I chose to be a muslim -the decision of the Japanese women

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Motoni Tagawa

2017/06/08 (Thursday) 10:17 Delivery


There are about 1.6 billion Muslims (Muslims) worldwide.It is the second most common after Christians.In Japan, the number of foreign tourists in Muslims will increase, and the airport will have a worship room at the airport, and the number of restaurants compatible with Haral will increase.On the other hand, some people may have imagined terrorism by Islamic extremists who frequently occur overseas.Under such circumstances, some Japanese live in Japanese society, convert, and start living as a Muslim.(Non -fiction writer Nakahara Ichiroya / Yahoo! News Special Special Editorial Department)

Last Samgyeopsal

Mai Watanabe (35), who lives in Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture, has been converted after the marriage of Libyan Ardel Slayman (29) and became Muslim.She grew up in a family without religion, so her religion itself is her first experience.

Mai works for a company that travels abroad and is planning a trip and arranging local fields.She traveled many times in the Middle East.Ardel, who was born between Libyan father and Japanese mother, came to Japan at the age of 18 after graduating from Libyan high school.It was a chance that Ardel was working part -time at a travel agency where Mai was working.

Mai -san was aware that she became a muslim was a conversation that had been dating a few years after dating.

"If you get married and the dance becomes muslim, will you be worried?"


At that time, I thought, "Well, if I marry him, I will be a muslim.""Muslim" means "decline" in Arabic.The only god, Allah, lives with the teachings of Allah.She was married to him and became her family, but she was happy, but she didn't realize that she had a religion.

Fasting every year in the ramadan month (9th month in the Islamic calendar).From sunrise to sunset, it is obliged to cut off eating and drinking.Restorate the joy of relaying to God by purifying the body and cutting off desires.It is an indispensable annual event.

"I had dating his fasting (during dating). I couldn't drink water in midsummer, so I had dehydration ... and I believe in God's existence somewhere.I couldn't do it "(Mai)

In principle, Muslim can only marry Muslim.Jewish and Christians are allowed for male marriage partners, but only Muslims are allowed for women's marriage partners.

It was Ardel's words that pushed Mai's back between "life with him" and "religion".

"I think religion is not" just believing in God ", but" whether to grab life with your own will ".

Adel says, "It's the root of how to live as a Muslim to find a good companion to grow up, and to respect not only parents, but also older families.

"It is absolutely forbidden to be forced by conversion. For example, I will explain over time, such as why Muslim does not drink alcohol, whether sexual negotiations are not allowed until they get married, or not to eat pork.You need it. If you can't do that, the relationship between them will be up to then. That process is important. "

In 2013, the two wedes in the mosque in Kobe.Mai declared her marriage under the name of Allah in front of her parents, her parents, and Mai became Muslim under the Islamic law.

A few days before the wedding.Mai was invited by her friends to eat Samgyeopsal (pork -rose grilled meat in Korean cuisine).Pigs are contraindicated in Islam.She felt that this was the last time to eat pork, and she felt so delicious that she had tears."I miss the fresh smell of pork and the laughter with her friends," she says.

Halal powdered milk ordered from Australia

The first Ramadan moon after getting married.In July of the Christian era, Mai was in the middle of her serving work.Her destination is Nordic.

"(I can only eat after sunset during the ramadan), so the sun doesn't sink because it's a white night. I'm at work and I can't eat without drinking."

When I talked to Ardel in Japan, I got an unexpected reply.

"If you are on board, you will move from the country to the country. There is a legitimate reason, and those who travel across the border do not have to do Ramadan."

Originally, the legitimacy of these religions is determined by Islamic lawyers.However, the interpretation varies depending on the country and region, and that the final decision was left to the individual, Ardel was taught and raised.Mai feels that this free judgment and personal discretion are Islamic tolerance.

I got a girl in my second year after getting married, but I had a hard time raising my child.

"It's hard to find a hararu powdered milk."

Islam has the idea of "haram (prohibited)" and "hararu (forgive)".In the case of food, the pork and sake are "Haram".Other vegetables, fruits and fish, cows and sheep processed under Islamic rituals are "harals".


"Even if the milk itself is not included, in the case of Japan, pork -derived ingredients are often used as raw materials for emulsifiers and packing materials."

In the end, powdered milk had no choice but to order from overseas.

If it is the first time to raise a child, it is the first time that you become a mother as a muslim.What is encouraging is the existence of Ardel's mother, Hiroko Sato.Hiroko moved to Libya 40 years ago after her marriage, and she raised her three sons.

"In the Arab countries, society itself is moving mainly in religion. Ramadan is hard during the day, but after sunset, it becomes lively and like a festival. It is very fun.There is no, so it's hard to keep motivation. "(Mr. Hiroko)

"Friendly to others" attracted to Islamic society

According to Professor Hirofumi Toda of Waseda University, who is familiar with the current situation of Muslim in Japan, about 110,000 Muslims live in Japan.Approximately 100,000 foreigners and the rest are Japanese.Among them, about 9,000 Japanese, like Mai, became muslim due to marriage.Most are estimated to be women.

There are about 2,000 Japanese who have converted to Islamic religion.Yuki Yuki (31), who lives in Tokyo, is one of them.

Yuki went to the Middle East at the age of 23.

"Since I was puberty, I was in agony of what I was living for. It was a religion that filled the gaps in the empty heart."

The trigger was a TV documentary program.Morocco in North Africa."What a beautiful country? I want to go someday."As you are attracted to the beautiful sight, you know and become interested in the existence of Islam that people worship.

At one point, I saw a woman like a Muslim in a local Fukuoka."I said to talk. She was a Malaysian who attended a Japanese language school, and I was the first Muslim I met in my life. I study more through her, who is in Japan while practicing Islamic teachings.I decided to go to Tokyo because I wanted to do it. "

After that, the dream of studying abroad in the Arabic speaking countries was raised, and the money I saved by the part -time job went to the Middle East.So he learns a real Islamic society where religion and life are integrated.

"There is no society that is as friendly as others as Muslim's society. And we do not seek a reward for the kindness of people. The community is established."

Yuki converted to Islam in Syria, who visited his second trip.She got married to her husband and her friend in a trade -related job.

After that, Yuki's most anxiety after returning to Japan was to find a job.

"I was worried that I would be judged by a scarf before, such as worship problems. I thought that if it was accepted if it was a foreigner, it would be a different story if it was a Japanese and a woman.rice field"

The first job was found in a cafe attached to the international exchange center in the city where I lived.There were a lot of foreigners coming and going, and even if I had a scarf, I did not become alone.On the other hand, she was surprised by the customer, "Which country is you?"

The scarf is "proof that I am me"

One Sunday in April.The Yuki family went to a park in Tokyo with friends of Muslim living in Japan.Children's voices echo in a park on holidays, which are crowded with families.

Suddenly, a few men began to pray on the ground, saying that they had somehow humming, without being able to catch the eyes.

"Allah Acbal Alah Acbal" (Allah is great)

"Ashhad Anra Iler Hulah Ruller" (Allah is the only god)

They are those who came from Pakistan, Turkey, Bangladesh, etc., and Yuki and other Japanese Muslims.Even if the nationality or native language is different, it is connected by being a muslim.

Yuki is currently working in a mosque in Tokyo and is riding a life consultation of Muslim living in Japanese society.

"In Europe and the United States, discrimination and harassment against Muslims are everyday. In Japan, there are rarely women who have been harassed, such as being removed from a scarf.However, in the first place, there are extremely few windows where Japanese Muslim women can consult. "

Yuki says, "If you walk with a scarf, you can see it with a strange face."Nevertheless, she says, "Wearing a scarf is a proof that I am me."

However, the reality is that the world situation surrounding Muslims is severe.Yuki is anxious that the religion of the culprit in the terrorist attack is equated just because of Islam.

"Their actions are clearly against Islamic teachings. In Syria, when a Japanese journalist was killed as a hostage (in the Islamic country), Muslims all over Japan were sad.I got stuck. I was worried about what would happen in a situation that was blamed. At that time, a bouquet with a message saying "It's okay" arrived in the mosque. Muslim.I felt hope for the Japanese society that I recognized as a neighbor. "

According to Professor Shikida, "interest in Islam is growing in Japan. That is a very good thing."On the other hand, he says, "The way of life that is based on religion than nationality and ethnic groups may not be familiar to many Japanese who are less interested in religious religions."

"It seems that more people are interested in Islam as" religion "but" intercultural ", but I don't think many people think they are the subject of religion. Of course, mutual understanding is important, but first of all, Islam.Isn't it important to respect religion? "

It has been more than 80 years since Mai and Adel were married in Japan in Japan.The Muslim community is taking root in Japan.

Mai and Ardel always discuss what to do if they say they want to come when their daughter grows up and the ego grows.

"Muslim women should not expose their skin as much as possible. He has never been forced to me, but he has declared that she will put her pants on it.I was born and my friends are wearing a skirt, but I think it would be difficult to live if I was the only pants. "

Nakahara Ichigo Born in 1977.Non -fiction writer.He is also active in magazines and weekly magazines, as well as television and radio composition writers under the theme of "food and politics."Her books include "Fumio Kondo, the last craftsman Shotaro Ikenami loved" and "Miracle Disaster Volunteer" Ishinomaki Model "".The latest issue, "Katsuden Kobayashi, where the recipe remains even if I die."

[写真]撮影:Motoni Tagawa写真監修:リマインダーズ・プロジェクト後藤勝

List of Japan and international society (12)