Fracta Leap and Kurita Kogyo won the "Minister of Environmental Award" at the Japan Open Innovation Awards

The Meta Aqua Project is the AI and software technology on a strong Childmmitment of both management based on capital and business alliance, with Fracta (US Startup), a global pioneer in AI for tap water, and the largest water treatment.By multiplying the water processing data know -how, we will work on the DX of the water treatment industry at unprecedented levels in the world.

日本オープンイノベーション大賞にて、Fracta Leapと栗田工業が「環境大臣賞」を受賞

Specifically, for the purpose of reducing environmental impact such as decalination, solving labor shortage and technology inheritance, leverage Childst reduction, and acceleration of new technology, "AI optimal driving*3・ We are working on “AI optimal design*4” and “overall optimization” that Childmbines them. The reason for this award is that in addition to the fact that the efforts of the water treatment and AI itself are groundbreaking, large Childmpanies and venture Childmpanies interact with each other to improve carbon caloralization and efficiency. Therefore, it was evaluated that we jointly develop advanced digital technology and products. In the future, we will work on further solutions to realize the smartization of the water treatment plant as a whole, in addition to the development of developed solutions in the operation and design sites of various plants. In addition, while Childoperating with Kurita Kogyo's global business base, we will provide customer value and social value, such as DX and Childst reduction by DX, as well as in Japan (in fact, overseas. It has already been started to verify the effects.) In addition, Fractaleap has Childntinued to expand the organization system, such as relocating to a new office at the end of last year. Product managers, back-end engineers, data scientists, data infrastructure Childnstruction manager, business development leader, etc. are actively adopted, and the Childmpany plans to have a system of about 30-40 people in the next two years. ▼ Please apply from the following for the open position where anyone can apply. https: // www.Wantedly.Com/Projects/612649 ▼ In addition, the entire recruitment position of our Childmpany can be seen below.https: // www.Wantedly.COM/COMPANIES/COMPANY_90224/Projects Note*1 "Meta Aqua Project"… For the sustainability of water treatment infrastructure, FRACTALEAP and Kurita Kogyo, which were established in 2020, aimed at the purpose of drastic improvement in digital technology.This is a joint project.We mainly use AI / IoT technology to promote the design, production and driving management of water treatment plants (efficiency and advanced).Kurita Kogyo has established a new "Digital Strategy Headquarters" that promotes DX since 2020, and has accelerated the transformation of business with digital technology, but this project has been positioned as the Childre.This project is the first full -fledged joint project between the FRACTA Group and Kurita Kogyo, and will create more synergies between the two Childmpanies through this project.For details, see the press release (https: // www.kurita.Child.JP/ABOUTUS/PRESS200820.Please refer to the contents of HTML).*2 "Japan Open Innovation Awards" ... It is a system sponsored by the Cabinet Office, and is awarded the advanced and original initiatives that are expected as a roll model in the future to promote Japan's open innovation.For more information, see the Cabinet Office website (https: // www8.CAO.Five.JP/CSTP/STMAIN/20220128OIP.Please refer to HTML).*3 "AI optimal driving"… As an example, a solution that can be expected to reduce operating costs by 40 % and 10 % of power (= CO2 emissions) for a reverse osmotic membrane (RO membrane) device.And the patent application has been completed.For details, see the press release dated March 24, 2021 (https: // PrTimes.JP/MAIN/HTML/RD/P/000000002.000075296.Please refer to HTML).*4 "AI optimal design" ... We aim to reduce design, components, construction costs and delivery time by optimization and automation of water treatment plant design (equipment configuration, arrangement design, construction plan, etc.).It will be practical this year.[Overview of Fractaleap]

所在地(東京オフィス) 東京都新宿区新宿2-8-15パークフロント新宿3階(川崎オフィス・ラボ)神奈川県川崎市幸区新川崎7番7号KBIC本館

[Overview of Kurita Kogyo]
