Is it permit to wear goggles?The waist washing aquarium is extremely cold!There is a school pool that moms talk

Did you like pool classes at school in summer?In the summer, some moms may feel nostalgic while preparing for your child's pool.Even now I've been graduating, I still remember the pool -side smell of chlorine peculiar to the pool and the heat of the poolside that burns the soles of my feet.There was a school pool from the memories of moms in the Mama Start Community.

The school pool is cold anyway!?

Although there are differences depending on the area, many schools may open the pool from around June every year.When the pool was just opened, there were days when the temperature did not rise much due to the weather.The water is cool, the shower is cool.I received a voice saying, "It was cold anyway!"

"Even if it rains or the temperature is low, it will not be canceled as" the water is warm "."

"Hell is immersed in the disinfecting pool.Unusually cold "

"The lips are purple, maybe only in the school pool.If you think about it now, it would have been nice to do so much ...]

"I'm happy to put a bath towel during a break"

There was a child who was cold and became purple.At the poolside, some children were trembling while wrapping in bath towels.On a delicate day that has no sun in the sky and can not be canceled, a hell shower and an extremely cold pool.It is one of the nostalgic memories to enter the pool while saying "It's cold and cold!"

Arecole related to swimwear and goggles

Here are some of the swimwear in moms.Will the children now sympathize with them?

"Men's swimsuit is small and uncomfortable"

"The type of swimsuit is different from the current children.There were few places to hide, and I felt embarrassed to forget the hair treatment because my armpits and back were open. "

"There was a girl who wore the back and front of the school swimwear by mistake."

"Wearing goggles was permission system"

"I noticed that I went to school under my clothes and forgot my pants when I changed clothes."

"I can't wear pants easily by changing clothes after the pool."

Just as gym clothes have shifted from bloomers to shorts, swimwear seems to be different in the past.The women's swimwear is not only one -piece type, but also a type of swimsuit with a long and lower design with a longer design.If you are a separate type, it is easy to go to the toilet and it seems to be easy to change clothes.A swimsuit with many hidden parts may be a nice point for adolescent girls.


What made you enjoy in the school pool?

Depending on the grade, the purpose of the pool was gradually different, so in the upper grades, the amount of swimming was increased, so you may have felt that it was difficult.But at the end of the class, there was a long -awaited free time.What did you like to play on the free time of the pool?

"Make and play a pool that all walks all the time."

"The teacher throws chlorine and walks around the shoulder of the previous person in the pool to dissolve.When the flow came, I was told, "Reverse run!"

"Picking up the fun go stone"

"A college student who comes to teach only for summer vacation is cool."

The flowing pool that everyone walks toward the same direction and the treasure hunt for diving practice may have been a classic fun.In the upper grades, the embarrassment peculiar to puberty may come out, but the points that I feel fun may have been the same for both boys and girls.

There is a school pool.Other memories

minority?Or just forgot?Here are the memories of the nostalgic school pool at once.

"Nurnuru moss on the way to the poolside"

Is it the trick to walk with the soles of your feet so that you don't slip?

"Warm water comes out from my ears during the next class"

Evidence of swimming a lot!

"I have more than half menstruation.If you visit, you will be 5,000m in the supplementary lesson.

There is an adolescent girl!?Surely the teacher would have seen it.

"The bead plate rocket jumps"

That trajectory that jumps out of the water from underwater should not be able to derive even a genius mathematician!

"When it comes to free time, several boys jump in even if the teacher says," Don't jump in! "

There is a curious boy who can't help but jump in.

"There is a boy who starts training in the shower"

Regardless of the lower grades or upper grades, there was such a boy ...

Did you sympathize with your mom's memories?As you grow up, you will have less opportunities to enter the pool.Why don't you immerse yourself a little in the summer, remembering that there is a school pool?

Sentence ・ Mikiko Ogino edited ・ Yamauchi Wendy

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