Caltech President Junichi Somei

Caltech, founded in 2018 by a former engineer at Sharp, a major consumer electronics company, has annual sales centered on air purifiers that apply photocatalyst technology. Sales of 6.3 billion yen (September 2021). The head office is located in Senba, Chuo-ku, Osaka. "Why Senba? It's fun because there are so many shops," says Junichi Somei, 60, the company's president. We approached the profile of a rapidly growing business owner. (Interviewed by Toru Yoshioka, President of Weekly Osaka Nichinichi Shimbun)

ーThe main reason for leaving Sharp was that it became a subsidiary of Taiwan's Hon Hai Precision Industry.

"It's not a way to quit like a loser. Originally, I was planning to develop a product that applied photocatalyst technology within Sharp.If it is combined with Sharp's air purification technology "Plasmacluster", the performance will be improved. I thought we could outperform our major competitors.There were voices who appreciated my opinion, but there were also those who said, 'Are you denying Plasmacluster?' Then, let's make it by ourselves.I decided to become independent.It is true that the motivation of us engineers has decreased since we became a subsidiary of Hon Hai Precision Industry.In that sense, I joined the founding of Caltech. I may have encouraged the other seven engineers who gave me to leave the company."

ーWhen did you first turn your attention to photocatalysts?

"After graduating from junior high school, I encountered photocatalysts in a chemistry seminar at a technical college. Since then, I studied at university and graduate school.In the first place, photocatalysts were discovered by Japanese people. Akira Fujishima = Tokyo University of Science" In 1967, the university president and professor emeritus of the University of Tokyo noticed that when light was shone on the titanium oxide in the electrolytic solution, gas began to form, which led to research progress. In the more than 50 years of the history of photocatalyst technology, it was only in the last 10 years that innovation occurred.Around 2010, titanium oxide, the raw material for photocatalysts, became available. The crystallinity of titanium oxide was greatly improved.I was able to obtain that material, so I started a business.The difference between titanium oxide before and after the innovation was about the same as that of charcoal and diamond, even though they were made of the same carbon. Without innovation, I would not have started my business.”

ーYou are also working to control the spread of the novel coronavirus using photocatalyst technology.

“In October last year, Heihachiro Ochiai, Public Relations Manager of Caltech, who is a visiting researcher at Nihon University School of Medicine, was in charge of the preventive effect of infectious diseases using Caltech’s photocatalyst sterilization deodorizer. It was demonstrated in an actual hospital room in Tokyo.Although there are examples of other companies confirming the effects of similar products in laboratories, etc., it is extremely rare to demonstrate it in an actual usage space.Caltech is already in a limited space, We have demonstrated that it can suppress infections in people, but we can also expect it to be effective in the actual usage space.In the future, we would like to expand into the medical field."

Caltech President Junichi Somei

ーWhen you were a Sharp employee, the problem of pesticide contamination in your living water in Sri Lanka seems to have been a turning point in your life.

"In a project of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), I was installing LED insect repellent lamps in Sri Lanka to prevent human health damage caused by the spraying of large amounts of pesticides. That's why I was conscious of 'local fit'. The local selection criterion is "cheap", and since the local people prefer pesticides that are cheaper than LED insect repellent lamps, we tried to reduce the cost of LED insect repellent lamps.In other words, we tried to adapt to the local situation. However, when I learned that children were dying from drinking well water that had been contaminated with pesticides, I became more determined to use photocatalysts to purify the world's drinking water."

ー“Designing water, air, and food with photocatalysts” is in the company pamphlet.

"We will deliver products that can respond to the global challenges of air and water purification, and strengthen our brand power so that our photocatalyst technology can be used in all environmental products that the world needs. Purification can keep food fresh and reduce food waste.The possibilities of photocatalyst technology are endless.It can be applied to produce hydrogen from water.Even in terms of energy resources, it is the ultimate in saving the earth. I think it's a device of

What has been the hardest part of your journey thus far?

"I had a hard time securing funds when starting a business, but it was fun. I think that the company's technology with the keyword 'environment' and its attitude of valuing its employees resonated with investors. About 20 companies invested. Securing funds went smoothly, but we faced a technical wall.As I said earlier, the raw material of the photocatalyst is titanium oxide.Because this titanium oxide is in powder form, it has to be liquid. It is necessary to apply it to the filter.However, it will come off if washed with water.We struggled with "Osaka Konamon", but with the cooperation of a photocatalyst manufacturer in Osaka, we devised a method of application.Then, I call it the 'secret sauce'.Although there was a technical barrier, the people who helped me appeared.I realized that everything was a meeting."

ーOsaka will host the Expo in three years.

"Due to the corona crisis, we are not in the economic environment to act actively, but when the time comes, we would like to be actively involved in the Expo as a venture company in Osaka. Our company is located in Senba, Osaka. If it's a normal feeling, I don't develop photocatalysts in Senba.Why here?It's fun because there are many shops.In the nearby arcade street, you won't get wet even if it rains."

-Lastly, please tell us about Caltech's vision for the future.

"The next theme is to make a leap from manufacturing. Caltech's business will shift to material development, which is the source of manufacturing. In collaboration with Tohoku University's famous laboratory for nanoparticle research, we will develop photocatalysts. We are developing materials.We want to create Caltech's original materials and save the earth with photocatalysts.As a result, we believe that how we contribute to society will lead to corporate value."

ーThe spirit of an engineer. I wish you the best. Thank you for today.