Hyogo and Mita are assumed to use a water purifier development evacuation center for high -purity drinking water and rainwater, and living water.

A water purification device that can purify two types of water with different purity = 1 Tenjin, Mita City

"Senyo Tech" (Higashi Honjo, Mita City, Hyogo Prefecture), which sells home delivery water, has developed a water purification device that can supply living water and drinking water using river water and rainwater. The technique of purifying water with different purity at the same time is called innovative, and is assumed to be used in the event of a disaster. "After the Great East Japan Earthquake, I began to feel social responsibility as a company that handles water," said Yoshinaka Hasegawa (40). Since then, the company has been providing water free of charge to areas where large -scale water is cut off due to earthquakes and landslides. The water purification device developed this time is "Rain Sepper Aqua System". It is assumed to be used in shelters and large -scale commercial facilities. In the past, local government water trucks have almost been able to secure water, but there were also issues such as securing and maintaining vehicles, and road conditions in the affected areas. "I felt the need for a system that could self -sufficient water in each region," said Hasegawa. In addition to rainwater in tanks, it can be used in rivers, ponds, and pool water. Remove all impurities and purify high -purity water treated with "reverse osmotic membranes", which is also used when sewage water water is destroyed. There are two faucets in the device, drinking water is 5.2 liters per minute, and living water that can be used for toilets can be supplied each minute. When humans convert to the amount of water needed a day, it can secure up to about 2500 drinking water for one unit (about 4,300 living water). Even in normal times, if you use a purified living water in a toilet, etc., it can be used to save water bills and use resources effectively. President Hasegawa said, "I would like to help secure water in the stricken area while making the most of the limited resources." The installation and maintenance costs cost separately for 3.3 million yen per unit. It is scheduled to be sold from April 15. Senyo Tech TEL079.560.0410 (Yuki Komori)

 川や雨水を高純度の飲み水、生活水に 兵庫・三田の業者が浄水器開発 避難所の活用を想定