Interfusion at the ferry landing from South Korea to Ukyo Island, "I tried to land on Takeshima" ... Japan was completely defeated by the spirit of the Korean people.

■ You can only go to Takeshima via Korea

There is a proverb that "Seeing is noticeable at first glance", but this is the truth.I was on the right wing eight years ago.All the conservative speeches around me have criticized South Korea, and I can't say that the Korean guards' illegal occupation "illegal occupation."However, no one had been to Takeshima.Astronomers cannot go to Betelgius or Jupiter, and it is not good to rely on photos of telescope and spacecraft.However, Takeshima is in the administrative division of Kamimane Prefecture, so if you want to go, you can go easily.Therefore, I criticized South Korea's Takeshima occupation, and I thought that it was very unusual to not go to Takeshima, so I landed Takeshima in 2012.

The route to Takeshima will not be able to manage if you swim in the sea from the Islands of Shimane Prefecture, but it is not a superhuman.You really need an approach from the Korean side.In short, there is no way to land on Takeshima from the Korean side with a passport.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs pays attention to this act, "It will be an act of pursuing Takeshima's sovereignty, so please refrain from traveling."There is no penalty for landing in.

■ Receives an interrogation of the Korean police

The Takeshima landing route is really simple.First, go to Busan (Pusan), and take one of the two routes to the Sea of Japan, Soulock Island, where the maritime flight to Takeshima departs and departs.In other words, from the mainland of Korea to Ukyo Island, go to Uranjo City (Pohan and Busan from Busan by bus for less than 2 hours by bus) or Tokai City on the east side of Seoul, and purchase a ferry ticket to Saning the way, there is no airfield on Soulock Island (there seems to be a plan to build).Here is the first barrier.First of all, even if you use a route to Urongo or Tokai to Naning Island, you will always be interrogated by the Korean police.

The only route to Takeshima is via Soulock Island.If there is an unrivaled Japanese, such as landing on Takeshima and raising a Japanese flag, it will be a matter of police, so at the time of crossing to Nanari Island, all Japanese people are stationary to the Korean police in another room at the ferry.He is taken to him and asks, "What is the purpose of traveling to Saning Island?"The Korean police who interrogated me were fluent in Japanese, so all the conversations were Japanese."Of course you know, but you can go to Dokdo (Korean side name) from Saning Island, but you don't plan to go?I'm coming.Naturally, the passport is checked all of the luggage, and the copy of the passport and the Korean identification document written in Korean will be sent to the South Korean Police in the fax for any time, and it will be OK.

My answer here is that there is no problem if I deceive (I am an amateur photographer, so the purpose is to shoot the mountains and nature of Soulock Island. "

■ Arrived at Soulock Island

By the way, from the mainland of Korea, Ukyojima is just over 3 hours for a large ferry.Although it is not well known, the pirates were rampant in the Joseon Joseon Dynasty, so when Lee adopted the uninhabited island policy of "Sorashima Policy", Japanese people settled in the Edo period.There is a fact that I pioneered a petit.Unlike the Hideyoshi administration, which invaded Korea, the Tokugawa Shogunate emphasized the peace route, so he abandoned the territory of Saning Island by protest from the Lee Dynasty (this is called Takeshima one case = the name of the Edo period of Naningojima in the Edo period.Was Takeshima).

Saning Island is a small island and is a fishery area that has no such tourism resources (mainly squid), but there is a sense of unexplored area because it can only be reached from the sea like the Ogasawara Islands in Japan, and tourists from Seoul.Is often visited.Of course, when I arrived at Soulock Island, there were no other tourists who seemed to be Japanese, but there were some Westerners who liked things.I hate to reserve a hotel in a foreign country in advance, so I decided to walk around the city for about 7,000 yen per night.

■ Koreans do not know where to depart and arrive to Takeshima

By the way, the next day, I will finally get on a regular ferry from Saning Island to Takeshima, but of course I did not write any "how to travel to Takeshima" in "How to Walk the Earth", so for locals.Start by listening to the ferry departure and departure directly.On the map I arrived at Yangyo Island and bought at a general store, there was a point where the route to Takeshima was shown on the dotted line, and when I thought that there was no doubt here, it was just a fishing village.The map was wrong.

韓国から竹島上陸 経由地・鬱陵島へのフェリー乗り場で取り調べも 「竹島に上陸してみた」…韓国国民の領土に対する気概に日本は完全敗北していた

From there, I heard about the post office, government office, and restaurants around it in English, and I heard about the departure and arrival of the ferry to Takeshima in English, but even Surprisingly, I went to Takeshima.There is no one who has ever been, and everyone does not know its existence.I asked a young employee at the hotel where the ferry to Takeshima would come from, but on the contrary, I was asked, "Why do you want to go?"When I answered that I wanted to take a picture, there is no island to attach with a word, "I should buy it on the Internet."The first day in Saning Island ended in this way.

On the second day, I started to be frustrated, and on the second day, I thoroughly listened again, and a taxi driver said, "I'll take you because I know."The taxi, who was skeptical, arrived at the departure and arrival of the ferry to Takeshima (Sadon Port) in 20 minutes.The destination was at the end of the eyes and nose.

■ Tickets for Japanese people are prohibited

Here is the second barrier.The departure and arrival of the ferry to Takeshima is a modern facility, and two round trips a day and round trips between Noulong Island and Takeshima.Most of the lobbys that are crowded are only Korean elderly group customers.As a matter of fact, the ship company that operates this ferry is to prohibit the sale of ferry tickets to the Japanese, and has grown information in advance, and if the passport is requested and refused, at the end of the first volume.there were.Finally, it is my ticket purchase in line.I silently stand up my index finger.It means one adult.Then Miss the counter sold a ticket easily, whether I didn't think I was a Japanese.This is exactly what the heavenly protection is.No, I was just lucky.

From here, we will go to Takeshima by high -speed boat, but despite the Sea of Japan, where the sky is clear, it is terrible and terrible.At the time of departure, the group of Korean elderly, who had been drinking Chamisuru (a kind of shochu), silenced them in 15 minutes and vomit and vomiting.The sea surface moved up and down thousands of times, and the inside of the ship quickly turned into a hell picture of ana shouting.Conversely, this confusion may have been one of the reasons I hid that I was Japanese.I also went to the road four times, and on the way home I vomit once.

It lasts two and a half hours for this hell to reach Takeshima.I decided to go home on the way, but it was too late.When I finally arrived in Takeshima, my breath is gone.Takeshima, which has been steadily strengthening effective control since the 1970s, has security soldiers resident and a security soldier dormitory, a heliport, solar panel, a purification water filtration device, ropeway.There is a staircase up to the summit, and a middle -sized pier that can berth in ferry.

■ The actual situation of the strangely rock "Takeshima"

The passengers are dropped on the pier, but the part of Korean passengers is so intensely seasick to get glocky, and it seems that he can not go well with Takeshima.Nevertheless, even if you are sightseeing in Takeshima in the moment, you can not visit the facilities on the top of the island, simply a course on the ferry to the wharf and strolling the concrete revetment for about 50 minutes.However, monuments that claim effective control installed on the wharf for tourists can be observed).

Takeshima's first impression is "strange rocks".The two strange, flooded rocks are suddenly protruding from the sea surface in the sea of the Sea of Japan, and even eerie.Takeshima is just two islands that look down from the sky in news videos and news photos on TV, but when you land and look up, it is a huge number of rocks that you can remind you than you imagined.

There are no trees, and weeds are just stuck on a slightly steep rock slope.On the top of this steep cliff, Korea has set up various types of facilities that are proud of their effective control.How did you make it?Unusually enthusiasm will not want to create a structure or a recycling facility where people can settle at the top of such a strange rock.

In Saning Island, there is the first Dokdo Memorial Museum in Korea, and the exhibition there was how many natural nature unique to Takeshima was, but in fact, one of the sea birds, fish.There is nothing more than a "strangely rock" without encountering.I had not recovered halfway due to the bad feeling of seasickness, but I took less than 1,000 digital cameras with a digital camera I got with the feeling of "I have to take a picture" because of a sense of mission.

■ "Dokdo Museum" in Seoul

In addition, I asked a Korean traveler to take a commemorative pose with Takeshima as a back.A comrade who experienced the hell of a high -speed boat for two and a half hours, it is no longer an atmosphere that will be repatriated even if it is found to be Japanese here.Actually, there is also a "Dokdo Observatory" on the summit of Naning Island, and I climbed here as insurance when landing failed before landing Takeshima, but I confessed to the Korean couple I met at the summit.He had an ice cream and took a commemorative photo with three people.He is actually a neighbor.

The landing of Takeshima, which is less than an hour, is over.On the way home, he endured on the floor with the advice of a Korean customer, saying, "It's a lot easier to put your head on the floor."From Saning Island, we will return to Tokai City by boat, then head to Seoul by bus.In the city of Seoul, there is a modern "Dokdo Museum", which was the second most modern "Dokdo Museum" in South Korea, which used advanced technologies, and there was a polite explanation using animation and 3D.A group customer who seemed to be an elementary school student visited, but I thought that I was the only one who actually went to Takeshima in this, and I felt like I had cultivated Dokdo Ai than Koreans.

■ Considering the current situation, there is no doubt that Takeshima is a Korean territory

Like Japanese, most Koreans have never been to Takeshima.The ratio should be much more than Japanese, but it would not be a good idea to think about the reality that the transportation is only a ship at the moment.However, in the mainland of Korea, a model of "Dokdo" is exhibited at the subway station, and even children can sing the song "Dokdo is our territory" with a cappella.On the Korean television, the weather forecast of "Dokdo" is always.In other words, temperature, humidity, precipitation probability, and wind speed are displayed in a separate frame.This extraordinary enthusiasm for the effective control can be understood as soon as you go to the mainland of Korea.

There is no such momentum in Japan.In Japan, the exhibition rooms that enlighten the Takeshima problem are almost rounded in Shimane Prefecture, and there is no territory memorial hall in Tokyo.Every year, Takeshima's Day ceremony was said to be "held by government" before the Liberal Democratic Party seized the government in 2012, but as soon as the LDP actually took the government, the promise was countered.

And most hawks and conservative speeches have actually been to "Takeshima -specific territory, a territory unique to Japan," which can go if you are motivated.If you don't know the situation, you may think that there is no doubt that Takeshima is a Korean territory, given the current situation alone.The Korean Post Affairs Bureau has issued several types of "Dokdo stamps", but Japan Post has never issued "Takeshima stamps" (there is a northern territory.)In this one point, I think you can understand the motivation for the Japanese government's territory.

■ Japanese disgusting Korea, shouting to territory is a folly that does not accompany execution

The second Abe administration has been promoting maintenance and diplomatic Abe, but I don't know where the maintenance is, and what is diplomatic Abe.Liberal Democratic Party members, such as "protecting the territory and territorial waters in Japan!"In the first place, what is a patriot who can't question anything even if the U.S. forces in Japan use Japan's territory and territory as much as possible?

Japan is already completely defeated, given the spirit of the Korean people's territory.At this point, Takeshima is a chilly air sparse theory of Japanese territory, and the Japanese side will not be able to compete with the rationale for the effective control that the Korean side has accumulated.seeing is believing.If you doubt my words and photos, you can go to Takeshima once.For its overwhelming use, we have lost words to the too weak slogan that "Takeshima is a territory unique to Japan", and the tricks of Japanese people's powerful and disgusting Koreans and territories are no execution.You will be able to fully notice.

----------- Kyohira Furuya Literature Born in 1982, Born in Sapporo.He graduated from Ritsumeikan University Faculty of Letters.In addition to contributing to each paper magazine as a conservative customer, he is also a commentator on TV and radio.He is also familiar with nerd culture.He has authored "Research on" consciousness "(Bunshun Shinsho)," Study of Japanese Lear Mitsuru "(Free National Society).---------------

(Literature writer Kyohira Furuya)