Imadoki high school girls infiltrate the Robopen Gin Exam Saving to manipulate mechatronics: Added a video

As a research in the System Design Robot (Machinery Department), a penguin -shaped robot created by the Tokyo Institute of Technology Science and Technology High School (Tokyo Institute of Technology High School) System Design Robot (Machinery Department), Moru Pen!] Was experimented with the penguin pool of the aquarium.

Postscript: Added a video.First, see how it is actually moving.

What the members have is the penguin -type robot "Moru Pen!].The size is compared to ordinary penguins.It is made about 3 times larger.The weight is about 4 kg (it took about 10 to 20 minutes to assemble).

First of all, we talked to members Nao Kondo about this penguin robot.

――Why did you decide to make a penguin robot?

Nao Kondo (hereinafter Kondo): "I really like the Sumida Aquarium as I have an annual passport, and it was very interesting to move the penguin. Why the flipper (wings) is so small.It was strange that I could move through the water with just the top and bottom exercise, so I thought I might understand something if I made it. "

――What did you struggle with when making penguins?

Kondo: "It's a flipper (wing) in the technical part. It's waterproof in the body part. It was my first attempt."

――I felt it was difficult to reproduce the length and softness of the penguin flipper (wings).

Kondo: "I focused on balancing the comfort and texture of the creatures. I actually bent and strip the penguin flipper (wings), and I wanted to make something closer to the real thing."

――Is the material of the flipper (wings) made of?

Mr. Kondo: "It has a three -layer structure, and first cut the photo mold with a laser cutter with a poly propelene. Next, 0 to the penguin bone..A thin iron plate of about 2 mm was made into a bone shape. "

 イマドキの女子高生たちはメカトロニクスを操る ロボペンギン試験航行に潜入:動画追加

――I feel the flipper or the internal structure is heavy, but do you not sink?

Kondo: "In fact, it is a problem to float on the contrary. Because the mechanisms and electrical systems inside are in the tapper, it becomes a floating bag.I have about a kilometer weight. I want to get rid of it in the future, so I need more weight.

――Is the flipper (wing) itself only up and down exercise?

Kondo: "Yes, it's just a simple up and down exercise. With this flipper (wing), it twisted, and the movement will make water on your own.It is important, hardness is quite soft with about two underlets. I couldn't understand this unless I touched it. "

――I heard that you used the 3D printer, but where did you use it?

Kondo: "I made a platform to stop the motor. Actually, there was a difference in the structure and a gap, and it was a place where it was a part that applied, so it was a place where I had to fix it exactly, but there is nothing to stop properly.So let's make it! I came to the conclusion, and there was a 3D printer. "

――Did you use 3D printers?

Mr. Kondo: "3D printers were originally at school, and parts that were never before were made with 3D printers."

――What do you want to do in the future?

Kondo: "I want to make it more small and get rid of it. If I have the opportunity, I would like to sell it at the Sumida Aquarium. The more I see the penguin, the less" cute "and the" respect "becomes" respect ".It's coming. Why is it such a beautiful curve, why can you swim so much .... The penguins themselves are biological, but for example, engineering parts like us?I haven't been able to find it yet. I don't have much robot, so I would like to swim more with penguins and explore the reaction of penguins and operations in the seawater pool. "

Before the operation test, I decided to move it in the aquarium first.

Move the flipper (wing) using the remote control to check the operation.It seems that the movement will change due to the difference between seawater and tap water, and seawater will move better.

By the way, this aquarium is located in the backyard penguin room.The penguins were curiously staring at the experiments.

It is the moment of the test navigation in the actual penguin pool.The actual penguin pool looks like this.

At first, the penguins ran away, but "Morupen!Penguins approached.

To be honest, I couldn't get the image until I saw it at first, but when I saw it actually moving, I swam as smoothly as a penguin, and I was impressed.I am looking forward to improving more smooth movements and diving.

Finally, everyone took a commemorative photo of success.

I would like to look forward to future evolution.And, "Moru pen!I will upload videos that actually moved, so please look forward to it!

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