I heard from a college student & high school Proma Incurfter and finally understood.Minecraft with RTX BETA was amazing here!!

――Please tell us your first impression of playing MineCraft with RTX Beta

Kan: The impressions seen in the Internet articles and the impact of playing are completely different.I did it.

Does it make sense for the reflection of light to become real in the world created by blocks?I thought there was a place, but when I actually played it, Minecraft and the late racing are the best compatibility.


――What would the Light Racing seem to affect the world?

Yeah: The most shocking thing was that the iron block was properly iron.Until now, iron blocks were used as mere gray blocks, but when making buildings in the RTX version, it is necessary to understand the individuality of the block properly, such as using iron blocks properly in the iron part.I think it will come out.Definitely your expressiveness will increase.

I am also doing CG production and I am not sure about the material (work to set the texture), so it is exciting to think that it can be realized in minecraft in minecraft.I can make textures myself, so I want to make it insanely.


――The texture creation guide in the RTX version is also available on the NVIDIA site.

大学生&高校生プロマインクラフターに聞いてやっと分かりました。Minecraft with RTX Betaってココまで凄かったのかっ!!

Kan: I think that you can create a full -reflection block that reflects like a mirror, or to create a block that reflects all reflections, so I think the expressiveness will expand considerably.

In addition, because it realizes realistic light movements, I think it has a considerable meaning from the education perspective of why the actual substance looks like this.There is no lie in the expression of light when placed or watered.

――What kind of world do you want to make use of Light Train?

Ka: I had made a mirror in a pseudo manner, but in the RTX version, I would like to make a trick world that makes the most of the late racing, such as using a block that is reflected in all reflections.


――What is the unique RTX version?

Kan: You have the trust of the screen.With a shadow mod (an extension kit that realizes a beautiful shadow with the Java version of Minecraft), it is designed to make it look more beautiful, such as when the expression of the water is not well expressed.I sometimes work on the architecture that came to the shadow MOD, but I think that a late racing will express the light that is close to the real world as much as possible, so I think it will be possible to make a building with a construction method that is close to reality.increase.

In order to make it look beautiful with a shadow mod, I put a flashy color block, and I thought it was a contradiction in putting a lie in order to make it look real, but the RTX version has a sense of security that I don't need.There is.


――What are the highlights that Katoriku recommend?

Kan: This is where the appearance changes depending on the angle of the line of gaze on the water surface.When approaching to the end of the water, the water is almost invisible and closer to the total reflection.

In addition, the refractive index is the same as the reality, so the underwater things look large.If you think that you could catch a big fish, it would be small if you came out of the water, but it is amazing that it can be expressed with minecraft.