In the era of carrying eradication, "caring" is also available.Solved by Panasonic's "hypochlorous acid" mobile disinfecting spray

Panasonic has released the "hypochlorous acid portable spray DL-SP006 (hereinafter referred to as hypochlorous acid bactericidal spray)" using hypochlorous acid.Alcohol type is widespread in disinfecting items, but this is a non -alcoholic only salt and water, and is a product that can be used by children with weak skin and those who are concerned about rough skin.Hypochlorous acid is also a component used in the company's spatial remodeling deodorizer "Giino".

However, many people have the question of "What is hypochlorous acid in the first place?"In this article, we will introduce a wide range of scenes used by hypochlorous acid, as well as the features and usage of the product.

This article also explains structures such as chemical formulas, so the whole article is longer than a normal article.The table of contents is provided below, so if you want to know the scene of using the product, please see from the "How to actually use it? [How to use / procedure]".

table of contents

●[Products introduced this time] ●What is hypochloric acid in the first place? ●How do you actually use it?[Usage / procedure] ●様々なモノに使える ●【まとめ】

[Products introduced this time]


Hypochlorous acid portable spray DL-SP006

Open price

A portable disinfecting spray equipped with a dedicated salt water and a device that produces hypochlorous acid.It is easy to use, just put a special salt water in the main unit and press the switch.About one minute later, you can spray the freshly made hypochloric acid in a place where you are concerned.

専用の塩水パックは本製品に10個付属。1個約50回の噴霧が行えます。また、90個入り(型番:DL-SP10D)も別売でラインナップ(Open price)。

「Hypochlorous acid portable spray DL-SP006」の詳細はコチラ!

What is hypochloric acid in the first place?

Let's explain the components called hypochlorous acid before entering the main unit.

Hypochlorous acid is a disinfecting component that can be used for bacteria countermeasures in various fields.Generally, hypochlorous acid is an aqueous solution that is electrolyzed by salt water, and is familiar to our lives, which are also used to remove pools, purify tap water, and wash ingredients.

CL+contained in hypochlorous acid takes electrons from bacteria and odors, disassembles, and suppresses it.

By the way, "hypochlorous acid" includes "hypochlorous acid water", "electrolytic tsus", and "sodium hypochlorite".

Sodium hypochlorite may have a very highly -removal effect, as used in chlorine bleach, etc., and may cause symptoms such as damaging the skin if directly touches.On the other hand, PH8 generates in this product..It is 5 alkaline electrolytic water "Electrolysis".

Next, let's introduce the effects.

Spraying with this product suppresses the growth of clothing ( * 1), toilet seats, and tables ( * 2).Specifically, the clothing is 99%inhibitory after 60 seconds after spraying electrolytic water, and the bacteria attached to the table, and the bacteria attached to the table are sprayed with electrolytic water and wiped off 5 seconds after 5 seconds.

However, hypochloric acid has the property of weakening the effect over time.In this product, we have overcome the weaknesses by making electrolysis with one switch.It has also been realized that a single electrolytic effect lasts for 4 hours.In addition, even if you continue to electrolyze, the effective chlorine concentration is not 250 ppm or more.

※1:衣類の菌の増殖を抑制【試験機関】株式会社テクノサイエンス【試験方法】菌液をしみ込ませた布片(5 cm×5 cm)に電解水を3回噴霧し、60秒間放置後に除菌率を算出(当社規定の試験方法)【除菌方法】電解水を噴霧【対象部分】衣類【試験結果】60秒後、99%抑制

How do you actually use it?[Usage / procedure]

Although the introduction has become longer, I will introduce the specific usage of this product.In this product, a dedicated salt water pack is put in the device itself, the cap is pressed, the switch is pressed, and after one minute, the electrolysis is completed and it can be used.

[Introducing the procedure to use in a gallery format!(You can see the detailed explanation to tap the image)]


When opening a salt water pack, the instruction manual recommends the use of scissors, but we could open it by hand.It can be sprayed about 50 times with one piece, so it is enough for one day.There is no need to add an additional pack on the go, and you can use it before going out every time.

Now, I will explain in the next part of "What kind of scene do you recommend this product?"In addition, this product is not sprayed directly into the human body, but is a product that sprays into things and disinfect.

「Hypochlorous acid portable spray DL-SP006」の詳細はコチラ!

It can be used for various things such as doorknob, table, bag

It is a familiar "thing" that hypochlorate portable spray is active.You can spray bacteria in a place where bacteria are concerned, not to mention when you go out.By the way, some people may be worried about chlorine, but as long as I tried this product during the interview period, I almost did not feel the odor peculiar to chlorine.

[Part 1] Table desk, chair in general

Currently, an emergency declaration has been issued in various places, and it is under the situation where unnecessary urgent outings are refrained, but there are cases where you go out every day.

For example, the basics are a remote meeting, but this product is active when there is a real meeting or meeting.It is possible to take bacteria removal measures by spraying on the conference room desk and chairs.As for how to use, spray and wipe off.

In such a scene, the GetNavi Web editorial department believes that creating the environment is important.Recently, remote is communicating every day, but the number of people who have never actually met is increasing.Not only in the company, but also for business partners.

When you meet these people for the first time, appealing that your company (your department) is taking proper measures can also be a chance to gain security and trust.I think it's important to use a proper device to see the disinfecting in front of you.

These clean products have an essential effect, but in order to meet comfortably and safely meet, it is important to have the essential effects and visualize at the same time.It should lead to the most valuable scenes of spending the same time in the same space.

Also, when I go out, I sometimes eat at a restaurant.In such a case, it is safe to spray this product.Of course, restaurants are very careful about hygiene, but we want to take measures we can do ourselves.Especially when you go to a restaurant with a parent and child with a small child, measures are important because the child does not know where to touch it.It can be eradicated by spraying a table or chair.

In addition, when sprayed on a metal, it may become rust, so wipe it off properly, and when sprayed on a wooden material, it may discolor, so wipe it properly.

[Part 2] belongings such as bags

Hypochlorate portable spray can be sprayed not only on tables and chairs, but also on bags such as bags.It is effective by using it for handle and zipper parts that are often touched frequently.

What I wanted to use in the editorial department was the back of the bag.The back of the bag that can be placed casually on the station or park bench is a place you want to be careful about for hygiene measures.In particular, it is effective because children can put school bags and bags on the ground casually, return home and put them in their room.

Another thing I wanted to use for this was the eco -bag.When bagging products at supermarkets or convenience stores, you will touch the pedestal.You may also use it for shopping carts.Again, supermarkets and convenience stores have sufficient measures, but since there are many people coming and going, the idea is to take measures that you can do yourself.

The bag is OK just by spraying about three times.However, there is a possibility of discoloration, so try it out in an inconspicuous place before using it.

[Part 3] Learning desk, self -study room, library desk, etc.

[Part 1] is close to the content, but let's explain it in that it is a device that children want to have.The peak is now peaked in the exam season, but the hygiene of the child is the most important thing if you are a parent.

Although it is easy to reach parents at home, I am worried as a parent because I am not able to see it when studying in a private school, preparatory school self -study room, or library.It is a countermeasure to have this product.The usage itself is the same as [Part 1].It will be a private or public product, so if you use it, please give a lecture.

[Part 4] Clothing

Hypochlorate portable spray can also be used for clothing.It is OK just to spray three times.Outer and coats are one of the items you want to remove bacteria, as they may take off on the go and place them on a chair or table.

If you use it for clothes, it may fade, like a bag, so you should try it in an inconspicuous place.Be especially careful when using it for leather products.

[Part 5] Pet supplies

In the sense of touching the ground outdoors, pet supplies should be removed.Like humans, direct spraying on pets is NG, but it is used in places where you are worried about clothing, reels, and other walk items to create an environment where you can spend with peace of mind.

[Part 6] Doorknob and intercom

Hypochlorate portable spray is active not only at home but also at home.Doorknobs and intercoms have many contact opportunities around home.Recently, the number of opportunities to use home delivery services is increasing, so it is a point that we want to remove bacteria.

Again, as a repetition, the basic idea is that the delivery staff can do it properly, assuming that they can do it properly.Rather, if you assume that you or your family may have some bacteria, you want to take measures to avoid burden on those who are in charge of infrastructure.

Of course, it can also be used for indoor doorknobs and electric switches.Spray to the place you care about and wipe it off.

[Part 7] Toilet

The toilet is one of the most spots you want to disinfect at home.Typhoma -chlorate cell phobia -disinfecting spray can be used by spraying on the lid part where many opportunities to touch your hands in addition to the toilet seat.

In addition, in families that use hot water toilet seats, switches tend to forget to remove bacteria.It is often used before washing your hands, so you can use it for these parts.

[Part 8] The back of the slippers

A place where you want to remove the back of the slippers.When receiving it in the home delivery service, it is easy to put your feet on the entrance of the entrance as a slipper.Hypochlorate portable spray can be used easily for these parts.

[Summary] Product of care that is not simply "if you can disinfect it?"

We have listed the places where hypochlorite portable spray is active in what is used on a daily basis and situations, but it can be used in various places.

Once again, as a point to consider

・ Do not spray directly on the human body

・ For metal or wood, do not forget to wipe off

・ If you use it for clothing, in an inconspicuous place

There are three.

In addition, the advantage of the hypochlorate portable spray of this product is that freshly made solutions can be used using dedicated devices.In an era where it is valuable to actually meet people, there is an aspect that enhances the precious time each other can comfortably spend each other.

By the way, the storage of this product, outer box and product is solid and suitable for giving as a gift.You can convey your feelings about the other person by giving it to your parents and acquaintances (Yama's child), so why not consider purchasing for such a purpose?

「Hypochlorous acid portable spray DL-SP006」の詳細はコチラ!

* This product is not effective for all bacteria.