It's too luxurious to be able to use "safe water that you can drink" for car washing!What are overseas tap water and car wash situation?

Is Indian tap water dangerous even on your face?

In Asia, hand washing is cheaper than car wash machines

 「飲める安全な水」を洗車に使えるなんて贅沢すぎ! 海外の水道水と洗車事情とは

At the end of 2021, the wind was not so strong in the Kanto area, the weather continued, and in the daytime it was a good day, so it was a great day to wash my car, and I polished my car Corolla into shiny.[Photo] 6 "gaps" of cars that tend to accumulate dirt!In my parents' condominium, it is allowed to wash cars only in the garbage collection site in each building to use the water supply there.Insert a hose into the faucet, wash the car with plenty of water, and always wash the car while thinking, "What are you doing things?"Nowadays, I have been out of the way due to corona, but if you are chasing a fluffy and overseas auto show, you can clearly see that the goodness of Japan's "water situation" is outstanding.First of all, it is "luxurious" that can be used in the world, including in Japan, which can be drunk without thinking and thinking about the tap of the water supply.Some people say that drinking tap water abroad is fine, but in India, it is said that "you can break your stomach just by entering your mouth while taking a shower", so the hotel is 1..Seeing two 5 -liter mineral water every day doesn't make you feel like drinking tap water.When people from India are also looking at the hotel, they are drinking and disinfected tap water in the lobby (many Japanese are still dangerous).In China, the water pipes were too old and a sludge -like water came out of the faucet.In a large city, it is good that both the water purification plant and the water pipe have been up to date, but I heard the urban legend that "it was dangerous to drink because I used suspicious chemicals to erase the smell."be.It may be possible to drink tap water or not, but in other countries, which are not as blessed with water as in Japan in the first place, it is not unusual for countries or regions that ban car wash at home.In that respect, Japan is also a car wash heaven.A rental car company, which is often used in Los Angeles, USA, is carried to a parking lot for vehicles that can be rented without wiping the returned vehicles.It seems to be "naturally dried" with the strong sunshine and dry air of Los Angeles, which was originally a desert, but the water used is something like regenerative water, and the body has a trace of dry carki.It is scattered and is not a "shiny" finish.By the way, it is an area where it rarely rains, so you do not need to wash your car frequently.In China, there is a so -called “car wash shop” in the city, and it seems that car washing is common.If you use people from rural areas, it seems that the cost is lower than the introduction of a car wash, and you have only seen "hand -washing car wash".Even in Thailand, there seems to be a car wash in Bangkok city (I have never seen it), but in the border area with Myanmar, the family who came to work from Myanmar often worked in the "hand -washing car wash".It is said that the finish is good in a short time because of the large number of people, and it is cheap, so there is no car wash machine.Japanese car wash machines seem to be quite excellent, and some exports overseas, but they will be developed countries such as the United States and Germany.The situation said, "I have heard that the development of car wash machines in emerging countries, where the demand for automobiles is still growing," we have to wait for the rising labor costs. "The deterioration of the water situation is severe worldwide, and it is said that Japan is no exception.Nevertheless, we use a lot of water and wash it off, but will this day be limited?

Atsushi Kobayashi