Karina who has a misconduct with Erika Toda In the past, did you say "once shields"?Karina controls Erika Toda, who is conscious of “level”?<Co -starring NG?[Dog and monkey relationship] Celebrity>

Actor Tori Matsuzaka and actress Erika Toda announced marriage on the official website of each affiliated office.The two were co -starring in the 2015 movie "April Fools", but there were no dating reports, and many blessings have been blessed.

戸田というと、小学生の頃から芸能活動を開始し、2006年6月公開の映画『デスノート』でスクリーンデビュー。07年放送のドラマ『LIAR GAME』(フジテレビ系)で初主演に抜擢され、朝ドラ『スカーレット』(NHK)でヒロインを務めると人気女優の地位を獲得。また、プライベートではイケメン俳優と浮名を流し“恋多き女”ともささやかれる一方で、我が強いとされる。それだけに“犬猿の仲”とされる相手も少なくはない。 中でも2007年放送のドラマ『牛に願いを Love&Farm』(フジテレビ系)で共演した女優の香里奈との不仲説は知られるところだ。

It seems that the event was shooting.According to the surroundings, it was a severe relationship in the field that they had never seen them alone.

At that time, 19 -year -old Toda and 23 -year -old Karina also grew pride as an actress.The drama starring was actor Tetsuji Tamayama, but Toda has a strong awareness of her actors, saying that she is "she is more" ", and she has deducted from other actresses.be.

戸田恵梨香との不仲説がある香里奈 過去には「1回シメる」と発言していた? “格上”と意識する戸田恵梨香を香里奈が「早いうちに1回シメる」と制圧?<共演NG?【犬猿の仲】の有名人>

In such a situation, Karina greeted Toda, but Toda was Shikato.At that time, Karina was at the height of her popularity.In addition, Karina seemed to be a younger cheeky Toda attitude, saying, "That child, what kind of intention."

Then, in the 2009 broadcast special program "Let's laugh!In the program, both parties compete in "Niy Mukko", where it would be more likely to be grinned by saying "compliments" to each other.Then, even if Toda says, "Even if you drink banana juice, eat omurice, or say" I hate broccoli ", you will be given to Erika, saying" I don't want to taste. "I like it. "

​>>東出昌大、長瀬ドラマ出演予定だった? 後輩想いの戸田恵梨香が拒否か

However, in July 2013, both parties co -starred in Fuji's "Month 9" drama "SUMMER NUDE".Karina and Toda played a triangular relationship over the actor Tomohisa Yamashita, and the casting was said to be the strongest.

Prior to the drama broadcast, in June of the same year, both, including co -stars, appeared in production announcements held in Tokyo.Then, Karina touched on the misconduct with Toda, and said, "I don't understand something well, but it is said to be" Erika Toda and dog and monkey ", but I think it's interesting to say that it is exciting with such a story !!"I dismissed it as a rumor with no roots or leaves.

In addition, the barbecue held at the pool side, which became the conference, has a friendly figure.Then, Karina, who was chilled by the actor Katsunori Takahashi, saying, "Is it a dare of two shots!?"

The truth of Karina's "joke" is unknown, but it seems that there is no co -starring information since then.