Is it catastrophic impact on local fisheries, causing the reputation of the fishermen increasing due to nuclear power and marine release?

The ministerial meeting scheduled for October 27 was postponed due to the disposal of treated water containing residual radioactive material tritium generated by the accident at Tokyo Electric Power Company's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station.

On the 23rd, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Hiroshi Kajiyama, who is in charge of coordinating measures for decommissioning and contaminated water, said, "There is only a limited amount of time (until the decision on the disposal policy is made)," and a decision will be made in the not too distant future. showed the idea to The reason for this is that water that has been purified by the multi-nuclide removal system (ALPS) is stored in tanks on the premises of the nuclear power plant, but there are restrictions on where additional tanks can be installed.

However, the release of ALPS-treated water into the ocean, which was considered a "realistic option" in the report of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's expert committee, is strongly opposed by those involved in the fisheries industry. The reality is that there isn't. Hiroshi Kishi, Chairman of the National Federation of Fisheries Cooperative Associations, said that if ALPS-treated water were to be released into the ocean despite opposition, "it could have a catastrophic impact not only on Fukushima Prefecture, but also on Japan's fisheries." feared.

Release of ALPS-treated water discourages reconstruction

"If ALPS-treated water is discharged, consumers will not eat fish. Isn't it strange that you didn't explain it to us properly?"

Haruo Ono (68), a fisherman from Shinchi Town, Fukushima Prefecture, sees the government's lack of explanation as a problem. After the plan to dilute the ALPS-treated water and release it into the ocean was proposed, the Soma-Futaba Fisheries Cooperative, to which Mr. Ono belongs, also held a national briefing session.

Nuclear treated water increases due to ocean release Concerns about fishermen: Serious reputational damage, catastrophic impact on local fisheries?</p><p>However, ``Only about 5 of the 50 fishermen in Shinchi-cho attended. Not much was known about it, and it was the time when the new coronavirus was prevalent, so not many people gathered,'' Ono said. looks back.</p><p>Since June 2012, the year after the nuclear accident, a fishery called

However, since the efforts are being made while assessing the recovery of demand from customers, the catch in 2019 of the coastal fisheries of the three fisheries cooperatives in Fukushima Prefecture remained at 3,640 tons, 14% of the level before the nuclear accident.

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