright and tolerant. I think there is a part. I'm very grateful. " In the stage greeting and conference, the atmosphere of the site is transmitted. Nagasawa: When I went to other sites, the actors seniors praised "Confidensman JP" and I am very happy to say that I want to come out. It is fun to have more and more families. " - In addition, there are many casts in the past series every time, so it is now a large household. Higashide "I think that's really amazing." - This time, the stage was Malta's first Europe, so it became a more international work. Nagasawa: "I wonder if overseas people can enjoy it. When I went to the Shanghai Film Festival before, there were very enthusiastic fans, and the staff of the organizer said," Tickets were sold out soon. I was told. I was very happy because I felt that everyone was actually enjoying it at the time of the screening. "-I think fans will surely look forward to the next work. Nagasawa: "If you do the next work, Corona calms down and then make it a work set in Tokyo and participate in overseas actors." Kinata "Next is about three years later? It's 70 -year -old Koki (67 years old at the time of interview), not Kohinata, but "Koki Nata" (laughs). However, Kohi will surely change at all. "Kohinata" No, I think "Confidentensman JP" will continue, but at that time, I will disappear quietly. "Nagasawa" No, no (laughs). What is the story!? " - Kohinata is an essential existence because it is a mood maker of" Confidensman JP ". Kinata: "I can't want to go more bitter, but after doing the bang, I always fall into self -disgust. I'm too excited, I can't do it! Higashide "No, no, I don't have it (laughs)." Nagasawa "I can't do it! Kohi -san, there's no" Shiboshi "(laughs). I'm sorry (laughs). "Kinata" But I don't usually squat down so much. I'm always happy because they're always laughing. "Nagasawa" Kohi is emotional. " I heard from senior actors that I am honest, so I am relieved there. " Nagasawa: "Because the presence of each character is outstanding, it is a work that gives you more satisfaction than a single movie. Furusawa is a work. Because it is written with affection, it is a work that does not be established even if anyone misses it. Please pay attention to the trends of Akahoshi (Yosuke Eguchi). " I'm doing my best, so I'm glad if you can watch it without standing up to the end. "Nagasawa" Finally a cute scene is waiting (laughs) "Kinata" That's right! It's better to have it, and if you watch it twice, you'll be able to make a different view again, so please watch it in the theater. "
