March 18, 2022 (Fri)

According to Chiba Prefecture, as of 3:00 pm on the 9th, at least 7,405 units in 15 municipalities, including Kamogawa City, Ichihara City, Isumi City, and Otaki Town, have been cut off in total.The cause is that the water pump has been stopped due to a power outage associated with the passing of Typhoon 15.There is no problem with the facilities such as water pipes, and it is expected to recover if the power outage is resolved.

Nine water supply companies are hit by water outage, of which the prefectural corporate bureau and other cities are sending water trucks to two businesses that are in charge of six cities, including Togane City and Sosa City.

2022年03月18日(金) 【台風15号】15市町7400戸で断水 東金では給水車に長蛇の列

In Togane City, water was distributed in 11 city halls, including the city hall, and citizens with containers made a long line.

In the city and other places, water was cut off at around 3:00 pm due to a power supply water purification plant on this day.Each administrative agency was forced to respond, calling for a preliminary water.

Two vehicles rushed to the city hall to distribute drinking water and living water.Approximately 9,000 drinking water meters were distributed in elementary and junior high schools.

If the water is not restored, water will be supplied on the 10th.The time is from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm.


Chiba prefecture


Chiba prefecture市区町村別ニュース

千葉エリアChiba prefecture 千葉市稲毛区 千葉市中央区 千葉市花見川区 千葉市緑区 千葉市美浜区 千葉市若葉区
県西エリア我孫子市 市川市 浦安市 柏市 鎌ケ谷市 白井市 流山市 習志野市 野田市 船橋市 松戸市 八千代市
県東エリア旭市 印西市 大網白里市 香取市 九十九里町 神崎町 栄町 佐倉市 山武市 匝瑳市 酒々井町 芝山町 銚子市 東金市 東庄町 多古町 富里市 成田市 八街市 横芝光町 四街道市
県南エリアいすみ市 市原市 一宮町 大多喜町 御宿町 勝浦市 鴨川市 鋸南町 木更津市 君津市 白子町 袖ケ浦市 館山市 長生村 長南町 長柄町 富津市 南房総市 睦沢町 茂原市

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