Is there any problem if you send it to the soba noodle "remaining juice" to the drain.What is the case of cup noodles?

Can I throw away soba and ramen juice?

 そばやうどんの「残り汁」、排水口に流しても問題ない? カップ麺の場合は?

In winter, you will have more opportunities to eat warm soba and udon, such as New Year's Soba and Nabeyaki Udon.Cooking is relatively easy, so many people buy soba and udon.By the way, some people may throw the remaining juice after eating soba and udon at the kitchen drain, but can the soba and udon "remaining juice" be flushed on the kitchen drain?Is it better to discard the shinsuyu because the expiration date has expired?We asked the Tokyo Metropolitan Sewerage Bureau and the seasoning manufacturers.[Photo] Classic New Year's Soba!See Nishisoba, shrimp soba, wild vegetable soba

After removing the rest

First, I asked the spokeswoman of the Tokyo Metropolitan Sewerage Bureau.Q.Can the remaining juice of soba and udon be flushed to the kitchen drain? Or shouldn't it be flushed? Also, what should not be flushed to the drain. Person in charge "If the amount of common sense, that is, the amount is discharged at home, there is no problem even if the remaining juice of soba and udon is thrown away in the drain, there is no problem. However, it is not included in the mentsuyu. However, if you flush it together with the remaining noodles and ingredients, the drain pipe may be clogged. Remove the remaining. Do not flush the oil to the drain. The oil has the property of hardening when it cools, so if you pour it to the drain, it will cause clogging of the sewer pipe. In order to prevent oils and fats and vegetables contained in kitchen (chubou) drainage from flowing into the sewer, we request a device called a "grease block (grease lap)". This device is contained in drainage. After removing garbage with a zaru basket, water and oils are separated, and water with a small amount of oils and feet is flushed into the sewage. In the Tokyo Metropolitan Sewerage Ordinance, some exceptions, including small stores. Except for the exception, the business operator is required to install a grease inhibitor in the commercial kitchen. "Q.So, if you eat ramen at home, should you not wash the remaining juice?The person in charge "No. I think the remaining juice of the ramen contains oils and fats, but if it is consumed in ordinary households, the amount of oil is small, so the remaining noodles and ingredients remain.If you do not flush with you, there is no risk of clogging the drain pipe. "Q.So, when the expiration date has passed, or when we open it and dispose of the dollo soup for a long period of time, can we flush it to the drain?Also, it is often said that the remaining juice of cup noodles should not be washed away, but how about this?The person in charge "If the remaining juice of noodles and cup noodles is within the range of common sense, there is no problem even if you throw it into the drain and throw it away. The remaining juice of the cup noodles contains oil and fat.As I mentioned, if it is consumed in ordinary households, the amount of oil is small, so it is okay if you do not wash it together with the remaining noodles and ingredients. "