Large-scale strategic alliance promoted by Wave Garden! Six surfparks to be built in UK and Ireland

"The Wave" opened to the public in Bristol, England in 2019, with a wave pool that uses Wave Garden's wave generator "The Cove" as its main attraction.・Wave)”.

The Wave and Wave Gardens have entered into a major strategic partnership to develop at least six surfparks in the UK and Ireland.

The story doesn't stop there, following Bristol, which opened in 2019, The Wave has already decided on a second construction site, which is London, the capital of England.

By the way, this is not the first time Wave Garden has signed such a large contract, and it has already signed similar contracts with Brazilian real estate developer KSM Realty and Japanese promoter JPF. So The Wave seems to be the third partner this time.

Each contract says that Brazil will sign a 10-year contract and will continue to promote surf park construction in Brazil, starting with Praia da Grama, which opened in 2021.

In Japan, 6 to 7 surf parks will be constructed in the next 7 years.

Large scale promoted by Wave Garden Strategic alliance to build six surf parks in the UK and Ireland

About this contract, Wavegarden has announced that it is a clear message that the financial sustainability of Wavegarden's technology and business model has been proven.

Well, I think there are various reasons for Wave Garden to develop such a large-scale contract around the world, but one of them is to strengthen the brand power.

For example, suppose there are multiple surf parks in the same country by different developers using the same wave garden wave generator. It is an image that England's "Surf Snowdonia" and America's "N Land" using the same Wave Garden company's wave generator (old version) are in the same country. In that case, since the main attractions of each facility will be the same, it will be difficult to differentiate them, but since the facility names will be different, it will be difficult to unify the brand image.

Therefore, if we can make a large-scale contract, we can connect the image with the feeling that "this company's surf park is that wave generator," and strengthen our brand power over other wave generator manufacturers. I guess that multiple construction is increasing.

I think that the image strategy will be important for wave generator manufacturers to promote global expansion in the future, but it can be said that Wave Garden, a pioneer of wave generator manufacturers, is a strategy that can make use of its strengths.

It will be interesting to see what strategies rivals such as AWM, PSSC, Surf Ranch, Surf Lakes, and Endless Surf will take.

(World Surf Movies)